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Minor Updates at the Domus Publica

Posted: 2005-07-27 04:20pm
by Publius
Unfortunately, between the change in the site's format and the current demands of Arabic, statistics, and physical geology, getting the site's content back on line has been rather sluggish of late (to say nothing of updates). Fortunately, the author has the pleasure of announcing that the majority of the site is back on line, along with two new additions: "Something Wicked This Way Comes, Part III: Galactic Senator for Naboo" and "Who's Who: Selected Biographies from a Galaxy Far, Far Away." Further updates to The Test of Wills are in store, as is an update to "A Billion Here, a Billion There....: The Great Organs of Commerce of a Galaxy Far, Far Away" (Rendili StarDrive). As always, any questions, comments, or suggestions are welcome.

Posted: 2005-07-29 07:32am
by Robert Treder
Wonderful stuff as usual, even if it isn't all up yet. I'm absolutely loving Palpatine's biography. I also enjoyed "Over the Side" and especially "Defender of the Empire." Anything with Maarek Stele rocks. Speaking of which, looking forward to your entry on the Ace of Aces in your selected biographies section.

Vote Publius for Official Star Wars Historian!

Posted: 2005-07-29 08:10am
by Grand Admiral Mango
Absolutely magnificent, as usual. Keep up the good work! :D

Posted: 2005-07-29 09:06am
by Ford Prefect