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Updates at the Domus Publica

Posted: 2005-10-23 12:42pm
by Publius
There have been a number of updates to the Domus Publica, most of which are found in the series "Who's Who: Selected Biographies from a Galaxy Far, Far Away," including Lord Crueya Vandron, Chief Bast, Moff Getelles, Moff Shargael, Lord Cronal, alias Blackhole, and part two of Tan Maarek Stele, the Imperial ace of aces. There have also been two additions to the Invention section's short stories, viz., "A View of the Stars" and "The Silver Fox Strikes Again," as well as chapters six and seven of "Part II: Where Angels Fear to Tread" of The Test of Wills.

Work is proceeding (albeit slowly) on Part IV of "Something Wicked This Way Comes" and the rest of The Test of Wills. Having recently relocated from California to Georgia, the author can only crave the audience's indulgence regarding the lack of updates throughout most of August and September. As always, questions, comments, observations, and suggestions on any of the articles, stories, or the site in general are welcome and encouraged. Also all your base are belong to us.


Posted: 2005-10-23 03:26pm
by phongn
Huzzah! /goes off to read that stuff

Posted: 2005-10-24 03:03pm
by SCVN 2812
Its the usual high quality work on The Test of Wills. Only complaint is that for some reason you seem to value eating, sleeping, living a normal life over finishing it all in one sitting.

For shame.

Okay, so I wasn't paying much attention during Yoda and Ben's lectures about patience, its a natural response to a good cliff hanger like that at the end of chapter 7.

I've only read Dark Empire II so aside from only the vaguest details, its pretty much all a new story to me.

Posted: 2005-10-24 04:38pm
by Doctor Doom
The content is great, but am I the only one who doesn't find the format user friendly? I think a more detailed index might be good. Or maybe it's because I haven't slept in twenty-four hours.

Re: Updates at the Domus Publica

Posted: 2005-10-24 04:40pm
by Lord Rog
Nice website but whats with the Tan in front of fighter aces names (Stele and Skywalker)?

Posted: 2005-10-24 06:14pm
by Publius
Blackjack Simmons wrote:The content is great, but am I the only one who doesn't find the format user friendly? I think a more detailed index might be good. Or maybe it's because I haven't slept in twenty-four hours.
What in particular do you find difficult about the format? What details added to the index would you like to see?
Lord Rog wrote:Nice website but whats with the Tan in front of fighter aces names (Stele and Skywalker)?
Maarek Stele was referred to as "Tan Stele" on the back cover of TIE Fighter: The Official Strategy Guide (1994), which was retroactively explained by "The Emperor's Pawns" (Star Wars Gamer No. 5, August/September 2001) as referring to the "title-rank Ta," which appears to function more or less like a Continental knighthood. Anakin Skywalker was referred to as "Tan Skywalker" briefly in "The Constancia Affair" (1979), which Vader: The Ultimate Guide (2005) recently explained as being the result of his participation in the Battle of Virujansi "in which he fought alongside pilot Garven 'Dave' Dreis of the Rarefied Air Cavalry and earned the starfighter ace title of Tan" (Dreis is a reference to one of the fighter pilots in A New Hope and Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker).

Posted: 2005-10-24 06:25pm
by Alan Bolte
Most of the chapters in The Test of Wills lack a "continue to next chapter" link, which is rather confusing at first.

Posted: 2005-10-24 06:28pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Hey Publius, would you mind giving a quick rundown on what the various dating abbreviations mean? I'm refering to GR, AGR, BrS, and PGR.

I do know that at least some of them relate to the Great Resynchronisation which reset the dating system from the Battle of Ruusan to thirty-five years before ANH. but It'd be nice to know exactly what each stands for. Thanks.

Oh, and simply stellar work as usual.

Posted: 2005-10-24 06:38pm
by Publius
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Hey Publius, would you mind giving a quick rundown on what the various dating abbreviations mean? I'm refering to GR, AGR, BrS, and PGR.

I do know that at least some of them relate to the Great Resynchronisation which reset the dating system from the Battle of Ruusan to thirty-five years before ANH. but It'd be nice to know exactly what each stands for. Thanks.

Oh, and simply stellar work as usual.
That is a relic of the dating system being slowly corrected. Prior to the release of the HoloNet News feature in Star Wars Insider No. 84, the PGR and AGR tags were used to denote "Prior to the Great ReSynchronization" and "After the Great ReSynchronization," with The Phantom Menace taking place in 3 AGR. However, since "Palpatine's Triumphs: A Celebration" referred to his birth as having taken place "BrS," all instances of "PGR" are being (slowly) corrected to "BrS," and all instances of "AGR" to simply "GR" (as there is no longer a need for the "After" to distinguish it from "Prior").

The Battle of Ruusan, the final engagement of the New Sith Wars, was mentioned as simply one potential starting date for a zero-point calendar in HoloNet News; it actually has nothing to do with the Great ReSynchronization, having taken place circa 965 BrS (ca 1000 BBY, by the New Republic's calendar).

Posted: 2005-10-24 06:41pm
by Publius
Alan Bolte wrote:Most of the chapters in The Test of Wills lack a "continue to next chapter" link, which is rather confusing at first.
Thank you for pointing this out. That should be rectified shortly.

Posted: 2005-11-20 11:46pm
by Robert Treder
Regarding the newest three chapters of Test of Wills, good work as usual. I was particularly amused to find a reference to Disney's Aladdin in part III-3.

Posted: 2005-11-21 08:09am
by Publius
Robert Treder wrote:Regarding the newest three chapters of Test of Wills, good work as usual. I was particularly amused to find a reference to Disney's Aladdin in part III-3.
Guilty as charged!

Posted: 2005-11-22 06:39pm
by Publius
On that same note, ch. 4 - 8 have been posted.

Posted: 2005-11-24 04:26am
by Danny Bhoy

The names of some of your non-canonical characters are hilariously apt:

Prophet Rasul (transliterated arabic for prophet)
Messervy the Director of Imperial Intelligence (presumably inspired by Ian Fleming's Miles "M" Messervy)
Master Mustaqbil (transliterated arabic for future)

Messervy really cracked me up tho.