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My rambling about the force and the prophecy

Posted: 2005-10-16 12:52am
by ali-sama
One of the main plot points of ep I-III is the prophecy.
It is about someone who will bring balance to the force.
Was Anakin Skywalker the one who was prophesied?
Did he bring balance to the force?
I say yes.
If you notice the details it will reveal how the prophecy unfolds and how the balance was achieved.
The jedi and to a lesser degree the sith's view of the force radically changes during the years in between ep III and IV.
The force users, esp the Jedi, where way too impassionate about the force.
It was all about the midichlorians, the training, the control of emotions.
The force was a tool to be used to do their work more so then the living spirit of the universe.

Why did Anakin go towards the sith?
While they did look at the force as a tool to a certain degree, they understood it's importance and significance to the over all picture of the universe. They trusted their feelings, and used them instead of being cold and impassion ate like most of the jedi had been.

How did the balance occur and when? The process did begin with qui-gon(sp?). His radical views helped him achieve a state of consciousness after death that no Jedi before him had.

The turning of anakin to the dark side and the powerful emotions provoked inside of him was probably a catalyst which allowed the old master to be able to view into the world of the living. With time and effort eventually he communicated with yoda and then with obwan.
This started a new philosophy in using the force. A more symbiotic relationship between the force and those who can touch it. This was passed on to luke, who never learned the doctrine of the old nor used the force as they did. He relied on his emotions and instincts.

Then comes the question. When was the balance achieved. How was it achieved.
Who achieved it.
Anakin did! He got rid of the old. The jedi who where using the force as a tool, not truly appreciating what the force and it;s nature implied. He brought balance by killing the jedi and then killing the last of the sith. The force was in balance. It was no longer at tool to be used.
It became what it should have been, a means for beings to see beyond what their 5 senses told them.
Luke was told that the force partially controls your actions.
That made me think. If the force is being generated by all the life and matter in existance.
Then there must be a cosmic or universal consciousness with the force.
It tries to guide the people to do what is good for it, as a whole.
Another way to put it is that the universe was freed from it's grasp of the old and could venture into the new.
Anyhow enough of me rambling.

Posted: 2005-10-16 05:57am
by defanatic
Or maybe... It's through numbers? Anakin killed all but a few Jedi. Anakin + Palpatine = A Few really good Jedi that managed to survive. Or not?

Posted: 2005-10-16 03:13pm
by ali-sama
defanatic wrote:Or maybe... It's through numbers? Anakin killed all but a few Jedi. Anakin + Palpatine = A Few really good Jedi that managed to survive. Or not?
The purging was analogous to pruning of a rose. Also it fits with lucas's philosophy. For every master there will be one apprentice. A master and apprentice of both schools remained. Also both master and apprentice grew beyond the doctrine of the past.
Once luke was of age to learn of the force. He was exposed to all of them. Luke actually had four teachers. He learned the best of the light side from Obiwan and Yoda and the best of the dark side from Darth Vader and the Emperor.
Once Luke became the optimal jedi. One who used the force as an all, and not as a tool. Who could use his full range of emotions with control over them. The prophecy was complete. The old where not needed anymore. Therefore one by one, his teachers passed on.
This leaves luke to develop on his own and form the new school of thought in the force.
One which will bring forth a new order of jedi who work for the common good.
Who work with the force, and listen to it, as it represents the will of the universe.
Unlike the past who used it as a tool.
When the force is generated by all life etc. It is a part of that life.
The jedi, by using the force as a tool, where basically enslaving all life.
They where using the resources of the populous for their own ends, without proper gratitude or acknowledgment .