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Anakin and Obi Wan v. Palpatine
Posted: 2005-07-12 11:41am
by Stravo
Say that at Mustafar Obi Wan and Padme are able to make Anakin return to the light. He has a change of heart and he and Obi Wan race to Coruscant to help Yoda defeat Palpatine.
Meanwhile back on Coruscant Yoda is dispatched by Palpatine with a lucky stroke of his saber.
Now Anakin and Obi Wan arrive to avenge the fallen Jedi and for Anakin to make up for all that he has done. Can the dynamic Jedi duo take Palpatine? Keep on mind that Anakin will no longer have access to darkside abilities nor will he turn again. He is dedicated to killing Palpatine.
Posted: 2005-07-12 12:08pm
by Vympel
It's possible, but I'd say only both of them combined. It's hard to nail Jedi abilities very well- look how Yoda fought Count Dooku in AotC- though Dooku backed out of that fight, it went for quite a bit. Compare to how quickly Anakin alone dispatches him in RotS. This might indicate that Anakin was approaching Mace Windu's level of skill by the time of RotS in comparison to Yoda- there's also that Anakin may well have been using the dark side to defeat Dooku. We know Obi-Wan is a master of his defensive style, but Yoda dismissed his chances of killing Palpatine out of hand all the same.
Posted: 2005-07-12 12:18pm
by Ninja of the North
If they are able to attack him at the same time, a la Qui Gon/Obi Wan V. Maul, they might have a chance. However, if the battle gets to be one on one, they're dead. I suppose of the two, Anakin would have the greater chance of taking him on his own, if he lets himself go and feeds upon his anger.
Posted: 2005-07-12 12:23pm
by Crazedwraith
Since Anakin just killed quite a lot of Jedi, he and Obi-Wan are hardly going to be at their prime teamwork wise.
Palpy probably takes Obi-Wan ouit with out sweating like Dooku did. So it comes down to Anakin vs Palpatine.
Palpatine has a good chance of winning.
Of course it also depends on wear the duo attempt to take him on. If like the Mace battle the take himk on in a relative enclosed area and the fight is more or less decided on sabre skills then they have a much better chance of winning than if it falls down to a force powers match ala Palpatine vs Yoda in the Senate.
Posted: 2005-07-12 12:41pm
by Caius
I think it might be a similar senario where Palpatine goads Anakin into making a mistake.
Just imagine all the emotions running wild through anakin there is no way he could have a clear head. He was fooled into killing the jedi, he almost killed his wife, he killed Mace, finds out Palpatine was using him and then learns Yoda just was killed. There is no way he could be in the right mindset for this battle. Especially considering how easily Palpatine was able to manipulate him, and then looking on the actual fight between Anakin vs Obi-Wan, how easily Obi-Wan was able to turn his emotions against him.
Palpatine would probably play off that and could without a doubt handle both of them. I could imgine it would be incredibly close, and if Palpatine slipped up if Anakin didn't capitalize then Obi-Wan would, granted if he wasn't dispposed of.
Posted: 2005-07-12 03:06pm
by Zwinmar
I believe the best bet for them to win would be an assassination ..for those of you who have beat the RoTS game on the alternate ending, you know what im talking about.
Basically, Anakin catches Palp by suprise and shoves a lightsaber thru his chest.
Posted: 2005-07-12 03:16pm
by Elmca
Crazedwraith wrote:Since Anakin just killed quite a lot of Jedi, he and Obi-Wan are hardly going to be at their prime teamwork wise.
Palpy probably takes Obi-Wan ouit with out sweating like Dooku did. So it comes down to Anakin vs Palpatine.
Palpatine has a good chance of winning.
Of course it also depends on wear the duo attempt to take him on. If like the Mace battle the take himk on in a relative enclosed area and the fight is more or less decided on sabre skills then they have a much better chance of winning than if it falls down to a force powers match ala Palpatine vs Yoda in the Senate.
I'm not sure I follow the logic...Palpatine takes out Obi-wan without breaking a sweat, but only has a "good chance" of beating Anakin. Yet Obi-wan beats Anakin on Mustafar. So Obi-wan > Anakin > Palpatine > Obi-wan???
