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If I were a Stormtrooper...
Posted: 2005-05-29 07:32pm
by Lusankya
If I were a Stormtrooper, and I were facing some Jedi, I know exactly what I'd do. I know that I'm unlikely to be able to shoot the Jedi because of the whole lightsaber deflecting blaster bolts thing, so killing the Jedi directly isn't really feasable but I have figured out the weak point of any Jedi attack.
The Astromech droid.
I would shoot the astromech droid until I was sure it would never work again. Then I'd shoot it a bit more to make sure. Sure the Jedi would probably cut me down, but I think they'd do that whatever I did, so that's not such a problem. At least I would die knowing that I'd just screwed over the Jedi. Without an astromech droid, the Jedi would be lost, without a clue how to get around and, more importantly, without a way to get out of non-functioning (or in some cases functioning, but with the jedi in the messy part of them) pieces of the starship. So yea: SOP for all of MY Stormtroopers: aim for the astromech droid first. It has a lower AC than the Jedi, and it is ultimately the most vital member of the team.
Yeah. THis is what happens when you're sleep-deprived and you've seen ROTS four times already *twitch*
Posted: 2005-05-29 07:34pm
by Lord Revan
Actually at least some Jedi can navigate thru hyperspace without an astromech.
Posted: 2005-05-29 07:46pm
by Lusankya
But the Astromech always saves the day! Think about it! it it weren't for astromech droids:
- They would have all been shot by the Trade Federation when trying to leave Naboo.
-Anakin wouldn't have destroyed the battleship
- Padme would have had molten iron poured over her
-Anakin's ship would have been ripped up by the buzz droid
-Anakin and Obi-wan wouldn't have found out where Palpatine was
-Anakin and Obi-wan would have been stuck in the lift
-Obi-wan, anakin and Palpatine wouldn't have been able to escape from Greivous
-Leia wouldn't have been able to get the message out of TantiveIV
- Obi-wan wouldn't have been able to find out where the tractor beams were
-Luke wouldn't ahve known where Leia was to rescue her
- Leia, Han and Luke would have been crushed by the garbage compactor
-Luke would have had more trouble in the Death Star run
-There would have been no smoke screen to aid their escape from Bespin
- Luke wouldn't have had a handy lightsaber launching machine when rescuing Han from Jabba
-More stuff that I can't think of right now because I need sleep, but I'm sure it exists.
Now, that's 14 occasions, not counting the more stuff that i'm not naming.
I'm shooting the Astromech droid.
Posted: 2005-05-29 07:50pm
by Lord Revan
Problem is that a) Jedi can protect other things then themselves as well b) astromechs take hell of a punishment before they do down.
Posted: 2005-05-29 07:54pm
by Lusankya
Doesn't stop the Astromech from being their weak point.
Besides, the Jedi leave the astromech behind at some kind of computer plug-in. They can't protect the astromech when it's in another room.
Posted: 2005-05-29 08:10pm
by Cykeisme
Lusankya is absolutely right. Bloody Jedi would be shafted well and good if they went up against him, I can tell you that much.
Posted: 2005-05-29 08:16pm
by Darth Wong
If I were a stormtrooper going up against Jedi, I would crank up my weapon to full power and then shoot at the ground near his feet.
Posted: 2005-05-29 08:44pm
by Nephtys
I'd invest quality money in a flamethrower. Saber block that... and please don't kill me, Windu.
Posted: 2005-05-29 08:56pm
by Cykeisme
Darth Wong wrote:If I were a stormtrooper going up against Jedi, I would crank up my weapon to full power and then shoot at the ground near his feet.
You cheat!
Posted: 2005-05-29 10:04pm
by Burak Gazan
Cykeisme wrote:Darth Wong wrote:If I were a stormtrooper going up against Jedi, I would crank up my weapon to full power and then shoot at the ground near his feet.
You cheat!
DW beat me to it
Blasters have demonstrated secondary/collateral damage from fragmentation, so it's a damn fine idea - unless you are a pretty good jedi and are one with the force completely, some shrapnel might get through to you and do enough wounding to distract you (or kill you even) making an opening for my squaddies to roast you
Posted: 2005-05-29 10:05pm
by SpacedTeddyBear
The most important thing I would try to do is to stay as far away from the Jedi as possible. If I have nothing but a simple blaster and I see a Jedi charging at me, I'd just point the thing at my head and pull the trigger. As Wong suggested, I'd try to shoot at their feet on the highest setting, or turn up the rate of fire and start blasting away with one hand while I use the body of a fallen stormtrooper to shield myself from the reflected blasts with the other. On top of that I'd use mines, since Jedi will often run at you to engage in melee combat. Silly Jedi. Gas grenades are also good. The ones that work on skin contact is even better. While it may not kill the Jedi, it will distract them enough. * Cookie for the reference*.
Posted: 2005-05-29 11:34pm
by Darth Servo
Darth Wong wrote:If I were a stormtrooper going up against Jedi, I would crank up my weapon to full power and then shoot at the ground near his feet.
