Mapping / Timelining Gold Squadron's Trench Run
Posted: 2005-05-30 02:55am
I enjoy making maps and timelines so I thought I would take a crack at making one to illustrate the events in Gold Squadron's failed trench run. In this scene, the three Ywings of Gold Squadron attempt their run down the trench only to be destroyed by Vader.
I posted this here because it is an illustrated map/timeline and Pure Star Wars is flooded with ROTS stuff.
The map itself is a pdf file found here: Gold Squadron Trench Run
If anyone has better suggestions for using another host than, I will bow respectfully.
Method to the madness:
I started the timeline by first analyzing Gold Leader's targeting computer to determine the speed of the Ywings in terms of "targeting units." Over a period of 59 frames, the targeting computer changes from 47850 to 42220 units indicating an average speed of approximately 2900 units / s. Interestingly, the targeting computer's decimation is not constant over this time span, but instead flucates over a small range.
The main challenge with using this approach is that the on-screen time of the trench runs does not exactly coincide with a speed derived from the targeting computer. This is especially true for Luke's run, and to an extent, Red Leader's run. It is still somewhat problematic for Gold Squadron's run as the elapsed film time at the above speed has the Ywings overshooting the target. I recognize the limitations in this and conceed that I have made several assumptions that I am sorta happy with but you may not be.
I first worked forward from the last frame of the targeting computer. I decided that external camera shots of the Ywings took place concurrently with the internal views of the pilots and cockpits. I also decided that Gold 2's comments regarding the guns and targeting computer took place while Gold Leader was looking through the targeting viewport. Thus, I clocked Gold 2's scene immediately after the targeting computer scene to take place 42220 units from the exhaust port. I also assumed that Gold 5's comments regarding watching for fighters took place concurrently. Gold Leader's spotting of the fighters seems to flow from the previous shots so I started the clock from Gold 5's scene and thus had the Ywings advance to 33500 units in the elasped time.
Vader's entry is perhaps the trickest part as too much time elapses to make the scene realistic in terms of the speed suggested by the targeting computer. I interpreted the cut to Vader's entry as taking place several seconds before the previous scene. Thus when Gold Leader spots the advancing fighters, they are not flying into the trench but rather the TIES are already immediatly behind him. I start the clock again as Vader begins to target Gold 2 Ywing.
By this point, the Ywings are approximately 30000 units from the target. Gold 2 is then shot approximately 27000 units from the target and begins to break up. I disregarded the scene of Vader's shots tracking toward the Ywing and instead assumed that these were being fired as his computer was trying to lock on. The final kill shot in which Gold 2 slumps forward happens right at the lock. I was not happy with this merging of shots, but again, two much time elapses without this reconciliation.
I started the clock again as Gold Leader looks over his shoulder as the Ywings are now 24000 units from the target. Interestingly, you can see a bright flash in his goggles from Gold 2's destruction. As Gold Leader and Gold 5 begin their dialogue ("Its no good. I can't Manuever. Stay on Target...), the Ywings approach to within 13000 units. Gold Leader tells Gold 5 to loosen up as Vader opens fire and destroys the Ywing at 8250 units. Gold 5 breaks off moments later and is destroyed by Vader.
I then went back to the targeting computer scene and worked backward. Here the Death Star interjection and the Ywings flying down the trench were disregarded or assumed to have taken place during internal shots. I did keep the clock running as Gold 5's dialog is heard at the Rebel base. Using the average speed again, I have the Ywings in the polar trench approximately 88000 units from the targeting computer.
Some interesting things to note:
1) Based on this analysis, Gold Squadron's attack was closer to hitting the thermal port than I first realized. It also makes Gold 5's dialogue to Gold Leader to "stay on target" make that much more sense as the fighters by this point were only five-six seconds away from hitting the port.
2) Depending on your intepretation of what a unit is in the targeting computer and setting aside some of the handwaving I have used to get a map that makes some sense, this analysis suggests a higher size than the 160km is possible for the Death Star if you assume that the computer gives units in terms of m. Considering that the Rebel holo shows the polar trenchs covering perhaps 1/2 of the distance from the pole to the equator, the 80km trench length suggested here would require a Death Star with a diameter of 220km (i.e. 1/8*Pi*2*110=86). But again, there are numerous problems with this approach most of which involve condensing shots into a reasonable timeframe that coincide with the speeds suggested by the computers.
