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"The Unseen Queen" Talkback (Spoilers)

Posted: 2005-09-27 11:44am
by JME2
Star Wars: Dark Nesy II -- The Unseen Queen
Release Date: Seeptember 27, 2005

Despite being given new worlds to populate, the insectoid Killiks have not found peace. An unknown enemy has been attacking the new nests -- and the Killiks hold the Jedi responsible. Traveling back to the Unknown Regions to unravel the mystery, the Skywalkers and Solos discover an evil far more familiar than they ever expected... and even more terrifying. Why does the Dark Nest want to kill Mara? Will Jacen's apocalyptic vision trigger another galactic war or prevent one? And perhaps most ominous of all, what deadly secret are the Killik's hiding? To find out, Luke, Mara, Han and Leia must embark on a perilous journey into the uncharted void between right and wrong. The ferocious Unknown Terrors are only the beginning of the awesome challenges that lie ahead in their quest to fathom the unfathomable. For an obscure dispute is about to explode into chaos, pitting Jedi against Jedi -- and threatening the very galaxy itself.

Posted: 2005-09-27 12:38pm
by Tiriol
Well... I'm most likely going to end up reading this (as about every other SW novel I can get my hands on) but why, why WHY it must always be some menace, threat or a secret that threatens the entire galaxy? It's getting somewhat old.

Posted: 2005-09-27 01:05pm
by The Grim Squeaker
Yeah, the first one had Leia/Mara worrying about the Killik spreading to galaxy levels, it's so annoying.

How hard is it to do a story without the galaxy at stake? A large sector of space (Let alone a quadrant) holds trillions-billions of inhabitants -
You don't need to make the lives of quadrillions be at stake to write a good story, or even a coll jedi kick ass tale. (Something the NJO lacked until the unifying force- a Droideka holding uber Luke and Mara at bay while malfunctioing :roll: )

Posted: 2005-09-27 01:27pm
by VT-16
Hey, if there's anything the PT has taught us, it's that shielded droidekas = nigh invincible. :P

Posted: 2005-09-27 01:53pm
by The Grim Squeaker
VT-16 wrote:Hey, if there's anything the PT has taught us, it's that shielded droidekas = nigh invincible. :P
and lightsbaers>any non hull armour.
Also ROTS Anakin was dodging and slaughtering Droidekas front on, Luke was much better than him by the NJO but can't beat a malfunctioing Droideka with help :roll: .
For all the Luke=uber whining execpting a few examples mainly in the early EU years Luke post ROTJ is waaaaay less powerful/fast/skilled than Anakin or Obi-wan at their height. (Except for the unifying force in the throne room- that was Sweeet :D )

Posted: 2005-09-27 03:05pm
by The Original Nex
Also ROTS Anakin was dodging and slaughtering Droidekas front on
Is this in the movies? Out of curiosity, what source is this from? In RotS Obi and Ani run from Droidekas.

Posted: 2005-09-27 03:21pm
by The Grim Squeaker
The Original Nex wrote:
Also ROTS Anakin was dodging and slaughtering Droidekas front on
Is this in the movies? Out of curiosity, what source is this from? In RotS Obi and Ani run from Droidekas.
A delted Mustafar scene has Ankain dodging Shots from 2-3 droidekas thenslicing them, can't remmember if it was a delete scene, comic or novelization though....

Posted: 2005-09-28 03:29pm
DEATH wrote:
The Original Nex wrote:
Also ROTS Anakin was dodging and slaughtering Droidekas front on
Is this in the movies? Out of curiosity, what source is this from? In RotS Obi and Ani run from Droidekas.
A delted Mustafar scene has Ankain dodging Shots from 2-3 droidekas thenslicing them, can't remmember if it was a delete scene, comic or novelization though....
I think it's a deleted scene. I don't recall it being in the comic. Haven't read the Novel yet so I can't comment there.
But I do recall that there was a ROTS deleted scene thread up a few months back that shows a number deleted scenes and alleged deleted scenes. The one in question was in fact listed.

