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I havent read most of these eu books can someone give me inf

Posted: 2002-07-30 04:12pm
by AL
I'm curious as to why there isnt more mention or writings about more imperial leaders and their factions. Perhaps I'm wrong, maybe they do write about them, i just havent read much of the eu books. I'm not sure I really would want to after reading some of the threads here.

It seems from the info that has been posted, that most of these books are not consistant with the entire sw story. Can someone help me understand them a little more before i go out and get these books to read.


Posted: 2002-07-30 04:18pm
by Master of Ossus
The most important Imperial warlords/faction leaders in the EU are as follows:

Grand Admiral Thrawn, the last one to seriously threaten the existence of the NR.

Admiral Daala, who destroyed all of the other regional warlords.

Admiral Pelleon, who ended the war with the NR and is currently the leader of the Imperial Remnant.

Yssane Isard, a former Imperial Intelligence leader, Isard gained significant power immediately after the death of the Emperor, but was foiled in all of her schemes by Rogue Squadron and co.

Warlord Zsinj, a relatively minor warlord who controlled powerful ships but not impressive territory.

Admiral Tavira, an EXTREMELY minor warlord who tried to team up with a group of dark Jedi-like people for no apparent reason in I, Jedi.

There are clearly many more factions, especially in the Deep Core, but those are the ones off the top of my head.

Posted: 2002-07-30 06:16pm
by Mr Bean
Slate Prestegie(SP?)
The one who gained power imedtly after Pap's Death was ousted by a cabal of Former Advisors, Was killed for attempting to negitate a Peace with the NR

A few further notes
Daala-Was also the great *reorginzer, when she assumed command after her flight from the Maw Insitute she reorginzed and rebuilt most of the Empires might and conctrated it under one Flag agian
Also know for having increbily bad luck...

Order of Succession goes
Slate-Isard-Thrawn-Chaos(War-lords rampent)-Daala-Peolleon

Posted: 2002-08-01 11:49am
by Eleas
"Slate Prestegie(SP?)
The one who gained power imedtly after Pap's Death was ousted by a cabal of Former Advisors, Was killed for attempting to negitate a Peace with the NR"

Ah yes, Sate Pestage. A right bastard, by all accounts.

There were also the Prophets of the Dark Side, who horrifyingly enough are beginning to show up more and more in official stories.

Posted: 2002-08-01 12:13pm
by Crazy_Vasey
After Thrawn there was the Emperor Reborn and there was a fair while between Isard and Thrawn, she pretty much stopped ruling after the fall of Coruscant and that's gotta bea couple of years.

Posted: 2002-08-01 01:30pm
by Smalleyjedi
In chronilogical order.....

Soon after Pslpintine's death Yssane Isard assumed control. Many, such as Warlord Zsinj went warlord.

Isard Deposed, Empire is led by coalition of moffs, more go warlord.

Zsinj Deposed

Thrawn unites much of the former Empire , but is ultimatly defeated.

Reborn Emperor unites all the Empire's remaining forces in the deep core, and for a short while controls most of the galaxy before he is killed.

NR takes back control, while dozens of Warlords fight over the Core Worlds. Some of them are Harssk, Terradoc, and of Course Daala who kills them and unites their fleets. SHe is defeated, Pellean takes control of what little is left.

The Empire at the time of the latest books is led by eight moffs, with Pellean as supreme commander of the Starfleet. Although prior to the NJO the Empire was described to be deep in the core, in the NJO it is said to be Outer Rim. HoT implies that the EMpire's control extends at least to the outer rim in one area, but never says it does not control the core. IMO the Empire has the core and a small sliver of backwater worlds reaching through to the rim.