Vicious wrote:
What the hell are you smoking? SOTP doesn't rely on the galaxy being only 1/4 populated, it postulates that ~1/4 of the galaxy is unoccupied by either the NR or the Remnant.
False. SOTP PP 311:
"And in the center of it all was a sight that sent a shiver of memort along Luke's spine: a holographic map of the galaxy, with the sectors of the New Republic, the Empire and the rest of the known regions marked out in a bewildering array of a dozen different colors. The whole variegated mosaic stretched across perhaps a quater of the huge spiral, fading into neutral white where the edges of the Outer Rime Territories gave way to the vastness of the Unkown Regions beyond.
Please don't be such an idiotic asshole and debate on subjects you clearly know nothing about. The explicite quote here shows that only a QUATER of the Galaxy was inhabited and claimed by the Galaxy and that the outer rim gave way to the huge areas of the unknown regions.
Which is the whole bloody problem with SOTP/VOTF. Because the 'uber Thrawn OMG 250 sector' claims run smack into the problem that Zahns assumptions are completly bonkers as multiple sources explicitly show just about the entire Galaxy explored and inhabited.
*snip irrelevency*
The arm of the the galaxy that the Ssi Ruuk occupied was not "swept clean". In fact, I can't recall the NR ever invading Ssi Ruuk space. The Ssi Ruuk were defeated at Bakura and retreated to lick their wounds.
False. The New Republic (eventualy) got around to launching a systematic campaign against the Imperium which threw them back to their Homeworld, with the help of the Chiss. By the time of Jedi Search I think Mon Mothma commented something about one section of a Galactic arm being all that was left of the Imperium. And I think another source commented that the Chiss turned up later to finish up the job.
You know why the maps of the Unknown Regions contain nothing but empty space? Because they are UNKNOWN!
You know why your point is flawed? Because the Chiss have MAPPED them extensivly! They are unknown to the Galaxy in general because the Chiss try to keep visitors out, they are highly xenophobic afterall. But from what we have seen in the NJO, the majority of the place is completly empty because there are no resources or strategic locations that make it worth getting inside. Depiste the fact that the data in VOTF is inherently unreliable because Zhan screwed the whole thing, all it means is that Thrawn has access to said charts which have maps of the Unknown regions. It doesn't mean there is anything IN them, that is just Mara speculating. A speculation which later was proven to be unfounded.
Why would Han be talking about the Empire at it's height in relation to the current conflict between the NR and the Remnant?
Well lets see. Because Han wasn't TALKING about the Remant? He was talking about Thrawns Empire which sure as hell wasn't the Imperial Remaint. They were still a major power in the Galaxy and still apparently had a third of the originial Empire at its height resouces to work with.
What the fuck does the Empire's full power have to do with the equation?
Because it shows just WHAT the full power of the Empire IS. The New Republic by this time is considered THE major power in the Galaxy and the Empire is worth little more then a mop up, even with a third its resources still remaining. And this is ignoring the fact that large parts of the Galaxy are staying the hell out of this fight.
Thrawn didn't control the Deep Core fleets, so it's irrelevant to this discussion.
Jesus Christ your an idiot, The deep core fleets have SIGNIFICANT bearing on the topic because we need to understand just HOW MUCH of a proportion of the Imperial Fleet they made up, to be able to judge just how much of the Navy Thrawn was able to grab upon his return compared to what was left. For gods SAKE, the original question in fact was:
"Can I get the best estimation of numbers of Miltary forces still operating under or for Galactic Empire (As opposed to petty warlords or would be emperors) at the time of Grand Admiral Thrawns appearance? "
Including sub questions such as:
And if any Super Star Destroyers were still active?
A broad question but just educated approximations-Like number of Star Destroyers or just total of combat vessels?
So pray tell how is discussing the deep core fleet, which IS operating under the Galactic Empire and DOES contain the remaining Super Star Destroyers and DOES contain a large number of line Star Destroyers, off topic?
Fucking learn to read before you jump in flaming away like an idiot.