Page 1 of 2 Releases List of Easter Eggs
Posted: 2005-05-27 03:47am
by Fire Fly
Well, here you have it, a list of some Easter Eggs. Until DVDs come out or someone else documents them via certain means, this is probably the most complete list to date. Plus, it has some very pristine pictures.
Easter Eggs
Apparently, Pablo Hidalgo has a cameo role. One of the Easter Egg pictures I found really interesting was when Obi-Wan was reviewing the hologram security tapes. You see two Jedi fighting against Anakin, one who appears to be the librarian and another who is Nick Gillard, stunt coordinator.
Posted: 2005-05-27 03:52am
by Old Plympto
Soooo Luminara Unduli WAS on Kashyyyk.
Posted: 2005-05-27 05:53am
by VT-16
Someone claimed there is a KOTOR-era Republic ship flying past the Temple in the first Council scene (where Anakin is given a place). It supposedly passes behind Obi-Wan going from left to right. Has a hammerhead-style bridge or something. It was seen in KOTOR when a Republic fleet attacked the Star Forge.
Posted: 2005-05-27 07:24am
by Darth Fanboy
Holy freakin Crap, I never really knew how much bigger the TF "Donuts" were compared to Venators!
Posted: 2005-05-27 07:48am
by Imperial Overlord
Darth Fanboy wrote:Holy freakin Crap, I never really knew how much bigger the TF "Donuts" were compared to Venators!
Yep. Seeing the numbers is one thing, seeing them next to each other is another.
Posted: 2005-05-27 09:44am
I spotted the tiny millenium falcon, but I figured it was just another YT-1300
Posted: 2005-05-27 11:40am
by Praxis
I spotted the Falcon and I heard the Wilhem.
I also am absolutely sure I saw Klingon text. Someone told me where to watch for it and I did, and I saw it clear as day.
Posted: 2005-05-27 11:44am
by Crossroads Inc.
The Wilhem! so I DID Hear it! That was so COOL! I remember watching the movie, and right as a Republic Gun emplacment gets thrashed on a Venator, I hear the fermilar "aaah-AHHH!" Two part scream of the Wilhem...
It's funny, no one really knows whoes voice that is...
Posted: 2005-05-27 11:52am
by Praxis
I had a friend with me, I had told him what the Wilhem was after he got Spider-Man 2 DS and every time he killed an enemy I'd hear that sound. We were watching episode 3 and when the Wilhem went off he immediately sepun to face me and said, "That was the wilhem!"
Yep, several of us heard it at once
I LOVE that scream.
Posted: 2005-05-27 11:54am
by Dartzap
Whie from Dark Rendevous WAS in there!
getting bitch slapped by Anakin, but silll in there
Posted: 2005-05-27 11:56am
by Frank Hipper
Praxis wrote:I spotted the Falcon and I heard the Wilhem.
I also am absolutely sure I saw Klingon text. Someone told me where to watch for it and I did, and I saw it clear as day.
It looked a lot like Klingon, but I doubt it matches exactly...can't remember exactly where it was, on the Invisible Hand's bridge, possibly?
And I knew, I KNEW they weren't going to be sensible and just let that be any old YT-1300, they had to make it be the Falcon...ugh, small world brain bug, indeed.
Posted: 2005-05-27 01:25pm
by Darwin
SVPD wrote:I spotted the tiny millenium falcon, but I figured it was just another YT-1300
it actually looked to me like a 'stock' 1300. It had the conventional engines in back instead of the falcon's big ol array. At least from the tiny glance.
Posted: 2005-05-27 01:51pm
by MrAnderson
Darth Fanboy wrote:Holy freakin Crap, I never really knew how much bigger the TF "Donuts" were compared to Venators!
The donuts are converted freighters while the Ven's are dedicated warships. Of course there should be a huge size difference.
Posted: 2005-05-27 02:07pm
by Isolder74
MrAnderson wrote:Darth Fanboy wrote:Holy freakin Crap, I never really knew how much bigger the TF "Donuts" were compared to Venators!
The donuts are converted freighters while the Ven's are dedicated warships. Of course there should be a huge size difference.
Yes the size of some freighter would make them appear to be great warships if not for the vfact their internal structures are not reinforced like a dedicated warship. It appears the Trade Federation's battleship's forte is as a carrier and an assault ship(for Dropping troops). The entire Seperatise armada seems made up of converted freighters.
