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Other Warsies out there...
Posted: 2002-12-05 10:05pm
by Coyote
Well, maybe we should make more links to other Star Wars sites and personnel. We need to ramp up our recruitment base.
Obviously, is a good site to find other Warsies and make contact-- we need to invite folks to come over.
Perhaps we should see if any of our StarDestroyer "Grrrrlz" want to foray over to (they only allow chicks) and try to get some their Rebel-ettes and Sith Chicks to join us in some raids...
Meanwhile, I recently joined the Fighting 501st and hope to square away uniforms, equipment soon... they sent me this site, which is pretty funny...
There is more on the main page which is pretty funny
also. I invited them to come here and check us out... we need more Imperial Recruits!!!
Re: Other Warsies out there...
Posted: 2002-12-06 12:30am
by Ender
Coyote wrote:Obviously, is a good site to find other Warsies and make contact-- we need to invite folks to come over.
Like hell we do. Those fuckers make John Clark and User99 look like Noble Prize winners.
Posted: 2002-12-06 12:42am
by Coyote
The has a huge number of links to other places-- those are where we should go recruiting.
As much as we talk about invading other boards (no names of course) or scouting for Fundies, Trektards, and other scum and villainy we should also go out and explore other boards for potential recruits. Long-term observation and discussion, weeding out the punks, and finally a PM to come check out the StarDestroyer once they seem okay.
Posted: 2002-12-06 12:46am
by Spanky The Dolphin
I wholy support the effort to bring more Geek Girls (TM) to StarDestroyer.Net.
Posted: 2002-12-06 12:50am
by Master of Ossus
I don't care if they're warsies. I just like having new faces around here. Invite everyone that moves, short of trolls.
Posted: 2002-12-06 12:57am
by Cal Wright
I know people will find this place on thier own, but still, if your going to go out of your way to invite people, insure they are not trolls or don't suck. We already have IG-88. I mean, err, oops, did I say that out loud?

Posted: 2002-12-07 10:02am
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I want more chicks here!
Still, I tihnk it's more important to find Trekkies at uncivilized corners of the internet where logic, or at least is unheard of. There are a ot fo them out there, and they're pretty dumb. Perfect for an old-fashioned Smack Down.
Posted: 2002-12-07 10:08am
by Vympel
Why do we need more chicks? If they wanna come, they can come. We don't need to personally go and seek them out. For what purpose?
Posted: 2002-12-07 10:09am
by NecronLord
A recruiting drive... Humm
Posted: 2002-12-07 06:27pm
by Sardaukar
Vympel wrote:Why do we need more chicks? If they wanna come, they can come. We don't need to personally go and seek them out. For what purpose?
Maybe some of the lonely space nerd guys here want to meet like-minded girls so they can have e-relationships and get married at Yahoo.
Posted: 2002-12-07 06:33pm
by Jason von Evil
Or on Diablo II: LOD via Battlenet.
Anyways, more than likely, most of the girls we would get would turn out to be fifty year old drag queens who like to bang lil kids. *Shudders*
Posted: 2002-12-07 06:45pm
by Lord Pounder
If we do get more chicks in can we not drive these ones off be being perves? I know were are only human but from what I heard there was some pretty sick things pm'd to the last female warsies who joined.
Posted: 2002-12-08 07:56am
by Sardaukar
Darth Pounder wrote:If we do get more chicks in can we not drive these ones off be being perves? I know were are only human but from what I heard there was some pretty sick things pm'd to the last female warsies who joined.
And some people wonder why they are single...
Keep your peepees in your pants.
Posted: 2002-12-08 07:57am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Darth Pounder wrote:If we do get more chicks in can we not drive these ones off be being perves? I know were are only human but from what I heard there was some pretty sick things pm'd to the last female warsies who joined.
Like what?
Posted: 2002-12-08 07:58am
by HemlockGrey
I didn't do anything wrong. Apparently I blew up Zaia with a rocket launcher, but she in standing in front of the target.
Posted: 2002-12-08 07:59am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Cyril wrote:I didn't do anything wrong. Apparently I blew up Zaia with a rocket launcher, but she in standing in front of the target.
Not you.
You're a decent guy.
I wonder what happened to the some of girls?
Posted: 2002-12-08 08:04am
by Vympel
Sardaukar wrote:
Maybe some of the lonely space nerd guys here want to meet like-minded girls so they can have e-relationships and get married at Yahoo.
Ugh don't get me started on that pathetic phenomennon.
Posted: 2002-12-08 08:04am
by HemlockGrey really happens?
Posted: 2002-12-08 08:05am
by Vympel
Evil Sadistic Bastard wrote:
Not you.
You're a decent guy.
I wonder what happened to the some of girls?
Like who? One girl who doesn't post anymore is Lusankya ...
Posted: 2002-12-08 08:06am
by Vympel
Cyril really happens?
Well there's the whole meet on the net romantic relationship thing which makes no sense to me at all- I'm sure people have gotten married over the internet. If Trekkies can marry in Klingon(!) then this is likely too.
Not to mention that UBER-geeky, embarassing warsie wedding we saw on Conan.
Posted: 2002-12-08 08:08am
by HemlockGrey
Ah, that. I pray to God, Allah, Buddha, and Wong that it was a joke.
Posted: 2002-12-08 08:12am
by Vympel
Cyril wrote:Ah, that. I pray to God, Allah, Buddha, and Wong that it was a joke.
I don't know- I like SW as much as anyone else here but for fuck's sake- getting married with people using toy lightsabres in the vicinity ... how sad. Not to mention the couples that dress their kids up.
Just a movie folks- move along, nothing to see here.
As for the trekkies getting married in klingon -

Posted: 2002-12-08 08:13am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Dumb people...
*Pulls out AKSU*
[ruthless] The gene pool must be cleansed. [/ruthless]
Posted: 2002-12-08 08:14am
by Cpt_Frank
Ah, that. I pray to God, Allah, Buddha, and Wong that it was a joke.
You forgot the God Emperor.
'Adore the Immortal Emperor'
'Admire the Immortal Emperor'
'Exalt the Immortal Emperor'
'Revere the Immortal Emperor'
'Venerate the Immortal Emperor'
'Honour the Immortal Emperor'
'Glorify the Immortal Emperor'
'Praise the Immortal Emperor'
'Hail the Immortal Emperor'
'Worship the Immortal Emperor'
I don't know- I like SW as much as anyone else here but for fuck's sake- getting married with people using toy lightsabres in the vicinity ... how sad. Not to mention the couples that dress their kids up.
Just a movie folks- move along, nothing to see here.
As for the trekkies getting married in klingon -
Dunno, Wars is just a bit more for me than a movie - but some people just go too far.
Posted: 2002-12-08 08:16am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Bah. SMurf fanboi.