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Sound in space

Posted: 2005-10-04 10:25am
by Kane Starkiller
In the last few days I saw several posts saying that sound in space is not a part of the Star Wars universe but an out-of-the-universe addition for the benefit of the real world audience.
I thought that accepted theory was that sound is created by picking up electromagnetic radiation from ship's engines and explosions and then simply putting the signal through audio speakers.

Posted: 2005-10-04 10:39am
by Glimmervoid
I heard some thing like too. It was computer added so that an entire sense of the piolet was not wasted.

Posted: 2005-10-04 01:58pm
by Adrian Laguna
This applies only to shots from within the star fighters, and the theory is supported by the near total quiet in the bridges of capital ships. However, shots from the "floating space camera" as well as several types of sounds are added for the beneift of the audience.

Posted: 2005-10-04 02:33pm
by Anguirus
^ So just say that it's being piped in to the audience from a nearby ship's computer. SoD and all that.

Posted: 2005-10-04 02:38pm
by Glimmervoid
Anguirus wrote:^ So just say that it's being piped in to the audience from a nearby ship's computer. SoD and all that.
No. What he is saying is that like music is added for the audience the sound in space is added too. BUT star fighters have a system that means that sound is used to alert the poilot to nearby ships (similar to the genosion ships using smell).

Posted: 2005-10-04 02:56pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Glimmervoid wrote:No. What he is saying is that like music is added for the audience the sound in space is added too.
Non-diegetic (outside the filmic universe) sound.

Posted: 2005-10-04 03:33pm
by Kane Starkiller
Glimmervoid wrote:What he is saying is that like music is added for the audience the sound in space is added too.
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Non-diegetic (outside the filmic universe) sound.
Actually that's not what I'm saying. The omnipotent camera that observes the space battle (and adds color which doesn't exist in vacuum) also pics up electromagnetic radiation from turbolasers, ship engines etc. and converts them to radio signal. So the sound isn't "made up" as music for example, but is the result of electromagnetic signal being put through audio system.

Posted: 2005-10-04 05:05pm
by Adrian Laguna
Kane Starkiller wrote:color which doesn't exist in vacuum
Yes it does, haven't you seen videos of the moon landings? You can discern the colors of the American flag, and the insignia on the astronauts, and the moon module, and the Earth, and the gold visors, etc. So color does exist in a vaccum.

Posted: 2005-10-04 05:32pm
by Isolder74
Adrian Laguna wrote:
Kane Starkiller wrote:color which doesn't exist in vacuum
Yes it does, haven't you seen videos of the moon landings? You can discern the colors of the American flag, and the insignia on the astronauts, and the moon module, and the Earth, and the gold visors, etc. So color does exist in a vaccum.
unless you are color blind(which only means you won't see it) the light will reflect off a green shirt the same in space as it would here on the ground. The properties of light do not change because there is no air around.

Posted: 2005-10-04 06:11pm
by Aquatain
The same could be the reason behind the blaster bolts..and their seemenigly fluctuating speed.

If blasters are really invisible and the bolts are added for our convinience (like the sound in space) , then that would answer many questions.

Posted: 2005-10-04 06:23pm
by Star Wars Fan
here's a link. Curtis Saxton explains it

under "sound in space"

Posted: 2005-10-04 06:51pm
by Stark
In debates, it only matters insofar as characters REACT to these 'impossible' sounds. Hence we say that pilots are provided with positional sound cues, as we see pilots react to sounds all the time. All other sounds (external shots, for example) don't require this rationalisation and can be left at the door in the same way as floating words in space and people speaking english.

Posted: 2005-10-04 07:33pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Aquatain wrote:The same could be the reason behind the blaster bolts..and their seemenigly fluctuating speed.

If blasters are really invisible and the bolts are added for our convinience (like the sound in space) , then that would answer many questions.
And that right there is a good example of both thinking too hard and just making stuff up. If you go too far and start hypothesising like that, you end up just screwing yourself over as you work yourself into a corner.

Posted: 2005-10-04 10:20pm
by 000
A New Hope Radio Drama wrote:Your sensors'll give you an audio simulation for a rough idea of where those fighters are when they're not on your screen. It'll sound like they're right there in the turret with you.
Rebel Dream wrote:The audio interpreters built into the Falcon's sensor system gave out the sound of an explosion and the coralskipper's blip disappeared from the screen.
Audio sensors, yep.

Posted: 2005-10-05 01:17am
by Anguirus
It was in the radio drama?

Well, that settles it. G-canon.

Posted: 2005-10-05 05:48pm
by FTeik
The SW:Sourcebook, second edition by WEG describes in its entry about turbolasers, that they don't have to visible (their color is dependend on the wavelenght chosen or something like that) and that there is no problem with them being invisible.

As for sound in space, according to some spoilered discussion of TUQ i've read, there is a reference (by Mara i think) that there is nothing to hear in a vacuum.

So if somebody has the novel and would go to the effort to search this quote ...

EDIT: Wait, i've found it again:

"TUS, page 374: " There was no Boom, of corse, but Mara grew suddenly uncomfortably warm insider her vac suite ..."

Posted: 2005-10-05 06:13pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Good Lord, that shouldn't even be an issue...

Re: Sound in space

Posted: 2005-10-05 06:20pm
by Kurgan
Kane Starkiller wrote:In the last few days I saw several posts saying that sound in space is not a part of the Star Wars universe but an out-of-the-universe addition for the benefit of the real world audience.
I thought that accepted theory was that sound is created by picking up electromagnetic radiation from ship's engines and explosions and then simply putting the signal through audio speakers.
It's actually caused by the friction of objects brushing against the Living Force.


CANON!!! I wish...