Posted: 2005-09-29 01:24pm
by Darth Fanboy
Finally got to flip through a copy at work. Luke sees a little bit more of Anakin from R2 d2. However, well, I was skimming it quickly, and the last few pages well...

Let me just put it this way:



Also, it mentions Han Solo as remembering Clone Troopers in one scene, as well as some sort of very loose connection he had with the Confederacy, I'll probably buy it tomorrow since I can get 33% off and I need something to read on the crapper.

Posted: 2005-09-29 01:49pm
by Manus Celer Dei
Darth Fanboy wrote:Let me just put it this way:

What. The. Fuck.

Posted: 2005-09-29 02:04pm
by NecronLord
DEATH wrote:and lightsbaers>any non hull armour.
Also ROTS Anakin was dodging and slaughtering Droidekas front on, Luke was much better than him by the NJO but can't beat a malfunctioing Droideka with help :roll: .
For all the Luke=uber whining execpting a few examples mainly in the early EU years Luke post ROTJ is waaaaay less powerful/fast/skilled than Anakin or Obi-wan at their height. (Except for the unifying force in the throne room- that was Sweeet :D )
Those were unshielded droidekas. Qui-Gon Jinn, a jedi master, ran away from two shielded droidekas. Lightsabers do not penetrate shields.

I've never seen an explanation for why the jedi don't attack shielded droidekas with telekinesis though.
A delted Mustafar scene has Ankain dodging Shots from 2-3 droidekas thenslicing them, can't remmember if it was a delete scene, comic or novelization though....
RotS DVD Spoilers: Some deleted RotS scenes from the DVD appear to be non-canon, in that they contradict both the final script's scenes (Shaak-Ti's death at the hands of General Grievous) as well as being deleted for just being stupid. (Big squad of battledroids and magnaguards, even Grievous himself, standing around as Obi-Wan and Anakin slice their way through the floor, not shooting them while their lightsabers are occupied)

The RotS novellisation says outright that eight shielded droidekas may have been able to kill the two finest jedi of the Old Order (Page 127) if they'd not been taken out by one of the gravity malfunctions aboard the Hand. It's certainly conceivable for a lesser number to be able to hold Mara and Luke to a standstill for a while, no?

And no, I can find no reference to this scene in the novellisation.

Posted: 2005-09-29 02:42pm
by The Grim Squeaker
Te RotS novellisation says outright that eight shielded droidekas may have been able to kill the two finest jedi of the Old Order (Page 127)
Except that Luke was much better than the third best Jedi of the old order and was against a malfunctioing Droideka that couldn't flank him and he had another jedi woth a blaster to help him.
Those were unshielded droidekas. Qui-Gon Jinn, a jedi master, ran away from two shielded droidekas.
And remind me who killed him, and who killed the sith who killed him? and who made him become more powerful than he could possibly imagine?
And who Beat Vader hands down before becoming a jedi master and re-training a new order of knights? :roll:
The fact is for all the cries of Uber wank Luke, except for DE Luke has no showings to put him above Obi-Wan in AOTC, except for piloting a ship by himself in The courtship of princess Leia (Where he was defeated by a force storm and later a choke by a force witch, and the first time it wasn't even a dark witch).
My point is that Luke isn't as powerful as he should be for him to put Vader down despite growing in power and recovering from the Dark side.

Posted: 2005-09-29 03:01pm
by Master of Ossus
Luke used the force to move artificial SINGULARITIES. Sorry, but that is uber wank right there.

Posted: 2005-09-29 03:23pm
by SCVN 2812
Darth Fanboy wrote:
Let me just put it this way:

So was his dirty little secret in the Unknown Regions his right or left hand?


Someone had to make the joke.

Posted: 2005-09-29 03:26pm
by The Grim Squeaker
Master of Ossus wrote:Luke used the force to move artificial SINGULARITIES. Sorry, but that is uber wank right there.
Where? The sun crusher?