In the fight against Dooku, I'm not so sure Palpatine didn't help Dooku a bit. After all, Anakin killing Dooku was part of his plan. He needed Obi-wan out of the way for that to happen. So at an opportune moment, he uses the force to help Dooku "catch" Obi-wan. He probably planned on Dooku to kill Obi (his "leave him" comments to Anakin support this), but had to make do with what he got.
All that being said, though, I'm not sure if Anakin and Obi-wan teamed up can beat Palpatine. I can't stand Palpatine wanking OR the attempted pussification of Obi-wan, but I'm not sure the dynamic duo are up to the task. Palpatine took out three Jedi masters in seconds and Mace was barely able to hold his own at the beginning of the battle. If Obi and Anakin survive the first half-minute or so, I think they may have a chance. I'm just not sure they could survive that long.
Re: Anakin and Obi Wan v. Palpatine
Posted: 2005-07-12 03:39pm
by seanrobertson
I can't speak directly to Anakin and Obi-Wan v. Palpatine, but doesn't the novelization indicate that, had Yoda and Obi-Wan teamed up, they could not have defeated Sidious?
A friend sent over a detailed synopsis of the book with passages and page references. I'll see if I can find the relevant quote.
Posted: 2005-07-12 04:05pm
by Crazedwraith
Elmca wrote:
I'm not sure I follow the logic...Palpatine takes out Obi-wan without breaking a sweat, but only has a "good chance" of beating Anakin. Yet Obi-wan beats Anakin on Mustafar. So Obi-wan > Anakin > Palpatine > Obi-wan???
Wining fights isn't just about raw power. Not a case of A>B B>C therefore A>C More like a game of paper/sissors/stone.
Obi-Wan beats Anakin because of tactics. Namely backing off until he sets up a perfect trap and goads anakin into it. This starategy would not work with Palpatine, mainly becuase of a lack of handy lava pits and the fact Palpatines to smart to goat in that fashion.
Posted: 2005-07-12 04:29pm
by Elmca
Crazedwraith wrote:Elmca wrote:
I'm not sure I follow the logic...Palpatine takes out Obi-wan without breaking a sweat, but only has a "good chance" of beating Anakin. Yet Obi-wan beats Anakin on Mustafar. So Obi-wan > Anakin > Palpatine > Obi-wan???
Wining fights isn't just about raw power. Not a case of A>B B>C therefore A>C More like a game of paper/sissors/stone.
Obi-Wan beats Anakin because of tactics. Namely backing off until he sets up a perfect trap and goads anakin into it. This starategy would not work with Palpatine, mainly becuase of a lack of handy lava pits and the fact Palpatines to smart to goat in that fashion.
Good point. Palpatine is usually the trapper, not the trapped. In the confines of the throne room (presumably), there's no way for Obi to strategically retreat. In a test of raw power, Obi doesn't really have a chance.
Posted: 2005-07-12 04:48pm
by Darth Wong
Palpatine is a master politician, but face-to-face, once the gloves come off he's actually quite reckless, prone to cackling fits of glee and overestimation of his own abilities. Look at how he gloated over Yoda after nailing him with a Sith lightning sucker-punch rather than immediately hitting him again. Notice how he didn't call for backup. I'd say that Obi-Wan is actually cagier in personal combat than Palpatine is.
Posted: 2005-07-12 05:00pm
by Keevan_Colton
If they get to set the terms, then the dynamic duo have a good chance...after all Sith are their speciality.
Basically, if they chose the ground and the time for the fight to maximize their advantages over Palpy, the day'll be theirs, but if they dont manage to do that...they're fucked. Palpy isnt good when caught by the unexpected.
Posted: 2005-07-12 05:06pm
by seanrobertson
Darth Wong wrote:Palpatine is a master politician, but face-to-face, once the gloves come off he's actually quite reckless, prone to cackling fits of glee and overestimation of his own abilities. Look at how he gloated over Yoda after nailing him with a Sith lightning sucker-punch rather than immediately hitting him again.
