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About the ROTS Death Star

Posted: 2005-05-29 07:56pm
by Jack Bauer
In the ending montage scenes, we see the early construction stages of what appears to be the Death Star. However, as brought out by the Star Wars Technical Commentaries, the superlaser appears to be too small in relation to rest of the battle station to be the actual Death Star we seen in ANH.

So I'm betting that the "Death Star" we see at the end of ROTS is not the same moon-sized battle station we see in ANH. The SWTC has mentioned that it could be "The Great Weapon" that the CIS was planning to build. I prefer to think of it as an early Imperial prototype.

For all we know, that ending scene from Revenge could have taken place at Maw Installation. Tarkin was there after all. But that's just the fanboy in me. :)

Posted: 2005-05-29 07:57pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Damn it, we've gone over this stuff...

Posted: 2005-05-29 08:09pm
by Admiral Drason
Saxton even came out and said this it not The Death Star.

Posted: 2005-05-29 09:32pm
by BigBeaner
Does it even matter? when was this technical commentaries come out? Lucas obviously changes his mind a lot and basing it on a book is ludicrous. Remember, according to the lore a Umek Leth or what have you designed the Death Star with Tarkin, none of this Genosians stuff we have in AOTC.

Posted: 2005-05-29 09:53pm
by Noble Ire
BigBeaner wrote:Does it even matter? when was this technical commentaries come out? Lucas obviously changes his mind a lot and basing it on a book is ludicrous. Remember, according to the lore a Umek Leth or what have you designed the Death Star with Tarkin, none of this Genosians stuff we have in AOTC.
Very simple explanation: Multiple DS prototypes.

The one at the end of ROTS was built by Geonosians and for Geonosians, so naturally it would have to be redesigned. DS prototype in the Maw: Newer station built to test the superlaser. Final, built over Despayre.

Posted: 2005-05-29 09:53pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
BigBeaner wrote:when was this technical commentaries come out?

Posted: 2005-05-29 09:59pm
by BigBeaner
Unless it comes straight from Lucas, I wouldn't believe it, let alone believe something right off the internet not coming from the man himself and backed by other sources. We'll find out, I'm sure, when the shows come out or the DVD for ROTS.

Posted: 2005-05-29 10:02pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Ah, so you're one of those...

Posted: 2005-05-29 10:04pm
by Noble Ire
BigBeaner wrote:Unless it comes straight from Lucas, I wouldn't believe it, let alone believe something right off the internet not coming from the man himself and backed by other sources. We'll find out, I'm sure, when the shows come out or the DVD for ROTS.
Perhaps you should read the Canon-osity article on the main site before you continue with this type of "debating" style.

Posted: 2005-05-29 10:05pm
by montypython
From what I gather, Bevel Lemelisk simply "rationalized" the various designs the Empire was working on to make the final version.

Posted: 2005-05-29 10:12pm
by BigBeaner
Effectively if you count in exactly everything from the Star Wars universe even these obscure comics DevilWorlds which were Dark Horse reprints of UK Star Wars comics theres no limit to anything and just nothing can make sense at all. Not only that but no matter how much we all want the Star Wars universe for ourselves and we all pictures things differently we have to remember, in reality it is one man's pretty closely guarded universe, and that is George Lucas'. Who you going to believe is true canon, from the original maker himself, or some other writer inspired by the man.

Posted: 2005-05-29 10:17pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Bloody Canon purists...

Posted: 2005-05-29 10:19pm
by Noble Ire
BigBeaner wrote:Effectively if you count in exactly everything from the Star Wars universe even these obscure comics DevilWorlds which were Dark Horse reprints of UK Star Wars comics theres no limit to anything and just nothing can make sense at all. Not only that but no matter how much we all want the Star Wars universe for ourselves and we all pictures things differently we have to remember, in reality it is one man's pretty closely guarded universe, and that is George Lucas'. Who you going to believe is true canon, from the original maker himself, or some other writer inspired by the man.
Read it.

Posted: 2005-05-29 10:22pm
by Civil War Man
BigBeaner wrote:Who you going to believe is true canon, from the original maker himself, or some other writer inspired by the man.
You obviously are not going to listen because you so far have betrayed little cognitive ability whatsoever, but what the Hell, I'll repeat it anyway.

Paraphrasing the Lucas canon policy: You know those other writers? Yeah. That's all part of the Star Wars universe so long as it doesn't contradict what Lucas says. If some dipshit were to write that Anakin Skywalker was female, for example, that wouldn't be true. But if someone wants Palpatine shooting fireballs out his ass, Lucas never stated that he couldn't do that.

