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Leland Chee on the Death Star

Posted: 2005-06-22 04:51pm
by The Original Nex
Leland Chee (LFL's "Keeper of the Holocron", who maintains Star Wars continuity) has released a basic, timeline regarding the history of superlaser platforms and the Death Star Project.


Interestingly, he seems to agree with Saxton; that the construct in Episode III is NOT, in fact, the Death Star, but rather the "Death for the Empire" Station.

Posted: 2005-06-22 04:55pm
by Noble Ire
Very Interesting.

Star Tours is quasi-canon?

Posted: 2005-06-22 04:59pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Pure Sabacc wrote:Very Interesting.

Star Tours is quasi-canon?
They throw a question mark on the end there to indicate that it may be bullshit. Really, it was fucking stupid of them to put that in there, now everyone's gonna be up in arms over it...

Posted: 2005-06-22 05:00pm
by Laughing Mechanicus
I think the "Death for the Empire" thing is just a typo, it doesn't really make sense as a name. Most likely it was supposed to read "Death Star for the Empire"

Posted: 2005-06-22 05:02pm
by The Original Nex
Aaron Ash wrote:I think the "Death for the Empire" thing is just a typo, it doesn't really make sense as a name. Most likely it was supposed to read "Death Star for the Empire"
Either way, he suggests that the actual Death Star Project doesn't begin until 5 BBY.

Posted: 2005-06-22 05:05pm
by Pcm979
What's this Star Tours thing and why would people be up in arms over it?

Posted: 2005-06-22 05:07pm
by Noble Ire
Pcm979 wrote:What's this Star Tours thing and why would people be up in arms over it?
The SW ride at MGM. It depicts a battle over a Death Star completely unlike either Yavin or Endor. I just figured it was an oversite on the part of the makers, and thus simply "Infinities" level, but now......

Posted: 2005-06-22 05:09pm
by Trytostaydead
Pure Sabacc wrote:
Pcm979 wrote:What's this Star Tours thing and why would people be up in arms over it?
The SW ride at MGM. It depicts a battle over a Death Star completely unlike either Yavin or Endor. I just figured it was an oversite on the part of the makers, and thus simply "Infinities" level, but now......
Don't forget Disneyland

Posted: 2005-06-22 05:18pm
by Manus Celer Dei
Trytostaydead wrote:
Pure Sabacc wrote:
Pcm979 wrote:What's this Star Tours thing and why would people be up in arms over it?
The SW ride at MGM. It depicts a battle over a Death Star completely unlike either Yavin or Endor. I just figured it was an oversite on the part of the makers, and thus simply "Infinities" level, but now......
Don't forget Disneyland
I went on it there was I was about seven. I remember being confused as hell because the "ship" you were in looked like it was from Trek.

Posted: 2005-06-22 05:24pm
by Pcm979
Wow, that *is* stupid.
Manus Celer Dei wrote:I went on it there was I was about seven. I remember being confused as hell because the "ship" you were in looked like it was from Trek.
Aha! Canonical proof that Trek ships can destroy the Death Star! :P

Posted: 2005-06-22 05:56pm
by McC
Aaron Ash wrote:I think the "Death for the Empire" thing is just a typo, it doesn't really make sense as a name. Most likely it was supposed to read "Death Star for the Empire"
Maybe I'm blind, but I don't see either "Death for the Empire" or "Death Star for the Empire" anywhere on that page. :?

Posted: 2005-06-22 06:12pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
McC wrote:Maybe I'm blind, but I don't see either "Death for the Empire" or "Death Star for the Empire" anywhere on that page. :?
It appears to have been corrected. It now reads:

"Palpatine, Tarkin, and Vader oversee construction for the Empire"

Posted: 2005-06-22 07:03pm
by FedRebel
Pure Sabacc wrote: Star Tours is quasi-canon?
Just about everything is canon in some sense with SW

I don't recall seeing an infinities sticker while waiting in line for the ride

Maybe it's S level canon

Posted: 2005-06-22 08:04pm
by Noble Ire
FedRebel wrote:
Pure Sabacc wrote: Star Tours is quasi-canon?
Just about everything is canon in some sense with SW

I don't recall seeing an infinities sticker while waiting in line for the ride

Maybe it's S level canon
The older Star Wars Tales comics are Infinities level, and they dont have the sticker either. It is applied after the fact in many cases, when a source is found irreconcilable wih more established canon.

Posted: 2005-06-22 10:18pm
by Nephtys
I was on that ride! Yeah, it was... funny. You walk about through a set that looks like it's from ALIENS, with various vents and industrial stuff about.. then you walk to the shuttle, which looks just like a TNG-Era Galaxy's shuttle. Then, some HK-47 meets Tourguide flies the shuttle, outruns ISDs, blows up fighters (...tour busses have blasters?) and fires torpedoes to destroy Death Star 1.

So if it's canon, I guess it's the Rebels/New Republic's secret shame. Luke missed the exaust port, because the moron turned off his guidance system. Instead, a local charter bus full of people from out-of-town blew up the battlestation... :P

Posted: 2005-06-22 11:30pm
by Srynerson
Including the Star Tours "Death Star" seems really, really dubious if they're not going to include the Tarkin battlestation. :?

Posted: 2005-06-23 03:40am
by Mange
Something seems to have happened with the project between 19 BBY and 3 BBY.

Posted: 2005-06-23 03:47am
by GuppyShark
0: Hammertong Project involving the transport of the Death Star II's superlaser [SW]


I don't remember seeing any Hammertong Project in ANH.

Posted: 2005-06-23 06:22am
by VT-16
Maybe the Star Tours station is one of the two mini-Death Stars in orbit around Coruscant? :?

Posted: 2005-06-23 09:30am
by The Original Nex
Yeah, when I start reading it as a typo, he does seem to suggest that it IS the DS. My mistake, I jumped the gun on that one.

Posted: 2005-06-23 10:01am
by VT-16
It just says it´s being constructed for the Empire, the next entry is about the Maw 16 years later. Why move it all the way there after so many years if it´s the DS? I say it´s the Separatist weapon being finished and used for testing the concept. Think about it, no real risks involved if the Separatists built most of it, if it blows up, that´s their loss, really. Then they go on to start the "Death Star Project" in the Maw.

Posted: 2005-06-23 10:03am
by The Original Nex
I agree, I just hope we can get LFL to agree. . .

And then, of course, it's likely that Lucas' TV Series will screw it up even more.

Posted: 2005-06-23 12:57pm
by Alan Bolte
GuppyShark wrote:0: Hammertong Project involving the transport of the Death Star II's superlaser [SW]


I don't remember seeing any Hammertong Project in ANH.
It's from Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina, as far as I know.

Posted: 2005-06-23 02:03pm
by Vicious
The Hammertong Project (only read the tale once, long ago, so my memory isn't clear) was about the assassination of Luke Skywalker by a pair of twin Twi'lek assassins, wasn't it? Or am I totally misremembering the tale?

Posted: 2005-06-23 02:16pm
by Quadlok
Vicious wrote:The Hammertong Project (only read the tale once, long ago, so my memory isn't clear) was about the assassination of Luke Skywalker by a pair of twin Twi'lek assassins, wasn't it? Or am I totally misremembering the tale?
That is way off. Remember those two wierd looking chicks in the cantina sceen? Its about who they are and why they were there.

A quick rundown: They are Misryl gaurds who had been contracted as extra security at an Imprerial research station. When they realized thats what it was, they got pissed off and swiped a strike cruiser modified to carry a portion of a superlaser. They ended up crashlanding on Tatooine, tried to sell the thing to the highest bidder, and hilarity insued.