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Aayla Secura vs. Asajj Ventress

Posted: 2005-06-29 02:57am
by Jack Bauer

Posted: 2005-06-29 05:09am
by The Grim Squeaker
Asajji Ventress took on multiple jedi in a fair fight and held her own (SW Jedi: Mace Windu), She is indubitably stronger than Aurra sing but since Aayla beat Sing it would be close.

I'd still stay Ventress though, she has consistently held her own against powerful jedi (Obi Wan, DS Raging Anakin) and her 2 saber fighting styles are designed to crush any normal jedi who isnt exceptionally fast or strong in the force.

Corection: Asajj Ventress

Posted: 2005-06-29 07:09am
by Old Plympto
the .303 bookworm wrote:Asajji Ventress
Nope. I'm pretty sure Order 66 got it right the first time.

Posted: 2005-06-29 07:16am
by The Grim Squeaker
Old Plympto wrote:
the .303 bookworm wrote:Asajji Ventress
Nope. I'm pretty sure Order 66 got it right the first time.
Just checked it, youre right :oops: :oops:

Posted: 2005-06-29 12:43pm
by Darth Lucifer
I'm going with Miss Ventress on this one. She took on the Chosen One and definitely gave him a run for his money; if it wasn't for the fact that Anakin had a mechanical hand, she may have beaten him. (Clone Wars).

BTW, whatever happened to her? Someone told me she didn't survive the purge, but I can't find anything to back up that assumption except that I think it would be in Darth Vader's nature to hunt the bitch down for some payback.

Posted: 2005-06-29 12:45pm
by The Grim Squeaker
Mario1470 wrote:I'm going with Miss Ventress on this one. She took on the Chosen One and definitely gave him a run for his money; if it wasn't for the fact that Anakin had a mechanical hand, she may have beaten him. (Clone Wars).

BTW, whatever happened to her? Someone told me she didn't survive the purge, but I can't find anything to back up that assumption except that I think it would be in Darth Vader's nature to hunt the bitch down for some payback.
Anakin later beat her with the force and killed her, she was cloned by Dooku and found by Obi-Wan, I'm not sure about what happened next. (SW: obsession 4) but I think that Obi redeemed her after a fight.

Posted: 2005-06-29 01:09pm
by Grasscutter
the .303 bookworm wrote: Anakin later beat her with the force and killed her, she was cloned by Dooku and found by Obi-Wan, I'm not sure about what happened next. (SW: obsession 4) but I think that Obi redeemed her after a fight.
She hijacks the medical ship Obi Wan places her on, using the Force to convince the pilot to take them as far from Dooku, the war, and the Jedi as possible. I think Alpha is also on that ship, having been shot through the spine earlier in the same comic by a droid.

Posted: 2005-06-29 01:12pm
by The Grim Squeaker
Grasscutter wrote:
the .303 bookworm wrote: Anakin later beat her with the force and killed her, she was cloned by Dooku and found by Obi-Wan, I'm not sure about what happened next. (SW: obsession 4) but I think that Obi redeemed her after a fight.
She hijacks the medical ship Obi Wan places her on, using the Force to convince the pilot to take them as far from Dooku, the war, and the Jedi as possible. I think Alpha is also on that ship, having been shot through the spine earlier in the same comic by a droid.
Didnt Alpha go bat shit insane becuse of jJango's memories :?

Posted: 2005-06-29 04:20pm
by Lord Revan
As much as I love blue Twi''lek chicks Aayla ain't probaly gonna win, as she's more a Jedi Spy then a Jedi Warrior.

Posted: 2005-06-29 08:29pm
by 000
Ventress was defeated on Coruscant by Skywalker. She was critically injured, not killed. Dooku recovered her and had her given reconstructive surgery (she had an artificial eye at the very least). Anakin (once again) fatally wounded her; her presumably-dead body was placed on a medical transport where she woke up, having slowed her life functions to near zero using a sith techinique. She tells the pilots to fly far away from Dooku and the war, and that's the last we see of her.

