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What is your favorite light saber?
Posted: 2005-05-30 12:36am
by The Jazz Intern
Who and what is your favourite light saber. You don't have to use a EU of Movie saber, and can make one of your own creation. Please nothing outrageous like a lightsaber gun or lance. Please provide color of blade.
Posted: 2005-05-30 01:01am
by The Jazz Intern
Well, come on! I know SOMEbody had to see this.
If nobody else will post I will. Either a Long handled one blade Dark green blade, Or a variation of the vadersaber with an orange blade.
Posted: 2005-05-30 01:04am
by Noble Ire
I'm partial to the orange Sabers from KOTOR.
Posted: 2005-05-30 01:04am
by Grandmaster Jogurt
My favorite's Dooku's. The curved handle reminds me of a fencing saber.
Edit: Forgot colour. My favorite there would have to be the silver from KotOR II.
Re: What is your favorite light saber?
Posted: 2005-05-30 01:09am
by Stofsk
The Jazz Intern wrote:Who and what is your favourite light saber. You don't have to use a EU of Movie saber, and can make one of your own creation. Please nothing outrageous like a lightsaber gun or lance. Please provide color of blade.
My favourite movie saber would have to be Anakin's ROTS/Luke's ANH and ESB saber, with the blue blade.
My favourite EU lightsaber would have to be Ulic Qel-Droma's saber from the Tales of the Jedi comic books. That had a green blade (indeed, I think all the Jedi had greenblades back then, for some reason).
If I could make my own, I'd like to try and make a lightsaber polearm. Basically get a bo staff and whack on a lightsaber onto the end.
Re: What is your favorite light saber?
Posted: 2005-05-30 01:18am
by The Jazz Intern
Stofsk said

My favourite EU lightsaber would have to be Ulic Qel-Droma's saber from the Tales of the Jedi comic books. That had a green blade (indeed, I think all the Jedi had greenblades back then, for some reason).
Speaking of which, is there a possibility that the lightsaber colors symbolize something? I know this is farfetched but is it a possibility.
Posted: 2005-05-30 01:33am
by Darth Yoshi
I'll take a purple ANH Obi-Wan blade. Not because Samuel L. Jackson had a purple blade, but because I happed to like the color purple.
Posted: 2005-05-30 01:35am
by neoolong
Mace's AOTC blade. It's pretty unique among the movie Jedi sabers. Not just the color of the blade, but I think the handle with the black and gold looks good and sets it apart from the others that are seen.
Re: What is your favorite light saber?
Posted: 2005-05-30 01:36am
by Dalton
The Jazz Intern wrote:Speaking of which, is there a possibility that the lightsaber colors symbolize something? I know this is farfetched but is it a possibility.
Bob Brown had speculated on that for a while IIRC. Something about having something to do with how the owner used the Force. However, it seems to me that lightsaber color seems to be more of a personal choice than anything else - although for some reason the Sith always choose red sabers, but that might be the intimidation factor.
Aside from the red, blue, green and purple seen in the movies, there was the aforementioned silver saber, and I heard one of the other masters had a yellow saber. IIRC, Callista's (EU) saber was orange.
My favorite saber is a tossup between Mace Windu's (with BMF engraved on the hilt) and Lt. Hit-Man's* black-bladed lightsaber.
Posted: 2005-05-30 01:40am
by Vympel
Darth Vader's Lightsabre. By a mile. The similarity to both his Padawan (AotC) and Knight (RotS-TESB) sabres, while still being of a new, evil (the black components) character by a comparison is one of the most subtle and gratifying continuity "hey, cool!" points in all of Star Wars.
Second comes his Knight sabre, third comes his Padawan sabre.
Posted: 2005-05-30 01:42am
by Civil War Man
How about something like chain swords (ala God of War), but with lightsabers? Nothing quite like distance killing with swords.
Posted: 2005-05-30 01:46am
by The Jazz Intern
Well... If you can figure out how to make it work technically I will give you an award and you can put it on.

Posted: 2005-05-30 02:13am
by DPDarkPrimus
I would go for a lightsaber in the same style as Exar Kun's, only it would be a single blade design, not a double blade. I would go for the "pearlescent" blade color, that is, mainly silver with a constant variation of subtle colors on the edges. I remember it being described in a SW novel, alas, I believe it was one by KJA.
Posted: 2005-05-30 02:32am
by Vympel
Yeah, it was Gantoris' sabre.
Posted: 2005-05-30 02:34am
by Rathi Necromancer
I would have to go with a yellow blade, though I don't have any idea if that is supported by the EU. As for favorite hilt...Don't really have one, but let's say something akin to Anikin's from ROTS.
Posted: 2005-05-30 02:47am
by Drooling Iguana
CivilWarMan wrote:How about something like chain swords (ala God of War), but with lightsabers? Nothing quite like distance killing with swords.
Sabre-chucks, yo!
Re: What is your favorite light saber?
Posted: 2005-05-30 05:02am
by Sharpshooter
The Jazz Intern wrote:Please nothing outrageous like a lightsaber gun or lance.
What's wrong with the idea of a lightlance? You twink out the saber with a few more crystals, pop in the nessecary mechanism to rotate and shift them, extend the handle a good deal, and
PRESTO! - You've got a Jedi Zhou Yun,
As for my 'saber of choice, I'll never tire of of the Vader 'Saber: black with a shroud and a red blade conquers all in my book.
Posted: 2005-05-30 05:03am
by Jaepheth
Anyways, I'd use two short sabers with white blades. (Because I don't think a black saber blade is possible)
Posted: 2005-05-30 07:16am
by Crazedwraith
Rathi Necromancer wrote:I would have to go with a yellow blade, though I don't have any idea if that is supported by the EU. As for favorite hilt...Don't really have one, but let's say something akin to Anikin's from ROTS.
Yep, Ganner Rysode's blade was a sulphurous yellow.
As for my favourtie saber, well Yoda's is pretty mint, in the original green of course.
Posted: 2005-05-30 08:29am
by Robert Walper
Red is most definitely my favorite color. I'd say my favorite styles would be dual lightsabers first, followed by the double blade, then the single.
Posted: 2005-05-30 11:03am
by kheegster
I'm partial to Maulie's saber myself. It was an incredible feeling the first time I saw him turn on both blades.
Posted: 2005-05-30 01:00pm
by Fw 190
Dooku's lightsabre is by far my favorite because of its curved design. It's clean and elegant looking without bulky knobs and buttons. I want a blue blade, though.
Posted: 2005-05-30 01:04pm
by Burak Gazan
Master Qui-Gon's green blade --- simple, and elegant

Posted: 2005-05-30 01:10pm
by Knife
Luke Skywalker's RotJ saber for hilt and color. My favorite of all the OT and PT's.
Posted: 2005-05-30 02:15pm
by Perinquus
I like Kenobi's ROTS/ANH saber. Blue is my favorite color for the blade, and I like the design of the hilt. It's both better looking and more practical. It's got a better non-slip gripping surface than any of the other sabers, and I like the shape of the emitter head as well.