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Anakin at Utapa and Resulting Scenarios

Posted: 2005-09-29 06:14pm
by Stravo
Palpatine expressed an interest that Anakin should be the one to go to Utapa and confront Greavious. Perhaps Palpatine knew that the Jedi would not send him and would send someone else further driving Anakin into Palpatine's sphere of influence.

But what if Mace managed to ignore his misgivings and they send Anakin to Utapa.

What will happen in an Anakin/Greavious confrontation?

Assuming events unfold as in the movies and Mace goes to confront Palpatine about the destruction of Greavious:

What would happen in the Palpatine/Jedi Masters confrontation without Anakin? I know that Mace defeated him fair and square but the question is whether Palptine would risk a confrontation knowing that Anakin is far away or would he flee?

Assuming Palpatine is forced to issue Order 66 is Anakin a target of his clone armies on Utapa or was Anakin always exempt from Order 66?

Finally would Anakin still be likely to fall if he's far away when Palpatine is unmasked and Order 66 unfurls? or would he see Palpatine as the evil man that he is?

Re: Anakin at Utapa and Resulting Scenarios

Posted: 2005-09-29 06:22pm
by Mr Bean
Stravo wrote:
Assuming Palpatine is forced to issue Order 66 is Anakin a target of his clone armies on Utapa or was Anakin always exempt from Order 66?

Finally would Anakin still be likely to fall if he's far away when Palpatine is unmasked and Order 66 unfurls? or would he see Palpatine as the evil man that he is?
Anakin could be exempted from Order 66 if Palpy says so as far as we know.

Alternatily we have Grevious fleeing Utapa when Paply warns him and then simply sets up another ambush.

Posted: 2005-09-29 06:30pm
by Trogdor
Interesting idea. It's very hard to say.

As to Anakin vs. Grevious, I'd say things happen pretty much as they did in the movies, expect with Anakin in Obi-Wan's place, of course. Personally, I was really surprised that Obi-Wan just jumped down and revealed himself. It seemed way more like an Anakin thing to do than a Master Kenobi thing to me.

As to whether Palpy flees or not, that's a really good question. Does the novelisation say anything about him knowing that's he's not a match for Mace? He seemed pretty confident when he went into that battle.

Is Anakin exempt from Order 66? I doubt it. If he's not a Sith, then he's potentially Palpatine's most dangerous foe.

Would Anakin still fall if Palpy is unmasked and Order 66 issued? I don't think so. I think he'd be too horrified by what Palpatine has done to join him then. In ROTS, he'd felt that he'd already gone past the point of no return. In this scenario, he has not.

Of course, if, say, Mace kills Palpy and Order 66 never gets issued, then I could see Anakin potentially turning to the dark side and striking out at Mace. Mace would probably have a hard time proving Palpy's evil unless he can uncover evidense of Order 66. And let's face it, Anakin already didn't like Mace. What happens when this rather unstable Jedi comes back from his mission to discover that the one person he believes can save his wife has been killed by Mace? Anybody's guess.

Posted: 2005-09-29 06:34pm
by Ghost Rider
If confronted with Mace and no way out...he retreats. Palps may cackle and have arrogance, but if he is not attacking from a position of power, he does not go for it.

As for Order 66, he waits until Skywalker is under his control. Even with Grievous down, he'd have to come up with a slightly different angle, but the CIS leadership is still out there and under his control. His beef, is he has to insure the Jedi never trust Anakin fully nor give him any reason to trust them unconditionally.

Posted: 2005-09-29 06:42pm
by Darth Fanboy
DF's best ideas as to what follows.

Mace Windu and the other masters have no idea was to whats is happening next and likely will be at the Temple waiting for the Sith Lord, this includes OBi Wan. When Order 66 is enacted a Turbolaser from a Venator-class Star Destroyer incinerates the Jedi Temple and the surrounding area which includes the Jedi Masters. Anakin absolutely itchslaps Grievous as Palpatine pushes him into the Dark Side and Uses the Cyborg General, and not the Jedi Temple as his first assignment as Darth Vader. Anakin never becomes the man in the mask when OBi Wan goes up with the Temple, although a confrontation with Yoda would almost be inevitable, but Sidious would be with him for that.

Posted: 2005-09-29 07:36pm
by President Sharky
Wait, with Anakin on Utapau, how would the Jedi become aware of Palpatine's true identity? Palpatine revealed himself as Sidious to Anakin by his own choice. If Anakin were on Utapau, Palpatine might just bide his time a little bit longer. If the Jedi try to unseat him, then he could go to prison, and he could convince Anakin to save him. After he escapes, he enacts Order 66.