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Fun RotS shots

Posted: 2005-11-19 06:38am
by Vympel
(They're large, but not very big in terms of file size- around 50k each).

Reflected blaster bolt hitting one of Cmdr Bacara's Galactic Marines



One of Bacara's marines sidesteps just before a blaster bolt goes where he was standing


Aayla's wounds:



And just in case anyone thinks there's a chance she could've survived- a blaster bolt hitting her directly in the head:


A clonetrooper casually swats a BD in the head as he runs past it (it's already on the way down)




Re: Fun RotS shots

Posted: 2005-11-19 07:05am
by KhyronTheBackstabber
Vympel wrote: A clonetrooper casually swats a BD in the head as he runs past it (it's already on the way down)
Looks like Obi-Wan decided to take a cigarette brake in those pics. :lol:

Posted: 2005-11-19 07:05am
by Ace Pace
Whoa, nice shots. The Clonetrooper rocked.

Got some frames of every Jedi dying?

Posted: 2005-11-19 07:15am
by Ford Prefect
Yeah, that pic of a Galactic Mainre dodging a blaster bolt just upped the unit's and, by extension, Bacara's coolness. Rockin' Vympel.

Posted: 2005-11-19 07:17am
by Vympel
Ace Pace wrote:
Got some frames of every Jedi dying?
I took a whole bunch of pictures of Ki-Adi-Mundi getting peppered with blaster bolts (man, when you run it frame-by-frame they shot him A LOT) as well as many more of Aayla Secura dying- practically frame by frame. I'll post some more up, only problem is single image posting on image shack takes ages. That's why I skimped in between frames at some points, I took some photos but there sometimes wasn't enough differnece in between frames to warrant posting the entire sequence- the clone thwacking that droid is a good example.

Posted: 2005-11-19 07:21am
by Ace Pace
Got some shots of the Jedi temple? Also, dosn't photobucket have a batch uploader?

Posted: 2005-11-19 08:45am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Ace Pace wrote:Got some shots of the Jedi temple? Also, dosn't photobucket have a batch uploader?
Yeah, with Photobucket, you can upload 19 at a time.

Posted: 2005-11-19 09:07am
by Cykeisme
Galactic Marines sure kick ass :D
How exactly did that trooper dodge that blaster bolt, anyway?

Great shots Vympel!

Posted: 2005-11-19 09:47am
by VT-16
If you could get some brief shots from the Temple massacre, it would be great.

In the short scene from inside the Temple, I vaguely remember seeing individual 501sters taking on individual Jedi! :shock:

Vader Fist, indeed.

Posted: 2005-11-19 09:48am
by Ace Pace
VT-16 wrote:If you could get some brief shots from the Temple massacre, it would be great.

In the short scene from inside the Temple, I vaguely remember seeing individual 501sters taking on individual Jedi! :shock:

Vader Fist, indeed.
I'm looking at it right now, its teams of Cloners pushing the Jedi around with bolts.

Posted: 2005-11-19 09:53am
by VT-16
Hmm, I thought I saw some single clones on the ground level (in other words, in the far background) battling it out with equal numbers of Jedi.

Posted: 2005-11-19 10:36am
by Vympel
Does photobucket require registration? Because image shack allows for bulk uploads if you register, but I just can't be bothered you know?

Posted: 2005-11-19 10:42am
by Noble Ire
Vympel wrote:Does photobucket require registration? Because image shack allows for bulk uploads if you register, but I just can't be bothered you know?
It does, although it didn't take that long compared to most other registration processes.

Posted: 2005-11-22 07:08am
by Vympel
Vigilance (Obi-Wan's Venator-class Star Destroyer) hangar bay:

Note the two V-Wings in the right-hand corner of the shot.

Note the engine being worked on by the astromech droids in the left hand side of the shot. Resembles a modern turbofan.

Council LAAT

BARC speeder bikes escorting the Jedi LAAT at high Coruscant altitude.

