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5 year olds playing Star Wars

Posted: 2005-06-20 11:28pm
by Star Empire
I just thought some of you might appreciate this. I work at a childcare center, and was outside cleaning some cots today. The kindergarten class was out there too. One kid said he was Anakin and his droid was R4. Another kid said his droid was R2, and then the first kid said he was Luke. Together they went to sell the droids to a rich man, named Darth Vader.

Posted: 2005-06-20 11:34pm
by Darth Wong
That's not surprising at all. My younger boy has been a Star Wars fan since AOTC came out. They've played with their toy lightsabres to the point of destroying two of them, so we bought more.

Posted: 2005-06-21 12:26am
by Star Empire
I know, my younger brother has gone through a lightsaber or two too. I just thought the specific dialogue was cute. Probably wasn't worth a post though, sorry.

Posted: 2005-06-21 01:20am
by Agent Fisher
An older friend of mine from church used to play as Darth Vader when he was in kindergarten and he had a group of people that were his stormtroopers that would beat up other because he pointed them out and told them to.

Posted: 2005-06-21 02:25am
by Lord Poe
My 18 year old nephew is a huge Star Wars fan. His favorite film so far is AOTC. I haven't asked him if ROTS replaced it, though.

Posted: 2005-06-21 03:51am
by dworkin
I used to play Star Wars after it first came out. And just like Adam and his friends in Good Omens (Pratchett/Gaimen) we wanted to rescue princesses and blow up planets.