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Optical Receptors in Vaders Helmet

Posted: 2005-05-28 02:02am
by Fire Fly
How does Darth Vader differentiate between different colors if all he see is red? The ending in ROTS made it seem like red is what he sees. Is it possible that there's different visual modes in his helmet? I don't ever recall from the visual dictionaries that talks of such.

Posted: 2005-05-28 02:12am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Who says that he needs to differentiate colours?

Posted: 2005-05-28 02:43am
by Old Plympto
Perhaps the red filter is merely the standby mode for the sensor display, when the mask is powered up. It might actually have more types of displays once the mask is sealed and fully activated.

Posted: 2005-05-28 02:45am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Well, having them be red all the time helps tie into his line in RotJ: "Just for once let me look on you with my own eyes."

Additionally, Vader's lenses are often occasionally depicted in art as being red-coloured rather than black, and they are actually red in ANH.

Posted: 2005-05-28 05:02am
by Winston Blake
Initially, the display kindof opens up and the bright white light of the medical lamp shines through, before being altered (into a red diamond hatched pattern with a thin yellow reticle-like superimposition). So i'd think the helmet isn't inherently a red view, thats just the startup default. The white light shining through might indicate Vader had seen Luke's face perfectly normally before, but was just feeling sentimental what with certain death and all.

Also, for all we know, it's a false colour display that shows reds as blues and reddish-oranges as green or something.

Posted: 2005-05-28 05:06am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Bah, rediculous. Straw-graspers and your silly startup nonsense. :P

Posted: 2005-05-28 08:30am
by Cykeisme
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Bah, rediculous. Straw-graspers and your silly startup nonsense. :P
The idea that Vader literally "sees red" all the time is an enthralling one.


Posted: 2005-05-28 02:10pm
by Drooling Iguana
Cykeisme wrote:
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Bah, rediculous. Straw-graspers and your silly startup nonsense. :P
The idea that Vader literally "sees red" all the time is an enthralling one.

Great. Now you've got me thinking of Vader consrantly going on about pointless hypothetical situations...