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Posted: 2005-09-01 04:13pm
by Jack Bauer
Imperials....Isard, Daala, Thrawn, reborn Palpatine, Zsinj, Harrsk, Terradoc, the list goes on and on.
With that said, to be fair, I should mention Gilad Pellaeon. Although he wasn't as tactically brilliant as Thrawn or arguably Palpatine, he wasn't drunk on his own self-inflated sense of importance *cough* (all the others).
Posted: 2005-09-01 04:15pm
by Crossroads Inc.
And the point of mentioning these Imperials IS???
Posted: 2005-09-01 04:15pm
by Elheru Aran
Which one's our favorite?
BTW... fast off the mark there...
Posted: 2005-09-01 04:30pm
by The Grim Squeaker
Probably Thrawn, then Palleon.
Dalla in the part of Darksaber where she kills all the warlords is pretty cool but is too insane the rest of the time.
Posted: 2005-09-01 04:34pm
by Jack Bauer
I apologize. The first post was meant to be a reply to .303 bookworm's thread about who's more overconfident (rebels or imps). Apparently, i started a new thread on accident. Mea culpa.
If a mod could lock this thread, that'd be great.
Posted: 2005-09-01 04:36pm
by Noble Ire
My favorite was always Pellaeon.
He actually made something halfway decent out of the Empire, totalitarian yes, but stable, fairly progressive, and reasonable. Compared that to what the NR became.
And of course, he wasn't batshit insane, unlike pretty much every other high ranking Imperial save Thrawn. That's always a plus.
Edit: It seems I posted late.