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Alternate Episodes I and II

Posted: 2002-12-01 09:30pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
I think it would have been cooler to see Maul survive to fight Obi-Wan again in Episode II. And of course in Episode I, you would see Captain Panaka, Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan lead a platoon of security guards to try to subdue Maul. Maul would use many Jedi Outcast tricks, such as Force pushing back blaster bolts, picking up guards and slamming them into walls, Force pulling their weapons out of their hands and throwing his lightsaber at them, choking them, using Force lightning, etc. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan would both go insane on Maul to distract him from the rest of the guards and give Panaka and the remaining guards to get the hell out of there. After the lightsaber battle when Maul kills Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan goes crazy and attacks Maul. Maul isn't overwhelmed, but senses that the siege of Naboo will fail and retreats to serve Palpatine. The audience obviously has no idea why he runs away, and we see Obi-Wan tend to Qui-Gon rather than trying to make a mad dash after Maul in the energy fields. Maul would have retreated to Coruscant to stay with Palpatine. Palpatine would hold Maul in reserve and hire Jango Fett to assassinate Padme. Jango would basically replace Zam Wessel, making everything the same as in Episode II until the bar scene. Jango would sneak up to Obi-Wan in the bar and then Obi-Wan would spin around and slice off the muzzle to his blaster rifle (which I gave him :P ). Then Fett throws away his useless rifle and tries killing him with his flame thrower as an alternative to using his blaster pistols, simutaneously calling for Boba to pick him up on a comlink. He lights up the area where Obi-Wan is, Obi-Wan backflips behind the bar and notices all of the possibly flammable alcohol around him. As you might have guessed, the alcohol is indeed flammable, and Obi-Wan dashes to get away from the ensuing explosion, Force-pushing all of the civilians near it out of the way to save them. BOOM Jango flies out of the bar, knocking over Anakin on the way out. He then flies away to the Slave I that his son Boba Fett flew near the bar. He takes off for Kamino. When Obi-Wan goes to Kamino, he doesn't encounter Jango Fett the way he does in Episode II. Instead, he never sees who the clones are based off of and catches Jango Fett walking to the Slave I out of a window. Obi-Wan uses the Force to speed down a few hallways to reach the Slave I in time to engage Fett, but instead sees the Slave I take off to reveal Darth Maul standing behind it. They fight and Obi-Wan kills him. The rest of the movie is the same, still with Count Dooku, throwing out the "only two Sith" rule. Or maybe it could be that Palpatine was just finding a replacement for Maul and wasn't expecting Maul to last long. But that's just me....anyone else think it should have been like that too?

Posted: 2002-12-01 09:30pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
Whoa...sorry that I didn't put it in paragraph form. lol

Re: Alternate Episodes I and II

Posted: 2002-12-01 09:36pm
by Soontir C'boath
IRG CommandoJoe wrote:But that's just me....anyone else think it should have been like that too?
Yes...that would be a great alternative. If it goes like that then Maul won't have a stupid ending.


Posted: 2002-12-01 09:38pm
by Sardaukar
I really like the duel between Obi-Wan & Jango... (and the beginning of TPM where Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan cut through the battledroids, it shows you how "bad-ass" these Jedi actually were) so no, I don't think it's a good idea. Interesting though. I *would* have liked to have seen Maul do some acrobating mudering of the Naboo security forces...

I like the way Lucas keeps killing off the cool bad guys :)

Posted: 2002-12-01 09:45pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
Then again....that means there's MORE cool bad guys. lol

Posted: 2002-12-01 10:07pm
by Anarchist Bunny
The fight with Jango and Obi-Wan was ok, except for the parts were Jango fires his missile and Boba fires the guns, it look like it was just the same fucking scene used over.

Posted: 2002-12-01 10:23pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
Am I the only one or does anyone else find that missile on Jango/Boba's back to be stupid as all hell? It's in the most awkward position on his body. To fire it at a target, you have to bend over or wait for it to fly up and then at the target, wherever that may be. I always thought it would have been better if it were some sort of sensor or grappling/magnetic hook, or some other useful utility I can't think of right now. lol

Posted: 2002-12-01 11:28pm
by Sardaukar
ehhh.... he can use it to shoot down ships that are flying over him... It's probably guided by the antenna on his helmet, so he could shoot it up then it zooms down to whatever he looks at...
Probably only uses it as a last resort anyway, and also he might be able to load other kinds of warheads onto his backpack.

f I was carrying around a rocket launcher all the time, it would be convenient to leave it on my back... and seeing as Jango already has a rocketpack, why not mount it in there?

Why would he need a grappling/magnetic hook when he already has a jetpack and a whipcord thingy (a damn strong whipcord thingy...)?

I've never really thought the rocket was stupid. I was just glad that it was finally fired on film.

Posted: 2002-12-02 12:04am
by IRG CommandoJoe
I just don't like the way it's on his back like that. Maybe if it were on a rack that moves around like a turret when he's targeting something it would be cooler.