What if Dooku killed Anakin and Obi-wan?
Posted: 2005-11-20 06:31pm
The scenario is as follows- Dooku's duel with Obi-wan and Anakin on the Invisible Hand takes place as we saw, only just before Anakin slices Dooku's hands, Dooku spins or twirls and instead cleaves Anakin in two. It's then only a short hop skip and a jump to Obi-wan, who is also dispatched.
Dooku is now in the position of having a shackled Palpatine, entirely at his mercy...
Given what we know of Dooku and his plans (the Episode 3 novel talks of his desire to create a human-dominated empire), he would (in my opinion) have Grevious kill Palpatine (Dooku can't be seen to do it himself, after all- that would look very bad), then he would aspire to take advantage of the sudden political turmoil that the Republic would find itself in. The Jedi may or may not be freed from the 'shroud of the Dark Side' (though it was said in the novel that war itself pours darkness onto the Force), but the Republic would suddenly be rudderless. A few well-aimed turbolaser strikes at the Jedi Temple would take care of a lot of the Jedi, and perhaps Dooku would destroy much of the Senate as well, thus removing two major obstacles to his rise to power.
A politically unstable and extremely demoralised Republic would be met with a buoyed and emboldened Confederacy that Dooku could direct and command. What would be best for Dooku's desire to rule a human empire would be for him to distance himself publically from Grevious' actions and have the cyborg killed before long, declaring the General to have been a monsterous creation of the Trade Federation and other companies, turning the peoples of the Confederacy and Republic against the companies but keeping them on his side by perhaps personally dispatching Grevious in the name of justice.
Using his newfound hero status and his natural charm, Dooku could sway more systems to join the Confederacy and ultimately assume power over the dominant political force in the galaxy.
Dooku is now in the position of having a shackled Palpatine, entirely at his mercy...
Given what we know of Dooku and his plans (the Episode 3 novel talks of his desire to create a human-dominated empire), he would (in my opinion) have Grevious kill Palpatine (Dooku can't be seen to do it himself, after all- that would look very bad), then he would aspire to take advantage of the sudden political turmoil that the Republic would find itself in. The Jedi may or may not be freed from the 'shroud of the Dark Side' (though it was said in the novel that war itself pours darkness onto the Force), but the Republic would suddenly be rudderless. A few well-aimed turbolaser strikes at the Jedi Temple would take care of a lot of the Jedi, and perhaps Dooku would destroy much of the Senate as well, thus removing two major obstacles to his rise to power.
A politically unstable and extremely demoralised Republic would be met with a buoyed and emboldened Confederacy that Dooku could direct and command. What would be best for Dooku's desire to rule a human empire would be for him to distance himself publically from Grevious' actions and have the cyborg killed before long, declaring the General to have been a monsterous creation of the Trade Federation and other companies, turning the peoples of the Confederacy and Republic against the companies but keeping them on his side by perhaps personally dispatching Grevious in the name of justice.
Using his newfound hero status and his natural charm, Dooku could sway more systems to join the Confederacy and ultimately assume power over the dominant political force in the galaxy.