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Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy!

Posted: 2005-06-04 01:10am
by Kurgan
Okay, this should probably properly go in the long ROTS revelations for main page thread, but it's just such an interesting line I felt it warranted it's own topic (so don't shoot me).

Anyway, this I think is quite interesting. I mean, from TPM we had this "new history of the Sith" (from the novelization mostly) wherein they were break-away Jedi who started a thousand year war, then became "extinct" (as far as everyone else knew, but really hiding out with the "Rule of Two" started by Darth Bane) for another thousand years until Sideous and his various apprentices appear on the scene.

I realize that in the KOTOR comics we have some history of a "Sith Empire" (details are sketchy for me as it's been many years and I don't own said comics), but we finally have G-Level canon confirmation that something like this occured. I haven't played the KOTOR games either, but I've heard that they try to retcon some of the past Jedi/Sith conflict stories in light of TPM.

There was some kind of Sith rule over the "galaxy" and Palpatine knows about it, and he's hoping to recapture this former glory. Wow.

Posted: 2005-06-04 01:12am
by Spanky The Dolphin
The comics don't have fucking shit to do with that KOTOR bullshit. They're the Tales of the Jedi line. God please do some fucking constructive reasearch of your own for a change besides your particular brand of half-assed speculative garbage...

There's the Official Site Databank, there's TFN's Completely Unofficial Star Wars Encyclopedia and Time Tales, and there's the stuff on the regular and Star Wars Wiki: use THEM, not US!!!!

Posted: 2005-06-04 01:15am
by Kurgan
Whoa Spanky, settle down.

Thanks for the correction, I use the terms synonymously because of that "Knights of the Old Republic" graphic novel which was my introduction to the comics line, but you're right, "Tales of the Jedi" is the series.

If you're saying the games have no connection to the comics whatosever then again, my bad.

And please get off the constant "I'm an expert in Star Wars so do some fucking research like I do before you say anything that might be incorrect" whining, it really gets old. I post on forums not to hear myself talk but to get answers and feedback.

Spanky, where am I doing 'half assed speculative garbage'? I'm merely acknowledging a G-Level confirmation of a long-held C-level notion (that a Sith Empire/Galactic rule existed). Get out of defensive mode for a change, please!

Edit: I need to remember to wait at least an hour after I post, in case you reply, sorry. I didn't care to do a research paper on KOTOR before posting. If that means I get called stupid by you, I'll take it I guess. :cry:

Posted: 2005-06-04 01:27am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Forget it. I can't even begin to figure out where to start, you're just so irritating in your rambling and seeming lack of focus, effort, or position.

You don't have to do a God damn research paper or fellate me, but for God's sake, use resources that are available for stuff before you do anything. You just come in here with half-truths, shoddy speculation, and near-total redundancy time after time and it's just a mess to debates and discussions.

Posted: 2005-06-04 01:30am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Basically, there was a Sith Empire that existed, between the time after the Great Schism and about 5000 BBY, primarly depicted in the Golden Age of the Sith and Fall of the Sith Empire graphic novels.

Posted: 2005-06-04 04:31am
by Illuminatus Primus
The Sith certainly dominated the galaxy at times during the Old Sith Wars and during the New Sith Wars, but I do not think at any time the Republic or Jedi completely toppled.

Posted: 2005-06-04 05:06am
by HemlockGrey
Right, Spanky, because obviously everyone who likes Star Wars must automatically know where all of its online resources are located. :roll: Christ, is it that time of the month already?

Posted: 2005-06-04 05:24am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Kurgan has been at this long enough to know better at this point.

Posted: 2005-06-04 01:13pm
by McC
Y'know Spanky, some people consult experts for information, rather than looking for it elsewhere. Could that possibly be what Kurgan is doing? Asking questions of people who know better?

I know, you have so many other things you could be doing than answering Kurgan's ranting at him, right? :roll: Please. This "DON'T ASK US LOOK IT UP" bullshit needs to stop. If someone has a question, even if it's easily answered, if it's not in a goddamned sticky they have every right to ask it without being beaten on for the asking.

Posted: 2005-06-04 01:21pm
by Ender
I have a feeling that the explanation for those lines are what Stover meant when he sid the sith history stuff was cut. Too bad, I guess we'll have to wait for the Eu top explain it further.

Re: Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy!

Posted: 2005-06-04 01:29pm
by Old Plympto
Kurgan wrote:There was some kind of Sith rule over the "galaxy" and Palpatine knows about it, and he's hoping to recapture this former glory. Wow.
I'm not sure the TOTJ comics are connect to this. Golden Age of the Sith is the Sith's attempt at reconnecting with the galaxy at large after their exile on the Massassi homeworld. Dark Lords of the Sith is Exar Kun & Ulic Qel-Droma's attempt to take over the galaxy. But they didn't control it at any given time. Certainly they didn't "oppress" anyone as Mace said.

