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AU Idea: Crash on Coruscant
Posted: 2005-11-22 08:32pm
by Darth Sephiroth
What if during the battle of Coruscant in Episode 3 Anakin screws up big time and the broken ship explodes upon crashing, killing everyone onboard it in a firey conflagration.
How would this affect the future of the SW universe?
Posted: 2005-11-22 09:51pm
by Isolder74
The Sith Lord is Gone, So is Anakin and Obi-Wan. No order 66, war grinds to a halt as Sidious is gone and the Republic elects a new Supreme Chancler and go on a war of revenge against the evil Sepratists that killed their beloved Chanceller. The Sepratists now effectivly leaderless go down very quickly
Posted: 2005-11-22 10:17pm
by Elheru Aran
Isolder74 wrote:The Sith Lord is Gone, So is Anakin and Obi-Wan. No order 66, war grinds to a halt as Sidious is gone and the Republic elects a new Supreme Chancler and go on a war of revenge against the evil Sepratists that killed their beloved Chanceller. The Sepratists now effectivly leaderless go down very quickly
Actually, no. Obi-wan most probably wouldn't make it to the Invisible Hand, which would escape with Palpatine on it. Palpy would get royally pissed, but somehow or other arrange for a public exchange of captives or a "ransom" paid; perhaps he would have an actor, made up to resemble himself, killed, and go underground as the Sith Lord, setting Order 66 into motion early. We'd have the Empire all right; it'd just take much longer, and Vader wouldn't be part of it. And, unless Palpatine disposes of him, Dooku will remain a threat to his sovereignity as Sith Lord.
Posted: 2005-11-22 10:20pm
by Stark
Elheru, everyone on IH would be dead, as it fails to safely crash and is destroyed. Saying 'Obi-wan wouldn't make it to the IH' is a strange response to a change that occurs after he already has!
Posted: 2005-11-22 10:20pm
by Noble Ire
Actually, no. Obi-wan most probably wouldn't make it to the Invisible Hand, which would escape with Palpatine on it. Palpy would get royally pissed, but somehow or other arrange for a public exchange of captives or a "ransom" paid; perhaps he would have an actor, made up to resemble himself, killed, and go underground as the Sith Lord, setting Order 66 into motion early. We'd have the Empire all right; it'd just take much longer, and Vader wouldn't be part of it. And, unless Palpatine disposes of him, Dooku will remain a threat to his sovereignity as Sith Lord.
What are you talking about? The point of the OP is that Obi, Anakin, and Palpatine all die.
Posted: 2005-11-22 10:44pm
by Elheru Aran
Stark wrote:Elheru, everyone on IH would be dead, as it fails to safely crash and is destroyed. Saying 'Obi-wan wouldn't make it to the IH' is a strange response to a change that occurs after he already has!
D'oh, thought it was Anakin got splattered before he and Obi-wan enter the Invisible Hand...
In that case, a successor is elected to the Republic Chancellorship, perhaps Bail Organa. He would immediately return the powers of the Chancellor back unto the Senate, though if a Palpatine sycophant got elected, such as Mas Amedda, that likely wouldn't happen; however, the Jedi coup would be successful then.
The Republic would still win; however, the fight would still be ugly. No Jedi purge would occur, though if Palpatine had coded Order 66 to take effect if he died prematurely, that would be another story and in fitting with his character. Without the Jedi, defeating the Separatists becomes difficult, but not impossible.
Again, apologies for my oops there... that'll teach me to post when I haven't had food and/or rest...
Posted: 2005-11-22 10:58pm
by Noble Ire
The Republic would still win; however, the fight would still be ugly. No Jedi purge would occur, though if Palpatine had coded Order 66 to take effect if he died prematurely, that would be another story and in fitting with his character. Without the Jedi, defeating the Separatists becomes difficult, but not impossible.
It would raise an interesting delimma for the Senate though. Could they really trust their army if they spontaneously executed all of their generals? No one would even know why they did it, save perhaps Mas Amedda and Sly Moore (although I suspect they would flee the Republic to avoid such dangerous questions, them being so close to a Sith lord and all.)
