My Spoiler laden review of Episode III
Posted: 2005-06-13 06:10pm
Having seen it a few times, and having had time to gather together all my thoughts on the film, I finally feel ready to post a rewiew.
Others have said that the film's opening battle provides a great contrast with the rest of the movie, and I am inclined to agree. There is plenty of light-hearted banter between Anakin and Obi-wan, not to mention the scenes with R2-D2 and the battle droids. It shows us the deep friendship that has grown between Anakin and Obi-wan, which makes those scenes all the more pogniant, given what happens.
The next act is the fall of Anakin, slowly but surely being manipulated by Palpatine. Palpy is the master of insidious acts and uses Anakin and the Jedi Council against each other to create the perfect situation to corrupt the Chosen One. Aside from some shaky dialogue, these scenes are dark, eirey (especially the Opera scene), and lend weight to the inner turmoil that Anakin is feeling, particularly where Padme is concerned.
Obi-wan's fight with Grevious (who, I have to say it, reminded me of a giant chicken) was pretty cool, though the saber duel itself was too brief. Much is made in the book of how intense and fast Grevious is, yet I don't get that same impression from the movie.
My girlfriend wants one of those giant lizards.
The demise of Windu and the beginnings of Vader are done superbly, especially the way Palpatine becomes so evil so quickly. His manner, his voice, the way he cuts down three Jedi with ease... it's incredible to watch, as is Mace's final encounter with Force Lightening.
Next we have the film's final, most powerful act. From the Jedi being wiped out across the galaxy, the assault on the temple, and Obi-wan's terrible discovery that Anakin has been involved, everything is moving and emotional. It sets up that final, titanic battle on Mustafar.
Before going into any detail about that, there is also the duel between Yoda and Palpy. The Master of all Jedi versus the Lord of all Sith. This is quite an exhilerating fight, with pods and platforms being thrown around like they're bits of cardboard. In the end of course, Yoda can't qutie cut it, and we see the pain on his face as it hits home to him that the Sith have won.
Anakin versus Obi-wan- well, to put it mildly, this is the most intense, ferocious lightsaber duel in all the movies. You get a feeling of how much Anakin wants to kill Obi-wan, and how much Obi-wan is tearing himself to pieces with the bitter knowledge of what he must do.
When the time comes and Anakin is cut down, the anguish is clear to see on Obi-wan's face. You can't help but feel sorry for Anakin, especially as the fire starts to burn across him, in what is one of the most powerful images of the entire Star Wars saga.
My one criticism of the film, aside from an all too brief battle at the start of the movie, is the slightly shaky dialgoue between Anakin and Padme, and the infamous 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' line, which is horrible. Could we ever imagine Darth Vader yelling like that in the Original Trilogy?
Still, 9.5/10.
Others have said that the film's opening battle provides a great contrast with the rest of the movie, and I am inclined to agree. There is plenty of light-hearted banter between Anakin and Obi-wan, not to mention the scenes with R2-D2 and the battle droids. It shows us the deep friendship that has grown between Anakin and Obi-wan, which makes those scenes all the more pogniant, given what happens.
The next act is the fall of Anakin, slowly but surely being manipulated by Palpatine. Palpy is the master of insidious acts and uses Anakin and the Jedi Council against each other to create the perfect situation to corrupt the Chosen One. Aside from some shaky dialogue, these scenes are dark, eirey (especially the Opera scene), and lend weight to the inner turmoil that Anakin is feeling, particularly where Padme is concerned.
Obi-wan's fight with Grevious (who, I have to say it, reminded me of a giant chicken) was pretty cool, though the saber duel itself was too brief. Much is made in the book of how intense and fast Grevious is, yet I don't get that same impression from the movie.
My girlfriend wants one of those giant lizards.
The demise of Windu and the beginnings of Vader are done superbly, especially the way Palpatine becomes so evil so quickly. His manner, his voice, the way he cuts down three Jedi with ease... it's incredible to watch, as is Mace's final encounter with Force Lightening.
Next we have the film's final, most powerful act. From the Jedi being wiped out across the galaxy, the assault on the temple, and Obi-wan's terrible discovery that Anakin has been involved, everything is moving and emotional. It sets up that final, titanic battle on Mustafar.
Before going into any detail about that, there is also the duel between Yoda and Palpy. The Master of all Jedi versus the Lord of all Sith. This is quite an exhilerating fight, with pods and platforms being thrown around like they're bits of cardboard. In the end of course, Yoda can't qutie cut it, and we see the pain on his face as it hits home to him that the Sith have won.
Anakin versus Obi-wan- well, to put it mildly, this is the most intense, ferocious lightsaber duel in all the movies. You get a feeling of how much Anakin wants to kill Obi-wan, and how much Obi-wan is tearing himself to pieces with the bitter knowledge of what he must do.
When the time comes and Anakin is cut down, the anguish is clear to see on Obi-wan's face. You can't help but feel sorry for Anakin, especially as the fire starts to burn across him, in what is one of the most powerful images of the entire Star Wars saga.
My one criticism of the film, aside from an all too brief battle at the start of the movie, is the slightly shaky dialgoue between Anakin and Padme, and the infamous 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' line, which is horrible. Could we ever imagine Darth Vader yelling like that in the Original Trilogy?
Still, 9.5/10.