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Things that Should(n't) Be in Episodes 7, 8, 9...

Posted: 2005-06-14 01:34am
by Battlehymn Republic
Suppose that George Lucas grows as old as Methuselah or finds someone capable of preserving his style and spirit to make the next ones.

I want everyone to not focus on previously conceived notions of another trilogy, or "spoilers" like Super Shadow's offal. What things should or shouldn't be in a new trilogy to follow ROTJ?

My lists:

Should be in

Imperial Remnant (To finally explain to the masses that the Empire was not destroyed in the end of ROTJ.)
Admiral Thrawn

Kyle Katarn (NOT as a main character)

Sun Crusher (if they make it astounding and original)

The fate of Naboo (I'm pretty sure it's never been covered by any of the EU)

Boba Fett not dying

Rogue Squadron

Shouldn't be in

Jedi Clones (Mainstream audiences will call it lame and uncreative)

The V.V. aliens (I don't think most people are ready to have an alien threat to SW)

Anything to add? Please explain why.

Posted: 2005-06-14 01:40am
by Noble Ire
The V.V. aliens
Do you mean the Yuuhzan Vong? :?

There wont be anymore movies, but I would like to see a space battle at some point. You know, one between two good sized fleets (100+ Cap. Ships on each side) that didnt focus on just two fighters. :wink:

Posted: 2005-06-14 01:46am
by Darth Raptor
That's actually a rather neat idea. Instead of making whole movies or a television series, they could make short CGI films that depicted historically significant ground and space battles. No plot, just carnage and flashy stuff. That would be awesome.

Posted: 2005-06-14 01:48am
by Darth Garden Gnome
Battlehymn Republic wrote:The fate of Naboo (I'm pretty sure it's never been covered by any of the EU
Why should something have happened to it? It was Palpatine's birthplace, afterall.

The EU has covered the subject in some small way. Naboo exists in Star Wars Galaxies as another Imperial occupied world that also doubles as one of the Emperor's personal retreats. There is no reason to give it any special treatment if there were going to be Episodes 7-9.

Posted: 2005-06-14 01:51am
by Noble Ire
Darth Raptor wrote:That's actually a rather neat idea. Instead of making whole movies or a television series, they could make short CGI films that depicted historically significant ground and space battles. No plot, just carnage and flashy stuff. That would be awesome.
Tonight, on the Ken Burn's special Mini-series: The Invasion: The Vong Come marching in.

The Fall of Coruscant, from the perspective of the holo-journal of a janitorial assistant aboard Golan lll defense platform RR7-3.......

Posted: 2005-06-14 01:13pm
by Molyneux
Zahn Trilogy. 'nuff said.

They could have Kyle Katarn as a cameo in it, or something...

Posted: 2005-06-14 01:23pm
by swaaye
Yeah, lol. Maybe they could bring back the actor who portrayed Katarn in JK1. :)