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Steven Ponders Palapatine's Fate

Posted: 2002-12-05 12:11pm
by Steven Snyder
My last post got me to thinking about something else...

The two big theories about the vanishing Jedi are:

#1. Conventional Theory: The vanishing Jedi is a force power that Yoda, Kenobi, and Anakin are aware of. They prepare for death and vanish, later they can reappear as ghostly images and speak to the living.

#2. Steven's Unifying Theory: The vanishing Jedi do so because they are manifestations of the force, either vergences of the force or dead Jedi who were 'stopped from dying' by Anakin.

What does this have to do with Palpatine's Fate? Well a lot actually. Remember, Palpatine did not die like Darth Maul, he exploded in a hellish burst. This could mean he died in a similar way that Anakin, Yoda, and Kenobi died...but instead of quietly vanishing he exploded...the fact that he did this brings up the question of why.

If Theory #1 is true, then it is very possible that Vader/Anakin taught his master the disappearing trick. But instead of fading away, the dark side energies are released upon his death in an unholy burst of energy. This would explain why there was an explosion.

If Theory #2 is true, then Palpatine was just a manifestation of dark side energy and the explosion was just the dark side power that formed his body was released in a violent fashion.

Either way...this asks the question. If Kenobi, Yoda, and Anakin can appear as ghosts and provide limited assistance to their friends, can Palpatine?

Could GL's idea for the last triology be based on Palpatine rebuilding the Sith from beyond the grave? Could/would Palpatine try and 'finish the job' of corrupting Luke after his demise?

Just something on my mind...

Posted: 2002-12-05 12:15pm
by Zaku-chan
In the book I, Jedi, Exar Kun manifests himself as a "shade". The description of it is pretty close to what Obi-wan did.

And just before he died the final time, didn't Palpatine throw an image of his features over Brand's?

Posted: 2002-12-05 12:20pm
by Steven Snyder
I am a SW Purist, I thow out just about everything that isn't either in the movies or in the novelization of the movies.

EU is a web of internally inconsistent information that is routinely destroyed by GL.

The fact that Yoda himself was surprised to hear Qui-Gon's voice in Episode 2 leads me to think that Jedi don't have the ability to appear as ghosts.

Posted: 2002-12-05 12:24pm
by Zaku-chan
Steven Snyder wrote:I am a SW Purist, I thow out just about everything that isn't either in the movies or in the novelization of the movies.

EU is a web of internally inconsistent information that is routinely destroyed by GL.
Oh. OK.
The fact that Yoda himself was surprised to hear Qui-Gon's voice in Episode 2 leads me to think that Jedi don't have the ability to appear as ghosts.
Or maybe the fact that Qui-gon was following Anakin surprised him? If any other Jedi had been seen as ghosts, they might not have atteched themselves to other's emotions as Qui-gon seemed to do in Ep. 2.

Posted: 2002-12-05 12:30pm
by Steven Snyder
You seem to conform to The Conventional theory on the vanishing Jedi. This still begs the question, can Palpatine do it?

Posted: 2002-12-05 12:33pm
by Zaku-chan
Steven Snyder wrote:You seem to conform to The Conventional theory on the vanishing Jedi. This still begs the question, can Palpatine do it?
I don't want to conform to either side. I'm trying to keep an open mind about the possibilities. Since you claim to be anti-EU, there's really no informaation on other Jedi/Sith who've come back.

Palpatine might be able to. The question is: is it a specifically light/dark power? If not, he might utilize it.