And hope he doesn't leap out of range of the shrapnel
Posted: 2005-05-29 11:37pm
by Lancer
flamethrower and shrapnel are both pretty ineffective against Clone-Wars Obi-Wan. He deflects both using telekinesis.
Posted: 2005-05-29 11:45pm
by Deathstalker
If I was a Stormie in the OT movies, I wouldn't have a clue as to how to fight a Jedi, as they were all supposed to be destroyed by a certain Dark Lord, and Stormies never faced a Jedi in combat. The ones that did see a Jedi were killed when the first DS went up. Only thing I would do is blast away and call all my friends before I was cut down. However, if I was a Stormie in the EU, I try to sucker the Jedi into an E-Web emplacement!
Posted: 2005-05-29 11:51pm
by Darth Wong
Matt Huang wrote:flamethrower and shrapnel are both pretty ineffective against Clone-Wars Obi-Wan. He deflects both using telekinesis.
True, but Obi-Wan was one of the best and wiliest Jedi Knights, which is why he's still alive. It's also why he was able to defeat Anakin despite being weaker in tbe Force. Anakin, after all, had just mowed through the entire Jedi Temple. And you can bet he ran into stiffer resistance than those younglings along the way; this is the galactic headquarters of the entire Jedi Order.
A lesser Jedi Knight might not be as poised as Obi-Wan would be. The Jedi Knights who sit on the Council are the best. Lesser knights (such as many of the ones who went down at Geonosis) would be an easier mark.
Posted: 2005-05-29 11:55pm
by Cykeisme
Shots fired at the ground would have to be a sufficient distance away from the Jedi so that he won't be able to stop them with his lightsaber. You could place them just outside his reach, but the fragments will probably still have a good chance of doing some damage.
Btw, can Jedi deflect E-Web blaster bolts?
Matt Huang wrote:flamethrower and shrapnel are both pretty ineffective against Clone-Wars Obi-Wan. He deflects both using telekinesis.
Obi-Wan hacks.
Posted: 2005-05-30 12:00am
by Noble Ire
Its a shame (or a good thing of a Stormy) that Jedi seem adverse to body armor (Very few ever wear it, even during the Clone Wars, although Obi does.) A Jedi clad in plastoid and durasteel plate would truely be a being to be feared.
Posted: 2005-05-30 12:05am
by SpacedTeddyBear
Those sonic blasters the geonosians used were pretty effective against the Jedi. I believe some were tossed around and were thrown off their feet when
it impacted against a column.
Its a shame (or a good thing of a Stormy) that Jedi seem adverse to body armor (Very few ever wear it, even during the Clone Wars, although Obi does.) A Jedi clad in plastoid and durasteel plate would truely be a being to be feared.
Either that or one with a gungan hand shield.
Posted: 2005-05-30 01:35am
by Cykeisme
True, apparently lightsabers can't deflect the blasts from Geonosian sonic blasters. Shortly after leaving their ship, Anakin and Padme were attacked by a bunch of Geonosians, and he had to evade rather than block shots.
The sonic weapons that tossed Jedi around weren't exactly infantry-portable, though. Look at the pictures around
Posted: 2005-05-30 01:40am
by Darth Yoshi
Cykeisme wrote:Btw, can Jedi deflect E-Web blaster bolts?
The impact would probably disarm him, so aside from the first shot, no.
Posted: 2005-05-30 02:05am
by Junghalli
The stormtroopers didn't seem to suffer undue casualties carrying out order 66, by in large. The element of surprise seems pretty effective (after all, who'se going to be prepared for your own troops shooting you without warning?).
Posted: 2005-05-30 02:14am
by DPDarkPrimus
Darth Yoshi wrote:Cykeisme wrote:Btw, can Jedi deflect E-Web blaster bolts?
The impact would probably disarm him, so aside from the first shot, no.
Unless, of course, they steeled theirself using the Force.
Posted: 2005-05-30 02:18am
by Darth Wong
Junghalli wrote:The stormtroopers didn't seem to suffer undue casualties carrying out order 66, by in large. The element of surprise seems pretty effective (after all, who'se going to be prepared for your own troops shooting you without warning?).
Shock, disbelief, and prior trust can go a long way.
Posted: 2005-05-30 02:18am
by Drooling Iguana
Junghalli wrote:The stormtroopers didn't seem to suffer undue casualties carrying out order 66, by in large. The element of surprise seems pretty effective (after all, who'se going to be prepared for your own troops shooting you without warning?).
You'd think that someone with Jedi precog would, but I guess that's where the whole "shroud of the darkside" bit comes into play.
Posted: 2005-05-30 05:26am
by dworkin
A crossfire would give the Jedi a bad hair day as shown in AOTC.
Anyways blaster deflection is probably overated. In the ROTJ luke deflects the fire from the speeder and that's it AFAIK.
In TPM Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan do this a lot but
a) They're heroes with corresponding character shields
b) They're utter bad-asses with the force.
In AOTC the lesser lights (read non-named) Jedi go down under heavy enough fire. The same happens in ROTS. It's a nifty trick but numbers seem to tell even against a Jedi.
So, pin the bugger down, get round him and then open up.