We Are Sith Part 2
The Republic:
As you already know, the Republic was a dysfunctional assemblage of dictators, kleptocrats, aristocratic Antoinettes, monopolists, and slave owners, all given the fig leaf of respectability by sending their diplomats off to cavort in the do-nothing Senate. Being a Senator was a great job, with no responsibility, no accountability, and the constant joy of pretending to work for the poor oppressed people back home, who of course were in thumbscrews trying to foot the bill for all the Coruscant opera tickets.
What you might not know was the Republic was also yet another socialist failure. It didn't have a hard currency, only "credits", and as Watto said, "Republic Credits are no good here." The US Dollar is hard currency, accepted everywhere. Republic Credits are a pretend currency, a cross between an IOU and a Cuban Peso, accepted only in the Republic -where people are forced to take them and pretend they have value. No wonder the Senate was corrupt: they ran their Republic with Monopoly© money. On all of Corsucant, the only thing Lucas showed Galactic Credits actually buying was hard liquor in the bar at the start of Episode II.
Drunks, vodka, Rubles - you figure it out.
The final and fatal failure of the Republic was that nobody without some corrupt vested interest was willing to fight for it. The Jedi protected it to death, with the people growing soft, and all losing faith that it was something worth living or dying for. The difference between the Galactic Republic and the French Republic was that the French Republic could field a French Army. The Galactic Republic couldn't manage even that. They had to pay planets to build ships for them, pay cloners to clone clones for them, give Jedi unquestioned power to assassinate enemy generals for them. If the Republic Army had a rousing battle cry it was, "Tell the Jedi to send in the Gungans."
We know what the Jedi were - pathetic scum, brainwashed from youth - limited – ascetic – narrow minded – enablers of failure – sowers of discord – holy thugs - parasites. There's a reason each and every Jedi had to be master of the light saber, the dagger's big brother, and it's not for personal growth. They used those to kill, and they did their killing up close and personal, not on the field of battle like a man, as their incompetence on Geonosis so proved, but at the conference table, in the back alley, at the wedding party. They were never a military force; they were the enforcers, the muscle, the Stasi officer corps; sucking in information and dealing out violent death at a personal level. In return, they demanded respect, power, adulation, even worship. Fuck that and fuck them. They are not fit to lick Sith boots
There's more, much more.....This brings us to Mace Windu. What an arrogant, power-mad, overblown ass. Sith always come in pairs, a master and an apprentice. Jedi always come in pairs too, a don and a bald goomba with a bad attitude and a purple murder stick.