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Commoness of Jedi in the OT Period

Posted: 2005-07-06 04:19pm
by Battlehymn Republic
Besides the whole thing with a lot of Jedi surviving the Purge, there are a surprising amount of Dark Jedi/Force-users in the Empire. Mara Jade, other elite Force-users (I’m guessing), not to mention Jerec and all of the others in the Dark Forces games.

So I’m wondering: Isn’t that a blatant violation of the rule of two, and that the Emperor and Vader are supposed to be the only Force-users in the entire galaxy?

Posted: 2005-07-06 04:26pm
by The Grim Squeaker
There are only two Sith allowed at a time, normal Dark side users dont count towards this limit since they have not learned the Sith arts.
(Not all dark side users are Sith)

Posted: 2005-07-06 04:27pm
by Lord Revan
The rule of two applies to The Sith Order alone, there's no limitation on much non-Sith Force users there could be.

Posted: 2005-07-06 04:37pm
by dworkin
Just for laffs, cos I likes a laff

After playing some of the games and reading the comics one of my mates came up with Yoda's revised comment.

"Only two thousand there are, the Master, the Apprentice and all the fucking wannabe goons."

Posted: 2005-07-07 03:39pm
by Cykeisme
dworkin wrote:Just for laffs, cos I likes a laff

After playing some of the games and reading the comics one of my mates came up with Yoda's revised comment.

"Only two thousand there are, the Master, the Apprentice and all the fucking wannabe goons."

Well, having the two evil Sith Lords and two Jedi survivors as the only Force users in the galaxy makes for an excellent epic movie scenario, but when it comes to countless games and comic serials, it's necessary to bend the rules a bit. The books and games would be pretty bland if there weren't any other Jedi and Dark Side adepts to mess around wth.

Posted: 2005-07-08 10:05am
by PainRack
Wasn't it also stated that after the rise of Empire, both the Emperor and Vader threw away the "Rule of two"?

Posted: 2005-07-08 10:30am
by White Haven
You know, given the amount of times that there have been only /ONE/ Sith throughout SW history, one wonders why the Masterkept teaching the Sith ways to the apprentice uneditted. Given that a core part of its philosophy is the act of becoming the Master by assassination, that doesn't exactly seem like a wise career move on the part of the teacher.

Posted: 2005-07-08 10:36am
by Isolder74
I guess revenge on the Jedi is more important than maintaining your own position.

ZThat said it seems more important to ensure the Sith order continues than yourself

Posted: 2005-07-08 11:25am
by Darth Wong
White Haven wrote:You know, given the amount of times that there have been only /ONE/ Sith throughout SW history, one wonders why the Masterkept teaching the Sith ways to the apprentice uneditted. Given that a core part of its philosophy is the act of becoming the Master by assassination, that doesn't exactly seem like a wise career move on the part of the teacher.
I suspect they value the Sith ideology over their own lives, so when the apprentice becomes stronger than the master, it is only right that he kill the master as a rite of passage to assume his position. Palpatine would be an exception to this rule, since he killed his master in his sleep rather than killing him in honourable combat (and unlike every previous Sith Lord, he seemed intent on perpetuating his own life forever via his cloning operations).

Another possibility is that most Sith Lords retire peacefully and fade away, and that Palpatine was the first to kill his master.

Posted: 2005-07-08 11:30am
by Lord Revan
Darth Wong wrote:
White Haven wrote:You know, given the amount of times that there have been only /ONE/ Sith throughout SW history, one wonders why the Masterkept teaching the Sith ways to the apprentice uneditted. Given that a core part of its philosophy is the act of becoming the Master by assassination, that doesn't exactly seem like a wise career move on the part of the teacher.
I suspect they value the Sith ideology over their own lives, so when the apprentice becomes stronger than the master, it is only right that he kill the master as a rite of passage to assume his position. Palpatine would be an exception to this rule, since he killed his master in his sleep rather than killing him in honourable combat (and unlike every previous Sith Lord, he seemed intent on perpetuating his own life forever via his cloning operations).
Palpatine wasn't the first though as Darth Malak used a salvo from a capship to kill Darth Revan and yes an sith apprentice is suppose to kill the master once he's powerfull enough to do it.

Posted: 2005-07-08 12:48pm
by Vyraeth
Just for some additional reference, BattleHymm, as many people have stated the rule of two was started by Darth Bane and it was intended to preserve the remaining Sith after the Great Sith War.

It also applies only to people at the rank of Sith Lord and not to anyone far below it in stature. The title Sith Lord is a special rank.

Lastly, as .303 already pointed out, not every Dark Side Force-user is neccessarily a Sith. The Sith techniques are far different then common Dark Side ones. For example, Jerec in your post was not a Sith, but instead a Dark Side Force-user.

Additionally, Brakiss and the Shadow Academy are all Dark Side force-users.

-- Vyraeth