The Falcon being around in the PT does nothing to ruin continuity. It does not have a history before it gets in the hands of Lando.
The fact that is was around, apperently brand new, so far back speaks volumes about the sturdy construction of Star Wars Ship. The Tantive IV does this as well. The Corillians build damn good ships!
Posted: 2005-05-27 02:22pm
by Ra
Frank Hipper wrote:It looked a lot like Klingon, but I doubt it matches exactly...can't remember exactly where it was, on the Invisible Hand's bridge, possibly?
It was on Mustafar, when the shield generator keeping the lava back goes down. The warning screen has what appears to be Klingon writing. In fact, I couldn't really see the difference between that writing and Klingon, although some Trekkie might know the difference.
- Ra
Posted: 2005-05-27 02:53pm
by VT-16
And I knew, I KNEW they weren't going to be sensible and just let that be any old YT-1300, they had to make it be the Falcon...ugh, small world brain bug, indeed.
They had a couple of YT-1300 freighters in AOTC as well, on the Naboo spaceport. (I believe one might even have been the same model as the "Bespin Bandit" from DE II).
Posted: 2005-05-27 03:18pm
by Crossroads Inc.
I would have liked to see an ActionIV Frighter somewhere ((or is that VI? I forget))
Of course heres a question... Has anyone looked up at close at just WHATS flying in the background on Courscont? I mean the flyinf cars and such? Are there dozens of secrets put in that are just too small to see? Are is it a few ships repeated over and over to make it look like thousands of ships in those 'Freeways'
Posted: 2005-05-27 03:53pm
by McC
VT-16 wrote:Someone claimed there is a KOTOR-era Republic ship flying past the Temple in the first Council scene (where Anakin is given a place). It supposedly passes behind Obi-Wan going from left to right. Has a hammerhead-style bridge or something. It was seen in KOTOR when a Republic fleet attacked the Star Forge.
You can see several ships in the wide shots (not the Obi-Wan shot) that exhibit this general form. Whether or not they're the KOTOR-era warships is indeterminate.
Posted: 2005-05-27 04:02pm
by VT-16
I saw them again, they´re the freighters that Zam´s speeder passes several times in the shipping area during the speeder chase in AOTC. They are black, smooth-hulled and look like cylinders with that "hammerhead" in front. Looks like this is one sighting that´s debunked. :wink
I would have liked to see an ActionIV Frighter somewhere
Naboo spaceport, AOTC.
And, yes, they do put the same things over and over again to give the illusion of multitude. I kept seeing the same transport-cycle over and over again. One took an eternity just passing Anakin´s head.
There seemed to be some fast-moving fighter-like ships in the background of one of the veranda scenes (during the day). Could it have been Z-95s or something?
Posted: 2005-05-27 04:07pm
by The Original Nex
And, yes, they do put the same things over and over again to give the illusion of multitude. I kept seeing the same transport-cycle over and over again. One took an eternity just passing Anakin´s head.
In SoD you could simply say that they're part of some frieght company on Coruscant, which would explain their multitude, just like tractor trailers and other frieght related vehicles are very common on our freeways.
Posted: 2005-05-27 04:19pm
by VT-16
That´s true, and there were alot of blocky "truck-speeders" zooming by as well, so it makes sense.
I liked the multiple Naboo Skiffs, though. Nice to see more people have good taste in personal space cruisers.
Posted: 2005-05-27 05:15pm
by Mange
VT-16 wrote:And I knew, I KNEW they weren't going to be sensible and just let that be any old YT-1300, they had to make it be the Falcon...ugh, small world brain bug, indeed.
They had a couple of YT-1300 freighters in AOTC as well, on the Naboo spaceport. (I believe one might even have been the same model as the "Bespin Bandit" from DE II).
I thought they were removed for the DVD? I remember seeing them when I saw AOTC in theater, but not when looking at the DVD. I'll have to watch AOTC again.
Posted: 2005-05-27 05:37pm
by DocHorror
On a side note I noticed that ROTS has Padmes magic button appear again.
Posted: 2005-05-27 08:20pm
by YT300000
I saw the YT-1300, though couldn't know it was the Falcon. Also heard Wilhelm. However, I didn't see THX-1138 anywhere. Did anyone see it?
Posted: 2005-05-27 08:21pm
by YT300000
DocHorror wrote:On a side note I noticed that ROTS has Padmes magic button appear again.
The one button see pressed to do everything? Maybe its an "enter" equivalent.