Not to mention way he got carried away when he was machine-gunning senate pods at Yoda. Come on, Palps: stop laughing for a few seconds and
aim the damn things!
Notice how he didn't call for backup. I'd say that Obi-Wan is actually cagier in personal combat than Palpatine is.
He didn't let his apprentice sneak up and grab him from behind, that's for sure
Posted: 2005-07-12 05:29pm
by Noble Ire
Not to mention way he got carried away when he was machine-gunning senate pods at Yoda. Come on, Palps: stop laughing for a few seconds and aim the damn things!
What do you mean? Several of the pods came within a few inches of crushing Yoda.
Posted: 2005-07-12 06:36pm
by seanrobertson
Noble Ire wrote:Not to mention way he got carried away when he was machine-gunning senate pods at Yoda. Come on, Palps: stop laughing for a few seconds and aim the damn things!
What do you mean? Several of the pods came within a few inches of crushing Yoda.
I don't mean Sidious tossed the pods without any regard for where they hit; rather, next to
Yoda, the way he threw the things around while laughing his head off was reckless. There he was, cackling and lobbing dozens of them to little effect whilst Yoda achieved the same by carefully chucking but one carefully-aimed pod at him.
Posted: 2005-07-12 06:37pm
by Darth Sephiroth
I'd say that they would have a chance if they thought it through first, it'd be kind of hard for Palpatine to survive if they opened up with a missile barrage into his office from a gunship and then razed what was left before entering to confirm the kill.
Posted: 2005-07-12 06:40pm
by Noble Ire
Darth Sephiroth wrote:I'd say that they would have a chance if they thought it through first, it'd be kind of hard for Palpatine to survive if they opened up with a missile barrage into his office from a gunship and then razed what was left before entering to confirm the kill.
That would place there credibility in the eyes of the senate at absolute zero. At least by taking him on face to face they might have been able to collect some proof of his Sithlyness.
Posted: 2005-07-12 06:48pm
by Eframepilot
Anakin is the Chosen One. Because of that, the Force will open a way for him to beat Palpatine even if he lacks the skill and power to do so in a straight fight. As Anakin vs. Obi-Wan showed, the victor isn't always the stronger one.
Posted: 2005-07-12 11:17pm
by The Jazz Intern
He is chosen to bring balance to the force, does eliminate the all sith sound like a balance?
I have a question, when they come in, where is palpatine when he fights the dynamic dou? his office, Or do Anikin and Obi wan come in while he's still in the senate pod area? in the office, Palpy wins. less spreading around for his lightning. In the sentate pod area... I think the dynamic dou win, barely. The win by getting senate pods on him from both sides.
Posted: 2005-07-12 11:47pm
by Captain Cyran
The Jazz Intern wrote:He is chosen to bring balance to the force, does eliminate the all sith sound like a balance?
You mean like he does in RotJ by killing Palpatine.
I have a question, when they come in, where is palpatine when he fights the dynamic dou? his office, Or do Anikin and Obi wan come in while he's still in the senate pod area? in the office, Palpy wins. less spreading around for his lightning. In the sentate pod area... I think the dynamic dou win, barely. The win by getting senate pods on him from both sides.
Definately not, as others have pointed out there are a lot more things for Palpatine to throw around and more room for him to maneuver.
As for a plan, the missile barrage sounds pretty good, as for evidence, there's some within the Jedi records themselves (Palpatine doing his Sith Master thing while talking to Anakin after the slaughter of the Jedi.)
Short of that, make sure you get Palpatine distracted so that he doesn't notice that Anakin doesn't have quite that glow of dark side around him then have Anakin do the dirty deed with Obi-Wan probably serving as distraction.
Posted: 2005-07-13 01:24pm
by Mark S
Captain Cyran wrote:Short of that, make sure you get Palpatine distracted so that he doesn't notice that Anakin doesn't have quite that glow of dark side around him then have Anakin do the dirty deed with Obi-Wan probably serving as distraction.
[Obi Wan] Why do I always have to be the bait? [/Obi Wan]