Posted: 2005-05-29 10:37pm
by McC
Or you could read the goddamned sticky.


Posted: 2005-05-29 10:51pm
by Drooling Iguana
CivilWarMan wrote:
BigBeaner wrote:Who you going to believe is true canon, from the original maker himself, or some other writer inspired by the man.
You obviously are not going to listen because you so far have betrayed little cognitive ability whatsoever, but what the Hell, I'll repeat it anyway.

Paraphrasing the Lucas canon policy: You know those other writers? Yeah. That's all part of the Star Wars universe so long as it doesn't contradict what Lucas says. If some dipshit were to write that Anakin Skywalker was female, for example, that wouldn't be true. But if someone wants Palpatine shooting fireballs out his ass, Lucas never stated that he couldn't do that.
"Only now, from my end, do you understand."

Posted: 2005-05-29 10:53pm
by 000
BigBeaner wrote:Unless it comes straight from Lucas, I wouldn't believe it, let alone believe something right off the internet not coming from the man himself and backed by other sources. We'll find out, I'm sure, when the shows come out or the DVD for ROTS.
Why wait on the DVD?

+ ... cap001.bmp

It doesn't look like the same Death Star to me.

Posted: 2005-05-29 10:57pm
by Stravo
If you will only believe what comes out of GL's mouth then he has stated himself several times that the EU is telling stories within his universe. Don't like the stories that's fine but to say that they don't count at all is violating your own statements regarding your hierarchy of belief. GL said it so it is so. To paraphrase Clint Eastwood "Like's got nothing to do with it"

Posted: 2005-05-29 11:01pm
by 000
Here's a very crappy quality comparison shot of the RotS and ANH Death Star. The dishes are clearly two different sizes.

+ ... arison.png

Posted: 2005-05-30 05:55am
by Glimmervoid
Stravo wrote:If you will only believe what comes out of GL's mouth then he has stated himself several times that the EU is telling stories within his universe. Don't like the stories that's fine but to say that they don't count at all is violating your own statements regarding your hierarchy of belief. GL said it so it is so. To paraphrase Clint Eastwood "Like's got nothing to do with it"

It’s like those Catholics that still say the Pop is infallible (can not be wrong).
The pop has said he is fallible and can be wrong but they still say he can’t even though the statement that he can’t be wrong can’t be wrong in there minds.

Also that is clearly not the deathstar not only are the measurements wrong but the girders look a lot bigger than what we saw in ROTJ(even remebering that that one was 800km over the 140km of the first).

Posted: 2005-05-30 06:48am
by VT-16
basing it on a book is ludicrous
Tell that to the Tantive IV re-designers in ROTS. :roll:
Unless it comes straight from Lucas, I wouldn't believe it, let alone believe something right off the internet not coming from the man himself and backed by other sources.

In this case "other sources" are the people working with SFX and making a mattepainting that doesn´t look like the original Death Star.
We'll find out, I'm sure, when the shows come out or the DVD for ROTS.
We who have seen the movie, already have.

Posted: 2005-05-30 01:12pm
by Praxis
BigBeaner wrote:Does it even matter? when was this technical commentaries come out? Lucas obviously changes his mind a lot and basing it on a book is ludicrous. Remember, according to the lore a Umek Leth or what have you designed the Death Star with Tarkin, none of this Genosians stuff we have in AOTC.
Why it matters:

Death Star 2: Over half built in 6 months.

Death Star 1 according to ROTS if we assume thats the Death Star: 20 years

Death Star 2 was bigger.
Seems a bit off, eh?

Posted: 2005-05-30 01:59pm
by VT-16
Where do you get 6 months from? All I´ve ever heard was three years.
The only thing has been the mention of a shipment of supplies to Endor in SOTE, but was that the very first shipment?

Could be that various companies made various components that would be put together in a secret location, like what they did for black projects here on Earth. :P

Posted: 2005-05-30 02:08pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
VT-16 wrote:Where do you get 6 months from? All I´ve ever heard was three years.
The only thing has been the mention of a shipment of supplies to Endor in SOTE, but was that the very first shipment?
I believe it was.

Posted: 2005-05-30 02:11pm
by FedRebel
VT-16 wrote:Where do you get 6 months from? All I´ve ever heard was three years.
The 6 months I think is from the RotJ opening crawl.