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Rate SW warships
Posted: 2002-12-06 02:08pm
by nightmare
Rate SW warships
No, not in terms of how much you like them, but in the way warships should be rated; firepower, durabiltiy, overall combat efficiency. I'm curious of the general consensus.
I've included some of the lesser known ships for the fun of it. Let's make the ISD-1 base and call it 1,0. Then rate the following:
SSD (Please tell us if you use a 8, 12,5 or 17,6 km version.)
WD (Let's say the Silencer-7)
ASD (Allegiance)
ISD-III (from WEG)
Nova SD aka Defender
Republic SD aka VSD-III
Mon Cal 90
Mon Cal 80B (Mon Remonda)
Mon Cal 80
Mon Cal 40A
Strike Cruiser
TF Battleship
Neb-B frigate
CR90 Corvette (Tantive-IV)
Posted: 2002-12-06 02:10pm
by Zaku-chan
Um, everything below the ISD would score decimal points, according to your rating scheme. That's not fair.
Posted: 2002-12-06 02:29pm
by nightmare
Yes, I know. What's wrong with decimal points? Ok, start with 1 for the Corvette then. As long as we get a rating. I'm preparing my own list.
Posted: 2002-12-06 02:35pm
by Zaku-chan
nightmare wrote:Yes, I know. What's wrong with decimal points?
It gives a ship like the VSD, which is quite dangerous and capable in its own right, a decimal point, while the Eclipse is so high off the scale it easily scores a 10 in each category. It's skewed.
Posted: 2002-12-06 02:46pm
by nightmare
Skewed? 0.01 vs 1.00 is the same as 1 vs 100. Makes no difference to me.
Posted: 2002-12-06 05:05pm
by kojikun
we should make it logarithmic. Lowest is one, every number after that is 10 times as high as the last. so 1 = 1, 2 = 10, 3 = 100, etc.

Posted: 2002-12-06 06:37pm
by nightmare
Too complicated. ISD = 100. That should leave enough room.
Posted: 2002-12-06 08:53pm
by nightmare
Eclipse 20000
Sovereign 10000
SSD 17,6 km 2000
Silencer-7 800
ASD (Allegiance) 500
ISD-III (from WEG) 200
ISD-II 150
ISD-I 100
VSD-I 30
Nova SD aka Defender 150
Republic SD aka VSD-III 120
Mon Cal 90 120
Mon Cal 80B 100
Mon Cal 80 50
Strike Cruiser 50
Dreadnaught 40
Mon Cal 40A 10
Carrack 9
TF Battleship 5
Neb-B frigate 6
Gunship 3
Corvette 1
Well, here's my list. Naturally, you could do it the hard way and try to calculate it, but that's pretty much impossble. You can measure single events, like the shield strenght of the Executor, but when it comes to relative strenght, that's just one factor.
Naturally, most of you will disagree with me on one, two or many numbers.. heck, some of them are very thin indeed. But, I'd still like to think this has some resemblance of "reality". Not that the Sovereign and the Eclipse is assumed to be able to use their superlasers in actual fleet combat, otherwise their numbers would drop to about half.
Posted: 2002-12-07 04:00am
by Cpt_Frank
Rating the VSD so low seems just wrong, they were greatly feared and probably not without reason:
VSD I 50 (at least, it's supposed to be significantly more powerful than the dreadnought)
VSD II 60-65
Posted: 2002-12-07 11:38am
by nightmare
I can buy that. I thought I would get more opposition for rating the TF battleship so low though.

Posted: 2002-12-07 11:42am
by Cpt_Frank
The Trade Fed ship is probably in the right place, they were converted freighters after all, apart from powerful shields nothing extraordinary.
Posted: 2002-12-07 03:09pm
by Zaku-chan
All the fighters they carry should increase their overall combat effectiveness, though.
Posted: 2002-12-07 03:12pm
by Cpt_Frank
All the fighters they carry should increase their overall combat effectiveness, though.
Dunno, fighters are more or less insignificant.
Posted: 2002-12-07 03:16pm
by Zaku-chan
Cpt_Frank wrote:All the fighters they carry should increase their overall combat effectiveness, though.
Dunno, fighters are more or less insignificant.
Not necessarily. They might not do a large amount of damage, but dozens of fighters making srafing runs on your ship is likely to distract the crew.