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Remake the EU

Posted: 2005-06-18 02:45pm
In light of the finale of the Prequel Trilogy(and the new stuff we learned therein), or just your experiences with reading various Expanded Universe stories and such, would you remake the Expanded Universe? And if so, how?

Posted: 2005-06-18 10:02pm
by Stofsk
Yes, I would remake the EU.

How would I do it? That's something I've thought about but haven't come up with something complete, yet. I have a few ideas, mainly basic ones like "Leia is a Jedi, not some political stooge" or "No moustache twirling Imperial villains who are pathetic and incompetent." People like RedImperator have got a kickass plot planned out though. :)

Posted: 2005-06-18 10:10pm
by Noble Ire
"No moustache twirling Imperial villains who are pathetic and incompetent."
Daala had a moustache? No wonder everyone hates her. :P

As for remaking the EU, I like the general story line and most of its component books. I would do a bit of fine tuning though, like either removing or shortening the escapades of the reborn Emperor and possibly killing off Kip.

Posted: 2005-06-19 08:32am
by Tribun
I really wonder now, how much of mthe EU is now plain wrong because of RotS.....

Posted: 2005-06-19 09:45am
by Noble Ire
Tribun wrote:I really wonder now, how much of mthe EU is now plain wrong because of RotS.....
As far as I know, none. Post OT EU books have always been intentionally vague when they talk about the PT era, probably because they were designed not to need an overhaul if the new movies were released.