Posted: 2005-11-23 02:44am
by Hedgehog's Roommate
Noble Ire wrote:It would raise an interesting delimma for the Senate though. Could they really trust their army if they spontaneously executed all of their generals? No one would even know why they did it, save perhaps Mas Amedda and Sly Moore (although I suspect they would flee the Republic to avoid such dangerous questions, them being so close to a Sith lord and all.)
Not all the Jedi would be dead either since an attack on the temple would be less successful without Palps guiding things. Which means Mas and Sly would be dealing with some very unhappy Jedi who want answers. I would imagine the republic would continue on without any major problems until the Vong show up.
Posted: 2005-11-23 07:45am
by ray245
And the Vong get their ass kicked, very fast ...
Posted: 2005-11-23 08:46am
by Lex
It's very unlikely that the Galactic Republic would be able to deal with the Vong after the Civil War...
Posted: 2005-11-23 08:57am
by Imperial Overlord
Lex wrote:It's very unlikely that the Galactic Republic would be able to deal with the Vong after the Civil War...
Why do you say that? The Civil War is winding down. The Vong won't show up for decades. The Vong are likely to encounter a unified Republic with an actual military and get bitch slapped.
Posted: 2005-11-23 09:03am
by Lord Revan
it's also possible that order 66 does not happen, it's all depends how said order is triggered.
Posted: 2005-11-23 10:05am
by Edward Yee
Taking the EU into account, Order 66 would again be dependent on whether the clonetroopers thought the orders were real or Separatist fakes -- and who their loyalty really was to.
Amusing: The title reminded me of
a Wizards of the Coast article where a player asks what if "a 5-kilometer-long Star Destroyer was intentionally flown into New Republic-controlled Coruscant, hitting the Imperial Palace?"
Posted: 2005-11-23 05:28pm
by Hedgehog's Roommate
Something I just realized, Greivous was off ship at that time. So he's still out there causing trouble as is the Sep leadership. How long do you think they would be able to continue? I'm thinking another couple years, and a few more slagged planets. This could lead to the Republic not only keeping the GAR but increasing it's size as a counter to any potential insurrection on former CIS strongholds.
What of Luke and Leia? Would Padme turn them over to the Jedi for training or keep them with her as a link to Anakin?
Posted: 2005-11-23 07:17pm
by 1123581321
Hedgehog's Roommate wrote:What of Luke and Leia? Would Padme turn them over to the Jedi for training or keep them with her as a link to Anakin?
If they're born in the Republic, then the Jedi will identify them early. At which point, the Jedi get two more younglings.
Posted: 2005-11-23 07:26pm
by Lord Pounder
The seppies go down hard. Palpatine liked to be the man in control and keep his aces up his sleeve, i doubt Moore or Amedda are in a position to make a grab for power nor would they be able to execute Order 66. The Nemodians will try and make a grab for power of the Seppies and are bitch slapped by Grevious who then goes on a rampage, Gervious is a henchman not a leader. He will eventually get pwned by Yoda and/or Mace who are back to full strength now that the Darkside Shrowd is lifted. The End.
Posted: 2005-11-23 07:42pm
by CaptainChewbacca
1123581321 wrote:Hedgehog's Roommate wrote:What of Luke and Leia? Would Padme turn them over to the Jedi for training or keep them with her as a link to Anakin?
If they're born in the Republic, then the Jedi will identify them early. At which point, the Jedi get two more younglings.
No, Padme's a whiny bitch who can't live without Anakin. Remember, when she thought he was dead she "lost the will to live", because apparently the lives of two children just don't do it for her.
Posted: 2005-11-23 07:54pm
by Isolder74
CaptainChewbacca wrote:1123581321 wrote:Hedgehog's Roommate wrote:What of Luke and Leia? Would Padme turn them over to the Jedi for training or keep them with her as a link to Anakin?
If they're born in the Republic, then the Jedi will identify them early. At which point, the Jedi get two more younglings.
No, Padme's a whiny bitch who can't live without Anakin. Remember, when she thought he was dead she "lost the will to live", because apparently the lives of two children just don't do it for her.
Well to be fair she was under alot of emotion stress having almost been killed by the man she loves, ect. Even with the droid's assesment, I'd wager there was damage to her body that they would not call medically a problem.