Yoda's legion before changing into forest gear:

Yoda's legion of Clonetroopers have grey colouring on their armor. They probably switched to "forest" gear upon arrival or en route.

Note also that one of the clones with his back turned to the camera is packing a pair of thermal detonators on his back rather than just one- Commander Gree had the same set-up. Come to think of it, this clone could very well be Commander Gree before he's changed for forest warfare. Another Clonetrooper seems to have something unidentified on his back as well.

A second pic of Yoda's troopers

AT-AP shrugging off Separatist weapon fire (impressive bolt explosion)


You don't see the bolt coming in (I couldn't find it) but the first frame seems to be the typical "moment after the bolt hits" that we all know. It continues thusly:

The burst develops in the next frame

And the next

And the next- dissipating

And practically gone

And the walker is fine, as you can see several frames later when it fires it's "body" gun:


Posted: 2005-11-22 05:35pm
by The Original Nex
Vymp, I believe in the scene where Anakin informs Mace about Palpy's Sith attributes, in the Jedi hangar, we can see non-clone, blackshirt pilots or technicians walking aruond, running diagnostics and rolling up some sort of wire or fuel line (there's a woman tech too IIRC) in the background shadows amongst Cody-legion clones.

Any pics of these folk would be appreciated.

Posted: 2005-11-22 07:00pm
by The Jazz Intern
on The one with the LAAT being escorted by BARCs, where are the BARCs?
Vympel, you rock. :D

Posted: 2005-11-22 09:36pm
by Vympel
The Jazz Intern wrote:on The one with the LAAT being escorted by BARCs, where are the BARCs?
Vympel, you rock. :D
The two blurry looking things in front of the LAAT- they're pretty hard to get a good shot of when paused, but when you watch the shot in motion it's quite obvious.

Posted: 2005-11-22 09:58pm
by Ford Prefect
Because Yoda's legion shows up quite prominently in your update Vympel; does anyone know what the designation for it was?

Posted: 2005-11-22 10:12pm
by Noble Ire
Ford Prefect wrote:Because Yoda's legion shows up quite prominently in your update Vympel; does anyone know what the designation for it was?
41st Elite Corps, well know for their skill at working with indigenous armed forces. (

Posted: 2005-11-23 01:05am
by Vympel
Unfortunately the guys in the background in the Jedi hangar are pretty hard to make out, but it may be that they're Republic officers (i.e. soon to be Imperial officers).

The belt buckle makes me think it ...


Just because it's cool

AT-RT drivers have both a DC-15A and DC-15S at their disposal for dismounts:


The best picture we have of the mysterious Clone "lieutenant"- notice also that some of the regular Clonetroopers behind him have yet another small backpack variation.


Posted: 2005-11-23 01:20am
by Vympel
A better look at the black back-part of the troopers of the 41st (before the trooper in the foreground of the previous pics has turned around)- seems to be some kind of electronics.


Posted: 2005-11-23 03:06am
by Hedgehog's Roommate
That last pic shows a 'Trooper with what looks like a second thermal detonator on top of his backpack.

Loved all the pics, these are just great. Gotta love the GAR.

Posted: 2005-11-23 05:22am
by Cykeisme
Cool, man. Cool.

Those folks talking about the Jedi Temple massacre got me thinking.. anything interesting in there? 501st action!

Posted: 2005-11-23 05:51am
by VT-16
On the SW Wiki article about the Jedi Purge, there's a shot of the temple slaughter. Doesn't show much, except several troopers on the ground level fighting a Jedi. I think Ace Pace was right about the scene. My bad. :wink:

Posted: 2005-11-23 09:28am
by NecronLord
VT-16 wrote:Hmm, I thought I saw some single clones on the ground level (in other words, in the far background) battling it out with equal numbers of Jedi.
There's only a glimse of the fight. Presumably it doesn't show the bit after that where the jedi leap, and take off the trooper's heads. Any idiot can fight a jedi one on one. Winning, now that's a different kettle of fish. :P