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If you could play a SW character

Posted: 2005-07-06 10:16am
by Sarevok
Based on your appearance and acting talents which SW movie characters do you think you could play ? What kind of characer can you play in the upcoming SW TV show or a future movie if there is one ?

Being a medium height south asian guy I obviously dont match and cant play any of the main characters in the SW films. However I suppose I could be a background character or a padawan getting gunned down in ROTS. Being a clone or storm trooper would always work too.

As for option 2 I would be a Jedi. Nuff said. :D

Posted: 2005-07-06 10:35am
by Pcm979
Commander Bacara!

Posted: 2005-07-06 11:28am
by Lord Pounder
I could be a Senator, i'm human, slightly plump, and can be easily led, exactly what Palps wants in his goverment.

Posted: 2005-07-06 01:06pm
by Danny Bhoy
Personally I'd like to play one of the Mos Eisely or Jabba's Court barflies (especially the band members, perhaps Max Rebo himself since I fancy myself as a bit of a keyboardist too but unfortunately not blue or have a conk), a Rebel Alliance fighter pilot at Endor, or a corpulent corrupt Senator (will need to pack on the pounds though) in the PT or one of those Jedi Knights or Padawans 66'd at the Temple (preferably gone down under a hail of fire from the clones after taking a bunch of them to join me in Valhalla rather than backhanded by Vader in one stroke with his lightsabre).

Posted: 2005-07-06 01:13pm
by Kurgan
Aayla Secura's hotter sister... with lots of CGI!

Posted: 2005-07-06 01:13pm
by Civil War Man
My calm demeanor and beard says Jedi Knight. My smart-assery and scruffiness says smuggler.

Posted: 2005-07-06 01:28pm
by Noble Ire
An Imperial officer having moral difficulties with the activities of the new order.

Posted: 2005-07-06 01:34pm
by Arcen
I would probably fit best being the bar tender in ANH. Not fat, 3 day growth of beard (when I can get away with it) and generally gruff.

Posted: 2005-07-06 01:39pm
by Vicious
I could probably swing Han Solo physically, and I can play the scruffy smuggler. I'd rather play a jedi who's on the verge of falling to the Dark side. Not intentionally, but one who's actions and emotions always pull me away from the Light.

Posted: 2005-07-06 02:39pm
by Kuja
Wedge Antilles, Luke Skywalker. Everyone else is either out of my age bracket or the wrong gender. :P

Posted: 2005-07-06 02:48pm
by Korvan
Tractor-beam control officer on the Executor, hoping that Lord Vader never finds out that I was reading message boards on the holo-net when I was supposed to be locking on to the Falcon as it left Bespin.

Posted: 2005-07-06 02:58pm
by Duckie
As a kid I'd be some kid who is in the background of a scene while the main characters come by. If we were to suppose I was an adult, I'd be a low ranked Imperial Officer extra.

(And maybe I'd get my own little piece of EU saying I'm really a normal guy who supports the New Order only to stay out of trouble with it and ventually I get knocked off for that reason, or just shot as two Rebels and a Wookie try to break into the brig I'm posted at. I mean, if the Snowtrooper with the Rank Plaque gets a name, I deserve a backstory.)

Posted: 2005-07-06 03:11pm
by Darth Sephiroth
A rogue (Non-Dark) Jedi/Force User with leanings towards smuggler, probably much like my RPG character...

Posted: 2005-07-06 03:19pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Thats an Easy one. A famed transport and smugger piloting a Highly modified Action-VI transport. (or is that VI? I always get them confused)

Posted: 2005-07-06 03:25pm
by Pcm979
I admit it, I said Commander Bacara because I like his helmet. Who I'd be best suited as is another matter:

Going by my personality/accent/etc. I'd say an Imperial officer who follows the rules because They Are The Rules(TM).

Going by a combination of my age group and my ego, Boba Fett. :P

Posted: 2005-07-06 03:49pm
by Techno_Union
A senator in the days of the Republic would work out quite fine. I could even survive into Palpatine's empire... until he disolves the senate of course.

Posted: 2005-07-06 03:57pm
by His Divine Shadow
Han Solo, Lando, Wedge, normal human males in other words, I might a bit on the young side though at 23.

However I cannot act.

Posted: 2005-07-06 03:57pm
by Utsanomiko
Give me a big, rotund spacesuit and I'll play an Ugor in some background scene. Star Wars needs more official/canon instances of Ugor.

I could also pull off being a Geonosis Arena background Jedi, since I have no practical competence with a boken but really cool long hair. But I'd probably wish they'd given me an alien mask to wear instead of being the umpteenth human Jedi to contrast from all the aliens among the heroes.

Posted: 2005-07-06 05:35pm
by Aquatain
Chewbacca since i'm very tall.

Posted: 2005-07-06 05:50pm
by Solauren
Guy repairing/programming computers and droids

Posted: 2005-07-06 06:08pm
by Knife
With my fat guy, I could easily play a rancor keeper. :P

Posted: 2005-07-06 07:13pm
by Anomie
With my fat guy, I could easily play a rancor keeper.
I would also have to go with this one, or maybe Porkins from ANH.

Who I'd like to play would be an outter rim freighter captain/smuggler with a heart of gold.

Posted: 2005-07-06 07:33pm
by Drunk Monkey
A Tattoine Pimp.

Posted: 2005-07-06 10:48pm
by The Jazz Intern
my friends all say greedo so cruel! But I can control my personality easily and really am thinking of being an actor. but, by my age, probably the 12-14 year old padawan who dies telling Bail Organna to leave.

Hey, I wouldn't mind playing Aayla's boyfriend who she was "madly in love with!"

Posted: 2005-07-07 12:18am
by Sharpshooter
Anomie wrote:I would also have to go with this one, or maybe Porkins from ANH.
Damn it, I wanted to play Porkins! :razz:

Oh, well. Physically, I'd probably be able to do (besides Porkins) political aid/lackey to some Senator from the Bumblefuck system, or maybe Boss Nass, if I get a suit and a ton of make-up/CGI stuff to help out..

Personality/wise, I'd be well suited for Lobot: I love collecting and reading through data and managing things, and I'm the soft-spoken kind of guy that sits in the background, doing all the real work. That, or maybe some nameless first-generation Clone Trooper, a sniper.

My fantasy part, though? Imperial Royal Guard. I get the cool armor and the robe, learn deadly martial arts, and get to do all the super-secret missions that nobody learns about. Plus, I get to sell myself out as a Mercenary once ol' Palps kicks the bucket, Kan Kyros-style.

Did I mention the cool suit?