Need some ship types and figures for possible FanFic
Posted: 2005-09-16 07:57pm
I'm thinking of writing a short fanfic, which all you will get to read (in the Fanfic forum naturally). However, there is certain information that I need in order to write something that makes sense. REAL Ultimate Power: The Official Ninja Webpage type wank isn't my style. So it won't be funny or entertaining for me to write that Millenium Falcon and Rogue Squadron fly in and take out half-a-dozen Star Destroyers. I don't want to divulge much of my planned story, and seeing as it is rather short, a little info can be too much.
1) Where can I find good info on Star Wars ships? The Star Wars Databank is of little use.
2) I need Stats (guns, number and type of fighters, shield strength, fire-power, etc.) for the Venator, Victory, and Imperial, Star Destroyers.
3) What is the Rebel equivalent to an Acclamator, or a Venator? Something capable of landing on the surface of a planet with a lot of troops.
4) What kind of fire-power can a surface-to-orbit turbo-laser battery dish-out?
5) What is the best single resource for info on Star Wars space-craft and vehicles? The Incredible Cross-Sections books are nice, but they consist of four separate volumes, and apparently Incredible Cross-sections of Star Wars, Episodes IV, V, & VI doesn't contain info on Mon Calamari ships (and A-Wings, and B-Wings) or firepower figures of any kind.
1) Where can I find good info on Star Wars ships? The Star Wars Databank is of little use.
2) I need Stats (guns, number and type of fighters, shield strength, fire-power, etc.) for the Venator, Victory, and Imperial, Star Destroyers.
3) What is the Rebel equivalent to an Acclamator, or a Venator? Something capable of landing on the surface of a planet with a lot of troops.
4) What kind of fire-power can a surface-to-orbit turbo-laser battery dish-out?
5) What is the best single resource for info on Star Wars space-craft and vehicles? The Incredible Cross-Sections books are nice, but they consist of four separate volumes, and apparently Incredible Cross-sections of Star Wars, Episodes IV, V, & VI doesn't contain info on Mon Calamari ships (and A-Wings, and B-Wings) or firepower figures of any kind.