Alpha was stabbed through the spine by Grievous and put on a different medical shuttle. That's the last time he was seen.

Alpha 02, AKA Spar, AKA Mandalore the Resurrector, is the rogue clone trooper who eventually succumbed to clone madness.

Posted: 2005-06-30 12:20am
by Lone_Prodigy
Alpha 02, AKA Spar, AKA Mandalore the Resurrector, is the rogue clone trooper who eventually succumbed to clone madness.
Is it ever revealed what happened to him? Did he try to reform the Mandalorian Supercommandos?

Posted: 2005-06-30 01:04am
by Grasscutter
gladius wrote:Ventress was defeated on Coruscant by Skywalker. She was critically injured, not killed. Dooku recovered her and had her given reconstructive surgery (she had an artificial eye at the very least). Anakin (once again) fatally wounded her; her presumably-dead body was placed on a medical transport where she woke up, having slowed her life functions to near zero using a sith techinique. She tells the pilots to fly far away from Dooku and the war, and that's the last we see of her.

Alpha was stabbed through the spine by Grievous and put on a different medical shuttle. That's the last time he was seen.

Alpha 02, AKA Spar, AKA Mandalore the Resurrector, is the rogue clone trooper who eventually succumbed to clone madness.
Ah, my mistake. Looked like the same shuttle when I read it in the store.

Also, I think Asajj takes it for the reasons everybody has elaborated on already. Excellent combatant who has given some of the Jedi Order's finest fighters a hard time.


Posted: 2005-06-30 02:04am
by Seeing Red
Secura comes across as being generally a bit weaker and less capable of a fighter than Ventress, especially in the excellent Star Wars Clone Wars series

Posted: 2005-06-30 03:49pm
by 000
Lone_Prodigy wrote:Is it ever revealed what happened to him? Did he try to reform the Mandalorian Supercommandos?
Yes, he went on to become the first mandalore in generations and reunited the scattered mandalorians in diaspora into a central force again... operating under the aegis of the CIS. They attacked Kamino and devastated the cloning facilities a couple of years into the war.

Posted: 2005-06-30 05:08pm
by Lone_Prodigy
gladius wrote:
Lone_Prodigy wrote:Is it ever revealed what happened to him? Did he try to reform the Mandalorian Supercommandos?
Yes, he went on to become the first mandalore in generations and reunited the scattered mandalorians in diaspora into a central force again... operating under the aegis of the CIS. They attacked Kamino and devastated the cloning facilities a couple of years into the war.
Wow, what else came of it? Were they exterminated?

Posted: 2005-06-30 06:03pm
by Noble Ire
Lone_Prodigy wrote:
gladius wrote:
Lone_Prodigy wrote:Is it ever revealed what happened to him? Did he try to reform the Mandalorian Supercommandos?
Yes, he went on to become the first mandalore in generations and reunited the scattered mandalorians in diaspora into a central force again... operating under the aegis of the CIS. They attacked Kamino and devastated the cloning facilities a couple of years into the war.
Wow, what else came of it? Were they exterminated?
Midway through the war, the Repulbic laid a trap for the Commandos and they were all but exterminated. Spar was forced to flee into seclusion in some Outer Rim nebula, where he slowly succumed to his madness and was eventually killed by bounty hunter Ailyn Vel, who had a grudge against Boba Fett and misidentified Spar as being him.

Posted: 2005-07-01 12:27pm
by Spartan
Ayla Secura's not that weak, sure she's going down but she did defeat Aura Sing after all. A feat that four different Jedi council members and several other masters failed to do.

Posted: 2005-07-01 12:37pm
by The Grim Squeaker
Spartan wrote:Ayla Secura's not that weak, sure she's going down but she did defeat Aura Sing after all. A feat that four different Jedi council members and several other masters failed to do.
Sing never fought more than 1-3 jedi at a time, Ventress fought far more experienced jedi and owned most of them.
Sing fight's dirty (explosive's, sniper rifle) while Ventress is dedicated to saber combat and force powers.