Also I'm talking appicable feats, when the master of the new jedi order isn't performing combat feats on the level of one of the beast Jedi of the inferior old order, there is some annoying under-wanking going on.
However, there have been some wanky feats (Luke against Guri in SOTE) still it seems that the more Luke became experienced the weaker his feats were.
[And no, SW does not generally practice headology in a blaster fight :P ]

Posted: 2005-09-29 03:35pm
by Ghost Rider
Master of Ossus wrote:Luke used the force to move artificial SINGULARITIES. Sorry, but that is uber wank right there.
So he's deciding to dethrone DE Palpatine?

And any more description...more just to understand how absurd, more then anything else.

Posted: 2005-09-29 03:36pm
by Master of Ossus
Ghost Rider wrote:
Master of Ossus wrote:Luke used the force to move artificial SINGULARITIES. Sorry, but that is uber wank right there.
So he's deciding to dethrone DE Palpatine?

And any more description...more just to understand how absurd, more then anything else.
He killed YV tanks by moving their little shielding singularities into the hulls of the tanks generating them, thus destroying the vehicles that were otherwise proving impervious even to sustained starfighter-ground attacks.

Posted: 2005-09-29 03:51pm
by NecronLord
DEATH wrote: Except that Luke was much better than the third best Jedi of the old order and was against a malfunctioing Droideka that couldn't flank him and he had another jedi woth a blaster to help him.
No, these Droidekas that had a good chance of killing their enemies were facing Obi-Wan and Anakin. Simultaneously, remember, the wonder team of the Jedi Order?
And remind me who killed him, and who killed the sith who killed him? and who made him become more powerful than he could possibly imagine?
And this means he is not a Jedi Master... how?
And who Beat Vader hands down before becoming a jedi master and re-training a new order of knights? :roll:
You've still yet to justify your claim that Luke should be able to destroy a shielded droideka. When other jedi don't.
My point is that Luke isn't as powerful as he should be for him to put Vader down despite growing in power and recovering from the Dark side.
Luke went apeshit and used the Dark Side for a quick burst of power in RotJ. If he had remained calm, there's no reason to assume that he would have come out of that fight alive.

Posted: 2005-09-29 03:59pm
by NecronLord
Master of Ossus wrote:Luke used the force to move artificial SINGULARITIES. Sorry, but that is uber wank right there.
Of course, I'd love to know how those things are meant to work. I can only assume it's some kind of technobabble, because I'm fairly sure such black holes would spontaneously evaportae fairly quickly.

Of course, I never read more than two book in the NJO...

Posted: 2005-09-29 04:13pm
by FTeik
Can the Force even be used through shields? I'm thinking about things like UniversalEnergyCages here.

Posted: 2005-09-29 04:21pm
by NecronLord
FTeik wrote:Can the Force even be used through shields? I'm thinking about things like UniversalEnergyCages here.
Joruus C'Boath could affect minds of starship crews when they had their shields up.

Posted: 2005-09-29 04:35pm
by LordShaithis
What was the mass of these little singularities?

Posted: 2005-09-29 04:50pm
by FTeik
NecronLord wrote:
FTeik wrote:Can the Force even be used through shields? I'm thinking about things like UniversalEnergyCages here.
Joruus C'Boath could affect minds of starship crews when they had their shields up.
You're right, i forgot about that. Maybe only the telekinetic abilities of the Jedi are blocked by shields.

Or darksider and crazy Jedi-Master don't care about shields. :P

Posted: 2005-09-29 10:00pm
by Ender
Manus Celer Dei wrote:
Darth Fanboy wrote:Let me just put it this way:

What. The. Fuck.
Dipshit confused the preview of Outbound Flight with the story itself. Story itself the only mention of Thrawn is a simulation program, some kind of Kobyashi Maroo thing (yeah I misspelled it, sue me)

Posted: 2005-09-30 08:25am
by Darth Fanboy
Ender wrote:
Manus Celer Dei wrote:
Darth Fanboy wrote:Let me just put it this way:

What. The. Fuck.
Dipshit confused the preview of Outbound Flight with the story itself. Story itself the only mention of Thrawn is a simulation program, some kind of Kobyashi Maroo thing (yeah I misspelled it, sue me)
Sorry, my bad.