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What were Lucas' original plans for Episode IV and after?

Posted: 2005-08-23 06:59pm
by Sidewinder
I found this claim on this website:
Episodes IV and V had already been made don't forget, but Episode VI was supposed to take place on Kashyyk (the Wookiee world), it was to have Vader die after redeeming himself, but the Emperor was to live, Luke's twin sister (originally NOT Leia, as is apparent in both New Hope and Empire [God, that kiss still haunts me to this day, *shudder*] if you actually pay attention, retard) would appear from out of hiding and help her bro turn Anakin to the Light Side again, but then go back into hiding by the end of the movie, and Han Solo and Lando were supposed to die. I'm not shitting you (and quite honestly this would have been a much better end for him than letting Han's character get neutered like he did in the finished Jedi. He's a total wuss in it!). Han Solo was supposed to die. Even Harrison Ford wanted this to happen while filming the Jedi that was eventually made... But whatever.

Episodes VII through IX were supposed to end up on one of the central core planets with a big showdown between the Emperor, Luke and his sister (who came out of hiding again, this time for good). I am ashamed to admit that I do not remember the synopsis given for these stories any more than this, but maybe someday I'll come across those old documents again and smile as I remember what might have been. When I watch Jedi nowadays I realize just how far up his ass Lucas pulled that "Luke and Leia are twins" plot thread... It's just totally out of nowhere and completely bogus.
It's well known that 'Return of the Jedi' was supposed to take place on Chewbacca's homeworld, but are the other claims true? Does anyone have any further info, or websites where we can find further info, about the original plans for Episode IV and the rumored sequel trilogy?

Posted: 2005-08-23 07:23pm
by Drooling Iguana
I've never heard any of this, although some of what this person claims is somewhat similar to Gary Kurtz's plans for episode VI and beyond.

Posted: 2005-08-23 07:31pm
by Aquatain
Only thing i have ever heard of this was that Lando was supposed to die onboard the millinium falcon in the final attack on the death star II..he was supposed to say "i promissed to it back in one piece , i'm sorry old buddy" .

Posted: 2005-08-23 07:45pm
by Instant Sunrise

But Moff Jerjerrod wasn't a pussyfest in the script I have. And the forest moon orbited Had Abbadon, the imperial capital. And Han had more animosity with Lando, coming to blows in Jabba's palace.

It also had General Veers in it, in an AT-AT. And the forst moon thing was to covertly build an Ion Cannon to knock out the Sheild Generators on both of the Death Stars. Oh yes, there are two Death Stars.

EDIT: And Luke gets kid-napped on Tatooine coming back from Jabba's Palace.

Posted: 2005-08-23 08:21pm
by Straha
Nope, Leia was Luke's sister from day 1 if I remember my Cinema of Lucas readings correctly (though the author is right that it is kinda suspect with the "No, there is another" line in RotJ.)

Posted: 2005-08-23 08:30pm
by Noble Ire
Straha wrote:Nope, Leia was Luke's sister from day 1 if I remember my Cinema of Lucas readings correctly (though the author is right that it is kinda suspect with the "No, there is another" line in RotJ.)
How so? That line is so utterly ambigous that it could have meant absolutely anyone (although it does lend credence to the idea theory that later episodes were at least briefly considered.)
And it's in ESB, not RotJ. :wink:

Posted: 2005-08-24 03:10pm
OPPPS!!! Wrong Thread

Posted: 2005-08-25 07:06pm
by Havok
Sounds mostly like the interviews Kurtz did. But I think that the author of the quote is right about Leia not originally being Luke's sister. As for other episodes, Lucas has said a few times that he originally envisioned the saga unfolding over 9 movies like the old saturday morning serials he used to watch, but as he was shopping the screen play around he realised that he had to condense the story to sell it and, I think it just never got uncondensed.

Posted: 2005-08-25 07:08pm
by Havok
oh and Hooligan, that is GUNNERY Sgt. Hartman. :D

Posted: 2005-09-01 07:49pm
by Sidewinder
Drooling Iguana wrote:I've never heard any of this, although some of what this person claims is somewhat similar to Gary Kurtz's plans for episode VI and beyond.
I've never heard of Gary Kurtz before. Where can I find more info on him and his plans for the 'Star Wars' sequels?

Posted: 2005-09-01 07:52pm
by Elheru Aran
I believe Kurtz is/was one of the producers of the OT. You can probably google his name without too much trouble; also try imdb.

Posted: 2005-09-02 03:50am
by Havok
Kurtz was the producer Lucas primarily worked with from, I believe, THX 1138, definetely, American Grafitti 1 & 2 (shudders) Star Wars and Empire. For whatever reason they parted ways after Empire.
Most of the interviews I've read from him in which he talks about SW is about what he and George had brainstormed about ROTJ and possibly beyond and the prequells. It's an interesting take on what might have been had George not found the ultimate yes man in Rick McCallum...IMHO of course.

Posted: 2005-09-02 06:30am
by Edward Yee
havokeff, what was wrong with McCallum?

Posted: 2005-09-03 01:34pm
by YT300000
He basically goes along with absolutely anything George says, and never offers even a token amount of criticism.

Posted: 2005-09-04 01:12pm
by Havok
Ditto what Yt said.
Like I said, he is the ultimate yes man, Darth Yesus if you will. Before McCallum came along, the producers and directors that Lucas worked with injected someof thier own styles and ideas into the movies, they weren't afraid, if that is even the right term, to contradict what Lucas thought. Look at Empire and you will see what I mean. The darker feel and the pacing of the more character driven movie is a product of Irvin Kershner. Granted at this time Lucas did not want to direct the movies because he was frustrated with what he could not do.

Had Lucas not parted ways with Kurtz after Empire, the Star Wars universe that we would be talking about today would be much different and in my opinion, better. Side note: I also think that Marcia Lucas departing from the editing process hurt the SW franchise as well.