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Order 66 – Pre-Episode 3 crisis-scenarios

Posted: 2005-07-11 05:02pm
by Freeman's Trigger-Finger
As I was re-reading through Labyrinth of Evil for a second time yesterday, I noticed two passages about Clone-troopers on Coruscant that caught my attention.

Emphasis mine.
Labyrinth of Evil: p 50.
Faceless, blaster wielding soldiers on the shuttle landing platforms, in the plazas, arrayed in front of banks, hotels, theatres, wherever beings gathered or mingled. Scanning the crowds, stopping anyone who fir the current possible terrorist profile, conducting searches of individuals, belongings, residencies. Not on a whim, because the cloned troopers didn’t operate like that. They answered merely to their training, and the duties they performed for the good of the republic.
One heard rumours about antiwar demonstrations being put down by force; if disappearances and seizures of private property. Proof of such abuses of power rarely surfaced, and was quickly discredited.
Labyrinth of Evil: p 73-74
Palpatine gazed at Bail over steepled fingers. ‘’Our recent victories have made you feel so secure?’’
‘’They have, Supreme Chancellor,’’ Padme said.
‘’The Enhanced Security and Enforcement Act in particular,’’ Bail continued. ‘’Specifically those measures that permit the un-restricted use of observation droids, and searches and seizures without the need for warrants and due process’’.

Was Sidious using the clones to execute he’s own personal orders before the commencement of Order 66 in Episode 3? By this time the constitution on Coruscant had been amended to he’s own ends anyway, so perhaps such acts were commonplace.

Clones were policing Coruscant during the war, and with most of the Jedi order away, commanding armies on Inner and Outer-rim planets, could Palpatine have been commanding some clones, in secret, to quell any protest to he’s actions on Coruscant. Would it be possible for the clones to operate under such commands without drawing attention to themselves?