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Tibana Gas.
Posted: 2002-12-09 05:57pm
by Engineer_00
Alright, I was also wondering. How come in the original trilogy, Tibana gas is never mentioned as a vital component of blasters. But in the recent games, it's almost official. And is Tibana gas, a real gas?
Posted: 2002-12-09 06:02pm
by Kuja
Tibanna gas is one of dozens of gases (yes, it is a gas) that can be used in creating blaster fuel. It's generally used in hand blasters or rifles and not starfighters, due to the back that it breaks down and the bolt falls apart after a certain range.
It's mentioned in the Essential Guide to Vehicles, Guide to Weps and Tech, and Guide to Planets and Moons.
Posted: 2002-12-09 06:04pm
by HemlockGrey
What does it do?
Posted: 2002-12-09 06:08pm
by Kuja
Don't remember. I'll check my guide when I go home this weekend.
Posted: 2002-12-09 06:25pm
by Sardaukar
I remember that the guys at Bob Brown's old forum went on and on about how Tibanna gas was intended to be used in repulsorlifts and how they hated the EU for making it a component gas used in blasters.
I just dislike how some stuff implies that Bespin is the only source for the gas and that Cloud City is a major tourist attraction. When in the movie it is a "
small mining operation". Thanks KJA, or whoever made all that up

Posted: 2002-12-09 06:28pm
by Cal Wright
Whoa, can't fault KJA this time. That's something he actually did right. Luke finds the gas prospector Streen there. Tibanna gas is mined by many, but I don't think that's the only place to find it. have to look it up for sure.
Posted: 2002-12-09 06:28pm
by HemlockGrey
Thanks KJA, or whoever made all that up
Keep the faith. One day there will be a reckoning.
Posted: 2002-12-09 08:22pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I don't see the problem in making Cloud City a tourist trap. Bespin looks beautiful, and I'm sure many would want to go there. Besides, why not make a few extra credits while you're at it?
I don't believe Bespin would be the only source. Aren't other Tibanna gas mining planets mentioned in EU?
Posted: 2002-12-09 08:58pm
by Sardaukar
I am specifically thinking about KJA's Illustrated Guide to the Star Wars Universe, but I haven't memorised the Bespin stuff, so I could be wrong about it mentioning the points I brought up. But I know I have read them both somewhere in the EU.
I don't mind the idea of Bespin being a tourist trap, but it shouldn't be a well known one. It's an out of the way planet with a small barely legal mining operation.
I'm sure there'd be plenty like it all over the place.
Posted: 2002-12-09 09:08pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:I don't see the problem in making Cloud City a tourist trap. Bespin looks beautiful, and I'm sure many would want to go there. Besides, why not make a few extra credits while you're at it?
I don't believe Bespin would be the only source. Aren't other Tibanna gas mining planets mentioned in EU?
There's the gas giant Talorran from Rogue Squadron. And I don't think Tibanna gas is used for powering blasters and/or turbolasers, but I think it actually makes them more powerful.
Posted: 2002-12-09 09:14pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
The Completely Unofficial Star Wars Encyclopedia Version 4.3 wrote:Tibanna gas
a gas found in the atmosphere of many gas giants, it is useful because it can produce large amounts of energy when light passes through it. Thus, it can be used in large blasters to multiply the weapon's output. It also has certain anti-gravitional properties, and has exceptional properties as a hyperdrive coolant. The best tibanna gas is compressed and spin-sealed, since this kind of tibanna is four times as powerful as regular tibanna. Spin-sealing requires a great deal of energy to do artificially. Fortunately for many weapons manufacturers, the tibanna found in the atmosphere of Bespin is naturally spin-sealed. Much of Bespin's tibanna gas is produced as a waste product by the beldons that inhabit the gas giant's Life Zone. (ESB, AESB, GG2, ISU)
Damn, that encyclopedia is useful! I love that thing! And it's so easy to use! Thank the maker(s)!

Posted: 2002-12-12 01:08am
by MirrorUniverseSpy1
Now that I think about it, Cloud City would be a cool tourist spot.
other source
Posted: 2002-12-12 01:48am
by omegaLancer
I believe that that tibanna gas is also found in the corona of stars..And it is used also in hyperdrives.
Posted: 2002-12-12 05:13am
by Connor MacLeod
Tibanna gas is used in weapons and hyperdrives. Best guess is that since it works as a coolant in one, it probably does so in the other.
Tibanna gas is only useful when "spin sealed" - whatever the hell that means. (Think about it - Tibanna gas would keep the components cooler, thus allowing a weapon to handle a correspondingly greater energy yield - therefore, greater damage.) When using tibanna gas, energy output is multiplied fourfold over "normal" gasses.
Tibanna gas also appears to have an effect on weapons range. E-wings in DArk Empire used synthetically spin-sealed Tibanna gases that broke down, which lead to substantial range degradation. Alliance techs compenstaed by significantly boosting (I tink tripling) the outputs of the guns, but this also made overloads more likely.