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Why did Kenobi jump into a pile of droids on Utapau?

Posted: 2005-08-28 04:30am
by Jack Bauer
We've all seen it. Obi-Wan is on Utapau and confronts Grievous by jumping down from the rafters and dryly quipping, "Well hello there". Grievous then accurately describes Kenobi as a "bold one". Obi-Wan is quickly surrounded by battle droids. Grievous gives the order to kill him, but only his Magna Droids attack him. After Kenobi swiftly dispatches his bodyguard droids, he goes on fight Grievous one on one.

Indeed, bold is a quite an understatement for Obi-Wan's little stunt. But his move could be called stupid and dangerous as well. How exactly did Kenobi know that Grievous wouldn't simply command the battle droids to simply pummel him with a barrage of laser shots?

The only answer I can think of is that Obi-Wan had some sort of pre-cognitive abilities. Using that, he was able to discern that Grievous wanted to play with him and not outright kill him initially. This is the only explanation that would justify Kenobi's action IMO. Is there anything in the novelization that supports this?

Posted: 2005-08-28 04:51am
by Sarevok
Of course. It is common Star Wars fact that the Jedi are precognitive, as well as being telepathic. Put togather it is quite likely Obiwan knew Grevious was going to fight him one on one.

Posted: 2005-08-28 07:22am
by Ace Pace
Also, remember the leaders could still see what happens, if they see Grevious backing out, they could finnaly recognize hes a coward.

He was in a no win situation, let the drones pummle Obi wan and run away, or face him.

Posted: 2005-08-28 09:23am
by spongyblue
I took it that Grevious has made a name for himself taking down jedi and his ego has probably inflaited because of that. Obi-Wan probably doesn't need precog to figure that out, just being a judge of character can do that. When he makes his grand entrace, it's almost a certainty that only Grevious and his groupie bodygaurds are gonna do the fighting.

Posted: 2005-08-28 11:36am
by Admiral Drason
Also, remember the leaders could still see what happens, if they see Grevious backing out, they could finnaly recognize hes a coward
The Seppie leaders were already gone by the time Obi Wan showed up. Grevious did it because he thought it was the macho thing to do.

Posted: 2005-08-28 12:22pm
by NecronLord
At this point, according to the novel, kenobi's brain was on holiday, and the force was in control. In other words, yes, precognition.

Posted: 2005-08-28 04:21pm
by Darth Fanboy
Precog, or perhaps he was just following the living force without knowing what exactly happens next? (as precog would imply)

Posted: 2005-08-28 04:24pm
by Lord Revan
It should noted that Kenobi knew the clones were coming to aid him any time soon and he needed to do was distact the droids (and Grievous) for a moment.

Posted: 2005-08-28 04:52pm
by Lord Pounder
IIRC in the book all the droids did fire and Obi-wan WTFPWNED them. Literally they couldn't touch him.

Posted: 2005-08-28 05:07pm
by The Jazz Intern
I figured it was because GG Liked hand to hand a lot. He also made a hobby out of killing jedi. I think he just wantd to kill him for fun.

Posted: 2005-08-29 12:32pm
by SylasGaunt
The Jazz Intern wrote:I figured it was because GG Liked hand to hand a lot. He also made a hobby out of killing jedi. I think he just wantd to kill him for fun.
It's a pattern he tends to go with.. gank te Jedi personally. Though on a couple occasions we've seen him get tired of offing them himself and just order the droids to open fire (IIRC it was in the General Grievous comic).

Posted: 2005-08-29 09:24pm
by Cykeisme
Lord Revan wrote:IIRC in the book all the droids did fire and Obi-wan WTFPWNED them. Literally they couldn't touch him.
Whoa, that's cool.. too bad it didn't happen that way in the movie.
Can someone pull a short excerpt out of the novelization to describe the ownage?

I initially thought that Obi-Wan had studied Grievous and knew that GG's propensity for hunting and dueling Jedi wouldn't allow the cyborg to pass up the opportunity to take on one of the most famous Jedi Generals in the Clone Wars.
NecronLord wrote:At this point, according to the novel, kenobi's brain was on holiday, and the force was in control. In other words, yes, precognition.
I like this explanation better, though :P

Posted: 2005-08-30 04:46am
by GeneralTacticus
Oh, thought Obi-Wan with detached approval. That worked rather well.

Only ten thousand to go. Give or take.

An instant later the Force had him hurtling through a storm of blasterfire as every combat droid in the control centre opened fire at once.

Letting go of intention, letting of of desire, letting go of life, Obi-Wan fixed his entire attention on a thread of the Force that pulled him towards Grievous; not where Grievous was, but where he would be when Obi-Wan got there...

Leaping girder to girder, slashing cables on which to swing through swarms of ricocheting particle beams, blade flickering so fast it became a deflector shield that spattered blaster bolts in all direction, his presence alone ebcame a weapon: as he spun and whirled through the control centre's superstructure, the blasts of particle cannons from power droids destoryed equipment and shattered girders and unleashed a torrent of red-hot debris that crashed to the deck, crushing droids on all sides. By the time he flipped down through the air to land cat-footed on the deck once more, nearly half the droids between him and Grievous had been destroye dby their own not-so-friendly fire.

Posted: 2005-08-30 08:26am
by Crown
Because he is the MACK DADDY of Star Wars ... what more proof could you possibly need? :lol: