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Is the Confederacy Evil?

Posted: 2005-09-20 05:52pm
by Star Wars Fan
SO, what do you think. they don't necessarily say the confederacy is "evil" just imply the Sith that control it.

1. The Confederacy consists of companies that are opposed to the Old Republic's taxation (Naboo was invaded because of the Republic's taxation, and the Old Republic Military must be in bad condition, as a shipping company can build warships that can engage the Government's Navy.

Of course, the head of the Trade Federation is Neimodian (Neimodians are known for beiong greedy) so maybe he wouldn't have lost the large amount of money. th eTrade Federation's military reflects that too, the cheap and numerous Battledroids, the Droid Battleships which are simply converted freighters (cheaper than building a true warship fleet, but the many hangars can make sabotage easy, AAT tanks that aren't heavily armored, small amounts of Heavily-shielded Droidekas compared to the rest of the Army.

2. There is also the worlds that were "abandoned" by the Republic (like Jabiim which paid its taxes, but wasn't helped during attacks from Trandoshan bands and pirates) That is why alto Stratus had Jabiim leave the Republic, and secede, and many other worlds did it for those reasons.

3. There is Also General Grievous, which is responsible for the deaths of billions of people in planetary depopulation events (like Humbarine, a city-planet in the Core Worlds) During the Battle Of Coruscant, he ordered the droid forces to attack buildings, but crashing Confederacy AND Republic warships damaged the planet. He also killed many Jedi, but would've they surrendered? He, however didn't kill children personally (but Humbarine was different) The Confederacy also Attacked medical vessels, also. He was tricked into fighting, but he might've knew about it, Sidious put a bomb on Grievous' craft, and salvaged his brain, and organs, and he thought the Republic did it (but did they do it, is thast only one side?)

4. Earlier in the Clone Wars, the Confederacy didn't have a good reputation, but as the war continued, the Confederacy and Republic were around equal in popular support. The Confederacy might've attacked and taken over neutral territory, also. Did the Republic do worse things (one Victory-Class Star Destroyer can melt the surface of an unshielded planet, the Old Republic ad Victory-Class Star Destroyers and Venerator-Class Star Destroyers. the destruction of humbarine probably included th eentire Confederate fleet, ad Hubarine was heavily-defended by warships larger than Acclamator-class Military Transports, It is possible, but unlikely thet Grievous did it with ONLY the Invisible Hand) Even thought the Venerators are fighter carriers, could they do a Base-Delta-Zero also?
Did the Republic melt planetary crusts, and Grievous did that to Humbarine in return? did the Confederacy improve its image, and the Confederacy does many humanitarian things, also (Kabal's population was saved form famine, when Confederate warships dropped food, and their warships also escorted shipping, and helped the Worlds that left, also.

5. Count Dooku is a Sith, but he was betrayed by Sidious, also. He did very little fighting during the war, and he was a former Jedi (but he killed his best friend, Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas to prove himself to be a Sith) He is still "clean" when compared to Grievous

So, what do you think. Is that Government completly Evil, or is it a good idea, and only Count Dooku, the Sith and General Grievous are evil?

Posted: 2005-09-20 05:58pm
by Adrian Laguna
It's a war, and a civil war at that. Nasty stuff happens in war, and very rarely is it restricted to only one side. I wouln't be surprised if both governments slagged planets, helped the hungry, allowed pirates to attack traders, while defending other traders form pirates, etc.

Posted: 2005-09-20 06:01pm
by Noble Ire
5. Count Dooku is a Sith, but he was betrayed by Sidious, also. He did very little fighting during the war, and he was a former Jedi (but he killed his best friend, Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas to prove himself to be a Sith) He is still "clean" when compared to Grievous
It should be noted that Count Dooku was a xenophobe and an Elitist, who planned to create a sort of "Empire of Man" when the war was won and he took over from Sidious, in which human Sith would rule over the lesser masses (made up of all aliens, droids, and humans from certain worlds and backgrounds) with an iron and genocidal fist. In that respect at least, he wasn't all that different from Palpatine's evil.

Posted: 2005-09-20 11:03pm
by NRS Guardian
The average Separatist on a planet like Mygeeto or the Quarrens who were supporters of the CIS weren't any more evil or noble than the typical Republican on Coruscant or Kashyyk. In fact many CIS supporters were later members of the Rebellion. Also, most Separatists had legitimate grievances such as inadequate protection, unfair laws, unequal protection under the law, corruption, rampant bureaucracy, unpopular taxes, and an increasingly intrusive government. That, however, doesn't in my opinion excuse treason, if there is a chance of working out such problems through the system, though it's obvious that some people (perhaps rightly) lost hope in the system, and thought this was the only way to change the system.

Posted: 2005-09-20 11:10pm
by Lord Revan
While the CIS was probaly no more "evil" then the Republic it's atrocities on the open (by purpose as Sidious is pulling the strings so that the CIS could used as an excuse destroy the Galactic Republic).

Posted: 2005-09-20 11:13pm
by Kurgan
Yes, many of them were, although some of them were merely greedy dupes. The degree of evil of the Seperatists varied. We didn't see any "citizens" of the Confederacy of course, only leaders, guards and droids. I imagine every citizen on every planet under the control of the Confederacy was not evil. Since we only see the leaders and military personal, we can only judge them, and based on their actions and intentions revealed by the canon materials.

Likewise Palpatine was evil and a few of his close advisors and obviously fellow Sith. Many of the Senators were merely corrupt dupes. Some were probably evil as well, though again, degrees.

*Waits patiently for someone to insist that "evil" does not exist, and is merely a construct arbitrarily created by the winners who write history*

I mean it's canon that certain characters in Star Wars are "evil" and we have authorial intent. If you reject all those, then we can argue. ;)

Wait, is the Republic MORE evil because the actions of the Seperatists were instigated and supported by none less than the leader of the Republic himself? That's a fair argument, though again I'm sure you don't mean to say that we're talking about every citizen of every world, but more the leaders we can see, many of which are not operating with full knowledge of what they're doing and perhaps not with their full consent, much like the Seperatists. So who was more Evil... Dooku or Palpatine? I'd say Palpatine, but it's a simple matter of degree.

Posted: 2005-09-21 06:46pm
by Star Wars Fan
Lord Revan wrote:While the CIS was probaly no more "evil" then the Republic it's atrocities on the open (by purpose as Sidious is pulling the strings so that the CIS could used as an excuse destroy the Galactic Republic).
yes, so the bad thinge the Republic were more secret, then.
I mean it's canon that certain characters in Star Wars are "evil" and we have authorial intent. If you reject all those, then we can argue.
would you consider vader an anti-hero?

Posted: 2005-09-23 12:00am
by Kurgan
We could argue that the CIS committed atrocities, but those of the Republic/Empire were larger scale and more longer lasting. That and since the leader of the Republic was guilty of starting the war through his secret ties to the leadership of the CIS, many of their crimes could be laid at his feet as well. Anyway it's a matter of degree. They both had evil leadership, but the main devil pulling the strings was Palpatine, the leader of the Republic/Empire.
Star Wars Fan wrote:
Lord Revan wrote:While the CIS was probaly no more "evil" then the Republic it's atrocities on the open (by purpose as Sidious is pulling the strings so that the CIS could used as an excuse destroy the Galactic Republic).
yes, so the bad thinge the Republic were more secret, then.
would you consider vader an anti-hero?
His character changes in each movie. In Episode I he's a child hero, in Episode II he's just a screwup psychopath, in three he's made the transition to complete villian-hood. In IV & V he's pure villian. In VI he finally does one good thing and shows some humanity before he dies.

Anti-hero to me implies that he is flawed but he's doing the right thing, which I don't see Anakin doing (his character from Episodes III-VI goes beyond "flawed"). Or it implies that he's good but "doesn't play by the rules" that a more "pure" hero would, which doesn't really fit him well either in my opinion. But that's me. On the other hand defines an anti-hero as a main character who lacks traditional heroic qualities (like "idealism or courage" both of which Anakin has). But he's really not the main character. In Episode I the main character is Qui Gon Jinn. In Episode II and III it's more Obi-Wan. The classic trilogy it's Luke. Anakin, while he's the common thread throughout the films is more of a periphery character compared to the others I think. Certainly a strong one, but not the main one, and thus not the "hero" anti or otherwise.

Is he a tragic figure? Yes. Is he a villian? Yes. But anti-hero? Nah.

Posted: 2005-09-23 12:22am
by Publius
An interesting point is that the opening crawl to Revenge of the Sith goes out of its way to point out that "heros fight on both sides." Obviously there were some noble and heroic men and women to fight on behalf of the Separatists, not only villains.

Posted: 2005-09-23 04:33pm
by Guardsman Bass
Most of the top leadership on both sides of the Galactic Civil War seems, if not evil, then at least corrupt. Although the Separatist Official Ideology wasn't evil, its leadership was edging in that direction (since when they turned off the droid armies, they basically left a lot of staunch lower supporters out to hang, and they were running the war solely for benefits from Sidious when the farce ended).

Posted: 2005-09-23 11:30pm
by Star Wars Fan
Guardsman Bass wrote: (since when they turned off the droid armies, they basically left a lot of staunch lower supporters out to hang, and they were running the war solely for benefits from Sidious when the farce ended).
wouldn't the lower-level people have been graciously forgiven (at least most), since many of them joined the Rebellion later?

Posted: 2005-09-25 03:54pm
by Guardsman Bass
Star Wars Fan wrote:
Guardsman Bass wrote: (since when they turned off the droid armies, they basically left a lot of staunch lower supporters out to hang, and they were running the war solely for benefits from Sidious when the farce ended).
wouldn't the lower-level people have been graciously forgiven (at least most), since many of them joined the Rebellion later?
Possibly. But then again, the Rebellion Leadership had been staunch supporters of the Republic. They still would probably deal with whatever allies they have against the Empire, but it certainly wouldn't constitute forgiveness for the Galactic Civil War.

Posted: 2005-09-26 02:06pm
by Star Wars Fan
Possibly. But then again, the Rebellion Leadership had been staunch supporters of the Republic. They still would probably deal with whatever allies they have against the Empire, but it certainly wouldn't constitute forgiveness for the Galactic Civil War.
the 3 main members. there are probably others, and wouldn't the Republic supporters have to apologize. since the Confederates were right

Posted: 2005-09-27 12:04am
by A-Wing_Slash
the 3 main members. there are probably others, and wouldn't the Republic supporters have to apologize. since the Confederates were right
There probably was a lot of tension and mistrust between the Republicans and the Confederates. I think the reason it took almost twenty years for an organized Rebel Alliance to get off the ground would be because the two groups of people who both hated Palpatine hated each other as well. Now that I think about it the Treaty that founded the Alliance could have been the reconciliation for these people.

Posted: 2005-09-27 12:35am
by Isolder74
A-Wing_Slash wrote:
the 3 main members. there are probably others, and wouldn't the Republic supporters have to apologize. since the Confederates were right
There probably was a lot of tension and mistrust between the Republicans and the Confederates. I think the reason it took almost twenty years for an organized Rebel Alliance to get off the ground would be because the two groups of people who both hated Palpatine hated each other as well. Now that I think about it the Treaty that founded the Alliance could have been the reconciliation for these people.
Possible there is also the fact that the Confederacy was covertly run by Sidious/Palpitine. It would take some time for this to come out since almost all who knew this are killed by Lord Darth Vader. Evidence would have to be dug up one tiny bit at a time which might be why a political protest took 20 years to become a full rebellion.