Some various observations about all the movies.

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Padawan Learner
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Some various observations about all the movies.

Post by MrAnderson »

Here are a few things that come to mind watching the movie and also taking all 6 movies together.

1. ANH - "We don't serve their kind here. Your droids they'll have to wait outside." LOL, makes much more sense now. Clones are not ever mentioned as hated in the movies. But it would make sense that quite a bit of latent hatred exists for droids since they are the great evil of the Clone War.

2. Obi-Wan takes Anakin's lightsaber. I know I know everyone saw it. Just think it was a nice touch to include that.

3. Death Star in ROTS. Unless the book says otherwise I am going with the belief that we saw the frame to the DS1 and it was a working prototype for the DS2 if ROTJ. This would make sense that something this long would take close to 20 years to build (not just in size but in complexity).It also means that the DS2 was probably started only a few years after DS1 was started and built in tandem with DS1 being the test bed.

4. Mace Windu - He epitemizes the "arrogant" Jedi that Youda speaks of in AOTC. He does everything possible to antagonize Anakin and does it with an annoying smug look on his face.

5. Obi-Wan was way too hard on himself in ANH. He was not a poor teacher. Anakin would have made a great Jedi if his best friend had not happened to be the Dark Lord of the Sith.

6. Jar Jar is better seen and not heard. He never speaks in ROTS and is seen around Palpatine at least once. Palpy groupie anyone?

7. Chewbacca is quite old and a wookie of great importance seeing as how he and one other wookie spend all their time around Yoda while green is on planet.

8. Jedi have incredible heat disipation abilties. How much heat must Obi-Wan and Anakin have resisted while dueling?

9. Clone troops really shouldnt like the Jedi anyway. How many clones are basically used as fodder by the clones? The very first engagement on AOTC thousands are wasted to save a couple dozen Jedi who walked into an obvious trap. Much smarter would have been to BDZ the planet and whiped out its heavy production facilities in one swoop. BDZ the instant Yoda arrived would have also killed Dooku and all the Sep leaders before the war even had a chance to get off the ground.

10. The Republic military and or the Jedi have the ability to search the entire Republic for one man in less than a day. Grevious was gone only for a day at most when Jedi Conehead said that there was no sign at all. This statement alone was enough the Yoda to say check the outer systems which suggests that everyone concludes that the search could NOT have missed him.

11. Dont screw with the little green guy. Open field with no threat of Clone Warriors interrupting the fight I would give the battle to Yoda. The biggest reason for his loss was he realized that the battle would take far too long for Yoda to win and Clone troops would certainly arrive before then and guaruntee the Emperor would win. Better to escape when you can then push a situation to cannot win in the alloted timeframe.
That is the sound of inevitability.
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