This might be something new to be told in the EU.

Posted: 2005-06-04 01:53pm
by Admiral Drason
Revan and Malak did a good job conquring a good portion of the Republic. But that was only for a couple of years.

Posted: 2005-06-04 02:16pm
by Utsanomiko
I get the feeling a lot of KOTOR's events were serriously played up as part of Bioware's game mechanics to make the player feel like an influental galaxy-changing D&D-style hero. They even made the Ratakan Empire sound massive when later outright admitting they only had a few hundred scattered planets.

Posted: 2005-06-04 02:19pm
by Illuminatus Primus
KotOR is really hard to make sense of; the five hundred planets are supposedly scattered across the entire galaxy. Unless most of the so-called abandoned worlds are actually temples to Rakatan lore built by others, especially those who have a vest interest (i.e., the Sith).

Posted: 2005-06-04 04:15pm
by Molyneux
This popped into my head when I saw the thread title -
"The Sith will rise again!" *waves Confederate/Separatist flag*

Posted: 2005-06-04 04:32pm
by Xenophobe3691
Molyneux wrote:This popped into my head when I saw the thread title -
"The Sith will rise again!" *waves Confederate/Separatist flag*
Best part is, the Separatists name is the "Confederacy of Independent Systems."

Posted: 2005-06-04 04:46pm
by Straha
Xenophobe3691 wrote:
Molyneux wrote:This popped into my head when I saw the thread title -
"The Sith will rise again!" *waves Confederate/Separatist flag*
Best part is, the Separatists name is the "Confederacy of Independent Systems."
I wonder if Luke's speeder was nicknamed the "General Grievous"? :P

Re: Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy!

Posted: 2005-06-04 04:47pm
by Praxis
Old Plympto wrote:
Kurgan wrote:There was some kind of Sith rule over the "galaxy" and Palpatine knows about it, and he's hoping to recapture this former glory. Wow.
I'm not sure the TOTJ comics are connect to this. Golden Age of the Sith is the Sith's attempt at reconnecting with the galaxy at large after their exile on the Massassi homeworld. Dark Lords of the Sith is Exar Kun & Ulic Qel-Droma's attempt to take over the galaxy. But they didn't control it at any given time. Certainly they didn't "oppress" anyone as Mace said.

This might be something new to be told in the EU.
So would that be abbreviated, GAS?

Posted: 2005-06-04 04:58pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Is that important?

Posted: 2005-06-04 05:39pm
by Kurgan
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Is that important?
If Mr. Bean was the head writer/illustrator?

Posted: 2005-06-06 01:15pm
by The Grim Squeaker
About the 1000 years ago.
About then the Sith returned again while comrised mainly of fallen Jedi with a dozen or so sith lords.
(although arguably there were only two “true” sith–Bane, and his apprentice)

Posted: 2005-06-06 02:01pm
by Kurgan
Don't you mean 2,000 years ago (the beginning of the Sith war with the Jedi and each other)?

That's if the events mentioned in the TPM novel actually included the Sith taking over the galaxy.


2,000 years before TPM - Sith faction leaves Jedi Order and war begins

1,000 years before TPM - Sith thought to be wiped out (actually rule of two instituted by Darth Bane to preserve their Order)

Did the Sith rule the galaxy then, or sometime before that? Or is Palpy just a sloppy historian?

I assumed the "Sith ruling the galaxy" thing was referencing something in the TOTJ (there got it right) comics or KOTOR games, but maybe not...

Posted: 2005-06-06 02:28pm
by Quadlok
Well, we really have very little idea of what was going on in the GFFA before 5000 years BBY, except for the war between Zim the Despot and the Hutts and that, at some point, the great schism occured. The Sith might have been on top at some point in the distant past, perhaps in a different incarnation than the three or four we've seen.

Posted: 2005-06-06 03:14pm
by The Grim Squeaker
The excrable Jedi vs Sith had 99% force users in the battles and the jedi did have support so it’s likely that the Sith had an established powerbase.

According to the comics the original Sith split 25k years ago and they fought and nearly beat the republic in the sith war 5k years ago.

if i remember “the sith war” correctly Exar kun and the rest of the resurgent sith only popped up 2k years later (i’m not sure about the last part)

Posted: 2005-06-06 10:21pm
by Kurgan
25,000 years ago the Sith first appeared? So they're as old as the Jedi Order itself... whoa, didn't know that.