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Yoda and the Rule of Two

Posted: 2005-05-27 09:28pm
by GeneralTacticus
As we all know, Yoda introduces us to the Rule of Two in TPM with the statement that "always two there are: a master, and an apprentice" (or something of that nature). My question is: how did he know? As far as the Jedi knew, the last Sith had died out a thousand years before, and they certainly hadn't adhered to such a rule (which was why they lost). How would Yoda know that if the Sith were around now, they'd be restricting themselves to two members?

Posted: 2005-05-27 09:32pm
by Civil War Man
As commonly stated, the Sith turned to the rule of two to prevent infighting and avoid detection.

My guess on how Yoda would know: Any less than two, and the Sith wouldn't be around. Any more than two, they'd get detected.

Posted: 2005-05-28 09:38am
by Caius

It would make sense for old Jedi Masters to leave teachings so the next generations of Masters wouldn't forget. Not like it really helped them in this case. lol

And I think CivilWarMan hit it right on the nose.