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Punishment for Palpatine (spoilers)

Posted: 2005-05-31 10:23am
by NecronLord
Contrary to Palpatine's expectations, when the jedi come for him, they bring along a yalismir. He is detained and beaten up by the four of them, being as they are, younger and in far better shape. He slips up when trying to get Anakin to turn, and Anakin notices that he doesn't actually know how to create life. All the chosen one does is kick Palpatine in the nuts a few times and call him a liar. After an act of god removing all the people on his payroll from the courts, he is put on trial and found guilty of High Treason.

So, would the Republic excecute him? Imprison him? What?

Posted: 2005-05-31 10:28am
by Robert Walper
I couldn't stop laughing picturing Anakin kicking Palpatine in the nuts yelling "Liar! Liar!!" :lol:

Posted: 2005-05-31 10:28am
by Lancer
Probably execute. Windu had a good point about a Sith Lord being too dangerous to keep alive.

Posted: 2005-05-31 10:30am
by Lusankya
Kaya Suln survives and rescues him!

Posted: 2005-05-31 10:38am
by Sharp-kun
Execute him. All it takes his one screw up while he's being held and a lot of bad shit could happen.

Posted: 2005-05-31 11:07am
by Ghost Rider
Execute. If for nothing else the Clone Wars, which he directly caused.

The rest would be harder to pin, but when you command the leaders of the Seperatists, sorta hard to go "But I was only doing what's best!"

Re: Punishment for Palpatine (spoilers)

Posted: 2005-05-31 11:40am
by Kazuaki Shimazaki
NecronLord wrote:Contrary to Palpatine's expectations, when the jedi come for him, they bring along a yalismir.
Not the best tactical move for the Jedi. For one thing, you can actually detect the "bubble" the ysalamir produces. What will likely happen here is that Palpy sees the bubble and would call security, and they would come in time to see...

He's probably not going to resist in this scenario, which also denies the Jedi a quick way to ensure he's a Sith Lord.
He is detained and beaten up by the four of them, being as they are, younger and in far better shape.
Now that fully looks like the Jedi trying to get Palpy, so the Jedi are likely to get arrested instead. Without their Jedi powers (being also within the radius of the ysalamir), they would get arrested. And with them armed with lightsabers in Palpy's office and with all the bruises on Palpy, they are clearly behind on the legal curve.

Most likely, what happens now is that the Jedi involved are thrown into prison with their ysalamir right next to them. Palpy would no doubt arrange their trial (which can actually be done in a fair manner - since the holocams already filmed the Jedi beating the Supreme Chancellor up) execution within the week. Order 66 gets issued. We see clones stab them in the back...
He slips up when trying to get Anakin to turn, and Anakin notices that he doesn't actually know how to create life. All the chosen one does is kick Palpatine in the nuts a few times and call him a liar.
Doubt it. He didn't do that delicate a job (basically telling Anakin right after he offed Mace Windu that he doesn't really know how to make life), and Anakin still believed him. He's so stuck on saving Padme that it is hard to see how Palpy could screw up enough to fail to turn him.
After an act of god removing all the people on his payroll from the courts, he is put on trial
It won't take an act of God if we allow the scenario to go that far. Remember that Mace Windu was going all out for a coup. He's going to "take control of the Senate", remember? If he can get that, complete replacement of the senior judiciary would be the next natural step.

Even without his people, as I understand it, they had no hard proof of Palpy's various connections, and Palpy no doubt kept his tracks well hidden.

In that case, a fair court should actually still find him innocent for lack of evidence. If they find him guilty, it would be because of Jedi mind tricks, a pro-Jedi judiciary (which I bet the Jedi would self-righteously pick, perhaps without being cognizant they did so) or a blind religious faith in the Jedi. All of which are bad.
and found guilty of High Treason.
Of course they are going to execute him if the scenario got this far. Unless in the event the OR happened to not allow capital punishment under any circumstances.
Even if that was the case, given what happened, I bet the Jedi would "cheat" under Mace Windu and move in to assassinate him in his cell. Another Dark Side point for Windu...

But the scenario unravelling for Palpy on such a scale, considering his careful preparations, is highly unlikely.

Posted: 2005-05-31 11:57am
by FTeik
Better question:

You're the god of the GFFA and have returned from a hundred-year vacation when the battle of Endor took place. For some reason once you're back inside your domain, you know everything, that happened over the last century.

Displeased at everything that Palpatine did (to put it mildly) you pick him up when Vader throws him down the shaft to punish him youself. For your entertainment, you want to do this as creative and longlasting as possible.

What do you do?

Posted: 2005-05-31 11:57am
by NecronLord
Le sigh. Anubis removes his powers a la The Mummy Returns and provides incontestable recordings of every bad thing he's ever done...

Happy? The scenario doesn't matter. I'm interested in what punishment the Republic would mete out for high treason. Not in practical ways of dealing with Palpatine.

Posted: 2005-05-31 12:00pm
by Ghost Rider
Kaz, if you were thinking this was viable except how would the Republic deal with Palpatine, I think you need to reread the fucking OP.

or better yet
Contrary to Palpatine's expectations, when the jedi come for him, they bring along a yalismir. He is detained and beaten up by the four of them, being as they are, younger and in far better shape. He slips up when trying to get Anakin to turn, and Anakin notices that he doesn't actually know how to create life. All the chosen one does is kick Palpatine in the nuts a few times and call him a liar. After an act of god removing all the people on his payroll from the courts, he is put on trial and found guilty of High Treason.

Posted: 2005-05-31 12:10pm
by Darth Mortis
I do not think they would execute. I believe they would imprison him. As Yoda admitted, the Jedi order was behind the times, they would need ol' Palpy to ascertain the new breed of Sith they would be confronting. Also, they would hold him to see if his apprentice/master would show up to rescue him.

They would most likely keep him on a deserted planet with Jedi Guards at all times.

Now mind you, this is if Palp's goes down in the method above.

If he killed 4 jedi with his Lightsaber, he would be executed.

Posted: 2005-05-31 01:23pm
by SpacedTeddyBear
Cut off his hands, and tongue. Then lobotomize the bastard and hang him in the Jedi temple so all the younglings can poke him with their practice lightsabres.

Posted: 2005-05-31 01:25pm
by NecronLord
I don't think that is entirely in line with Republic morality... I'm really interested in whether people think the old republic had and used the Death Penalty.

Posted: 2005-05-31 04:11pm
by Noble Ire
NecronLord wrote:I don't think that is entirely in line with Republic morality... I'm really interested in whether people think the old republic had and used the Death Penalty.
The Jedi would likely not have even taken it to the Senate. As Mace says, Palpy controls the courts. They would probably just execute him in secret, it is the Jedi way, to destroy the Sith.

As for the Republic's policy on execution, its hard to say, although it is likely they might have reinstated it due to the war (if they had previously banned it at all. This is unknown.)

Posted: 2005-05-31 04:34pm
by Darth Mortis
The only way the Jedi execute Palpatine is if he attacked them (as he did in the movie/novel) if he was taken peacefully, I think they would have been imprisioned by the council. They aren't sure if there are any more, and killing the master, only means the cycle begins again (they had no idea as to the current pecking order of the Sith.

Posted: 2005-05-31 05:17pm
by Lord Pounder
In the NR the Death penalty exists and given how they where doing their best to emulate thr Old Republic it's a far assumption that Capital Punishment is on the table if they can prove treason.

However Palpatine makes a good point in the novel, can the Jedi try a man for having a different religion? The only solid evidence the Jedi have is his confession to Anakin that he is a Sith Lord. Untill the seppy leaders are caught and tried there is no evidence that Palpatine is behind them.