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If I had the Force, I'd probably be like...
Posted: 2002-11-29 03:51am
by Coyote
Pick a character that you would probably end up with if you developed Force powers and could be a Jedi or Sith adherent. Not necessarily what you would WANT to be in an ideal world, but what you really think you would end up acting as with these powers given to you.
Posted: 2002-11-29 03:53am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
I'd be like Anakin.
At first I'd do good for people, opening doors, helping them carry things, dodging killer litter, etc.
Then, when people start hating me I'll become jaded.
EVentually I'll you my OFrce powers to trip people, flip skirts, mindtrick everyone, etc.
Posted: 2002-11-29 03:58am
by Shinova
I'd be like Qui-gonn, although I'd try to go farther Force-wise on both sides.
Posted: 2002-11-29 07:13am
by Warspite
I would go with Qui-Gonn Jin also... And then get that million dollars from the Randi Institute!
Posted: 2002-11-29 08:19am
by Soontir C'boath
Be like Palpatine and CONTROL THE GALAXY! Without that idiotic bullshits such as in Endor.
Posted: 2002-11-29 08:20am
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Nagaa Sadow I'd be.
Posted: 2002-11-29 10:19am
by Mad
I'd like to be Mace, but I doubt I'd end up that well off. I wouldn't be Luke because he thinks (and whines) "is this too Dark?" far too much -- much more than I do with my actions.
So I'd end up as Qui-Gon or Anakin. I picked Qui-Gon because I think I'd end up using my abilities for good overall, but even when my actions or dubious, I wouldn't use the violence Anakin does. Well, unless I'm pushed too far.
Posted: 2002-11-29 10:58am
by Ghost Rider
Palpatine...Sorry that much power in my's over for the nearest annoyance.
Oh yes life would definitly be better...
Posted: 2002-11-29 11:28am
by Mr Bean
Qui-gon for me, though I feel the draw of the Darkside
Posted: 2002-11-29 01:14pm
by neoolong
Qui-gon though with a little taking over everything like Palpatine in me.
Posted: 2002-11-29 02:43pm
by Lord Pounder
I picked Palpy. Whats the use in being so powerful if you use that power only to help other people, Other people normally wouldn't piss on your corpse if you were on fire.
The purpose of power is to weild it.
Posted: 2002-11-29 02:59pm
by Vertigo1
I'd definitely want to be like Mace.
Posted: 2002-11-29 03:05pm
by Exonerate
I'd be neutral, but less good than Qui-Gon, if you know what I mean. Just stay out of the Jedi and Sith order... Would have access to powers for both sides of the force
Posted: 2002-11-29 03:07pm
by Raptor 597
Granted, Mace is badass. But I'd still rather Rule the Galaxy. You bastards! if you copy & ppaste you know my evil plan!
Posted: 2002-11-29 03:10pm
by XaLEv
I'd be like no force user ever before, because I would be neutral, neither Light nor Dark side (yet both at the same time). My apathy would prevent me from slipping towards either end.
Posted: 2002-11-29 03:16pm
by Darth Yoshi
Kyle Katarn. I get the cool powers, and still have a clear conscience.
Posted: 2002-11-29 07:27pm
by Anarchist Bunny
I picked Anakin, but because I'd use the force to pick up chicks.
And I'd take the easiest way out, and horribly miss use my powers, like changing the channel or hitting on chicks.
Posted: 2002-11-30 03:15am
by Coyote
I kinda see Kyle Katarn as a Qui-Gon Jinn type; he's not interested in idealistic crusades or releasing his hatred. He's a middle of the road type, mostly...
Posted: 2002-11-30 04:58pm
by Kon_El
Id probaly be a Corran Horn type of jedi. Evil realy dosent intrest me. Im a big comic book fanboy.
Posted: 2002-11-30 07:49pm
by Mad
Corran Horn is another Qui-Gon/Kyle Katarn type as far as Force usage goes. He'll use the Force to accomplish his purpose, regardless of how "Light" or "Dark" the powers are. But his purpose is always good, and Corran is ready to sacrifice himself for his friends or for a purpose he believes in, which keeps him on the Light Side.
I'd be like Corran, well, because he thinks a lot like I do. I'd use the Force to accomplish my purposes, but my purposes aren't for my own aquisition of power; I don't care about power.
Oddly enough, neither did Anakin... he wanted power because he wanted to use it to protect people. Anakin went to the Dark Side because he couldn't trust others. When Padme fell off the transport, he didn't think she'd be okay and wanted to help her. On the other hand, Corran let his wife go on dangerous missions because he trusted her. I think that's one of the reasons why Anakin went to the Dark Side while Corran didn't.
Posted: 2002-11-30 11:17pm
by Coyote
Yes, a lack of self-assurance, and a lack of confidence in others. Anakin's road to the dark side is one that is paved with good intentions...
I'd probably be a neutralist type Jedi myself; I'm not too interested in personal power. I find it interesting to note here that half the respondants so far would willingly go to the Dark Side, I wonder if they really want to live like the Emperor Palpatine himself?
Many others here are of the middle-of-the-road variety, which I think is a good sign. Too many goody-two-shoes makes the party dull.
Posted: 2002-12-11 10:56am
by David the Hutt
I think I would be a combination of Exar Kun and emperor Palpatine. I think they are the two coolest Sith lords. They both liked to visit Korriban.
Posted: 2002-12-11 11:05am
by starfury
I would be like anakian skywalker, at first trying to help people and eventually getting tired of shit and start strangling people, cutting heads off,etc.
Posted: 2002-12-11 09:07pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
I picked Qui-Gon.
The only reason why Luke whines about what he does is too dark is because he doesn't know jack shit about how the old Jedi Order and because he's been tempted to the Dark Side before and knows how hard it is to throw away that temptation once you got a taste of that power. So he looks down upon using any Dark Side power at all.
Posted: 2002-12-11 09:47pm
by The Dark
I would be in between Luke and Qui-Gon. I would try to stay away from Dark Side powers, but not let that get in the way of doing the greatest good. Luke from Jabba's Palace is probably the most like me: "I'm here to do what's right and don't get in my way, or you will regret it."