I posted this here because it is an illustrated map/timeline and Pure Star Wars is flooded with ROTS stuff.
The map itself is a pdf file found here: Gold Squadron Trench Run
If anyone has better suggestions for using another host than, I will bow respectfully.
Method to the madness:
I started the timeline by first analyzing Gold Leader's targeting computer to determine the speed of the Ywings in terms of "targeting units." Over a period of 59 frames, the targeting computer changes from 47850 to 42220 units indicating an average speed of approximately 2900 units / s. Interestingly, the targeting computer's decimation is not constant over this time span, but instead flucates over a small range.
The main challenge with using this approach is that the on-screen time of the trench runs does not exactly coincide with a speed derived from the targeting computer. This is especially true for Luke's run, and to an extent, Red Leader's run. It is still somewhat problematic for Gold Squadron's run as the elapsed film time at the above speed has the Ywings overshooting the target. I recognize the limitations in this and conceed that I have made several assumptions that I am sorta happy with but you may not be.
I first worked forward from the last frame of the targeting computer. I decided that external camera shots of the Ywings took place concurrently with the internal views of the pilots and cockpits. I also decided that Gold 2's comments regarding the guns and targeting computer took place while Gold Leader was looking through the targeting viewport. Thus, I clocked Gold 2's scene immediately after the targeting computer scene to take place 42220 units from the exhaust port. I also assumed that Gold 5's comments regarding watching for fighters took place concurrently. Gold Leader's spotting of the fighters seems to flow from the previous shots so I started the clock from Gold 5's scene and thus had the Ywings advance to 33500 units in the elasped time.
Vader's entry is perhaps the trickest part as too much time elapses to make the scene realistic in terms of the speed suggested by the targeting computer. I interpreted the cut to Vader's entry as taking place several seconds before the previous scene. Thus when Gold Leader spots the advancing fighters, they are not flying into the trench but rather the TIES are already immediatly behind him. I start the clock again as Vader begins to target Gold 2 Ywing.
By this point, the Ywings are approximately 30000 units from the target. Gold 2 is then shot approximately 27000 units from the target and begins to break up. I disregarded the scene of Vader's shots tracking toward the Ywing and instead assumed that these were being fired as his computer was trying to lock on. The final kill shot in which Gold 2 slumps forward happens right at the lock. I was not happy with this merging of shots, but again, two much time elapses without this reconciliation.
I started the clock again as Gold Leader looks over his shoulder as the Ywings are now 24000 units from the target. Interestingly, you can see a bright flash in his goggles from Gold 2's destruction. As Gold Leader and Gold 5 begin their dialogue ("Its no good. I can't Manuever. Stay on Target...), the Ywings approach to within 13000 units. Gold Leader tells Gold 5 to loosen up as Vader opens fire and destroys the Ywing at 8250 units. Gold 5 breaks off moments later and is destroyed by Vader.
I then went back to the targeting computer scene and worked backward. Here the Death Star interjection and the Ywings flying down the trench were disregarded or assumed to have taken place during internal shots. I did keep the clock running as Gold 5's dialog is heard at the Rebel base. Using the average speed again, I have the Ywings in the polar trench approximately 88000 units from the targeting computer.
Some interesting things to note:
1) Based on this analysis, Gold Squadron's attack was closer to hitting the thermal port than I first realized. It also makes Gold 5's dialogue to Gold Leader to "stay on target" make that much more sense as the fighters by this point were only five-six seconds away from hitting the port.
2) Depending on your intepretation of what a unit is in the targeting computer and setting aside some of the handwaving I have used to get a map that makes some sense, this analysis suggests a higher size than the 160km is possible for the Death Star if you assume that the computer gives units in terms of m. Considering that the Rebel holo shows the polar trenchs covering perhaps 1/2 of the distance from the pole to the equator, the 80km trench length suggested here would require a Death Star with a diameter of 220km (i.e. 1/8*Pi*2*110=86). But again, there are numerous problems with this approach most of which involve condensing shots into a reasonable timeframe that coincide with the speeds suggested by the computers.