Anyway Padme appeared to be ready to head back to Coruscant and leave him with her heart broken
Posted: 2005-11-23 08:14pm
by RThurmont
With Palpatine, Obi Wan, Dooku and Anakin dead, the main struggle would be between the new chancellor and the Seperatist leaders. The seperatists would certainly loose, however, they might majorly complicate matters, as they would still have General Grievous.
The Sith would be gone as a threat, and the Republic would in all probability undergo a transition from the increasingly autocratic regime that it had become under Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, back to its "normal" pre-TPM state. The Jedi Knights, now free of the Sith, would be able to swiftly guide this transition. With Palpatine and Dooku gone, one would assume that the "Shroud of the Dark Side" would vanish, and that the Jedi would regain their full precognitive capabilities, and as a result, would basically be in a position to majorly kick the ass of any megalomaniacal Palpatine sychophants that tried to seize power using order 66 (assuming they could, in which the Jedi would have a much better shot of detecting in time) or other means, or the Confederates.
In many respects, if Anakin crashed that ship on Coruscant, the state of the Galaxy would resemble that at the end of ROTJ. The Sith would be defeated, the Galactic Empire a vanquished pipedream, and the Jedi once again the unquestioned keepers of peace across the universe.
One interesting aspect that would remain, however, would be Luke and Leia. Assuming that grief over the loss of Anakin did not kill her, Padme would probably raise the children under normal circumstances. In all probability, both would be inducted into the Jedi Order at some point. There remain fascinating implications, especially if Luke turned out to be the Chosen One to fulfill the prophecy that the Jedi had, as it was originally written. Fascinating stuff, however, such a scenario would somehow be a little less exciting from our perspective as observers.
Screw the trillions of lives vanquished under the Empire, I want to see Palpatine, Vader, the Death Star and the
Executor kick ass!
Posted: 2005-11-24 09:13am
by Darth Sephiroth
It would be interesting to see if Padme would agree to let her kids become Jedi, from what is known about her own family (a very close knit one on Naboo) and from her seeing what Anakin lost when his mother died, I really don't think she would willingly turn them over...
Posted: 2005-11-24 01:14pm
by NecronLord
Lord Pounder wrote:The seppies go down hard. Palpatine liked to be the man in control and keep his aces up his sleeve, i doubt Moore or Amedda are in a position to make a grab for power nor would they be able to execute Order 66. The Nemodians will try and make a grab for power of the Seppies and are bitch slapped by Grevious who then goes on a rampage, Gervious is a henchman not a leader. He will eventually get pwned by Yoda and/or Mace who are back to full strength now that the Darkside Shrowd is lifted. The End.
Or alternately, as they're no longer hamstrung by the sith lord, they send their quadrillions of droids to kill the three million clone troopers.
Posted: 2005-11-24 01:25pm
by Darth Raptor
I really don't see the war continuing much longer, even with Greivous still at large. Like Pounder said, he's a minion.
Politically, the Jedi- with their powers fully restored- should be able to handle the mess that results from Palpatine's political machine being decapitated.
Wasn't Organa against the Military Creation Act? Won't the Republic revert to it's pre TPM demilitarized state, halting clone production and dissolving the GAR in favor of local militias again? That's a recepie for disaster when the Vong show up.
Posted: 2005-11-24 08:59pm
by Hedgehog's Roommate
Darth Raptor wrote:I really don't see the war continuing much longer, even with Greivous still at large. Like Pounder said, he's a minion.
Yes he's a minion, but a ruthless one. Like I said I see a few more planets being slagged bofore he goes down. The leadership isn't going to want to be caught since there will probably be war trials, so they might start encouraging him to even greater lengths in the war.
Wasn't Organa against the Military Creation Act? Won't the Republic revert to it's pre TPM demilitarized state, halting clone production and dissolving the GAR in favor of local militias again? That's a recepie for disaster when the Vong show up.
Doesn't matter if he was. Even if he was elected chancellor he doesn't have the executive powers Palps had. So he would probably have to pass a bill through the senate to disband the GAR. I doubt those planets that suffered heavily in the war would be willing to simply let the CIS get away without reparations made. So you'd still have to have the GAR to enforce that. You also have those planets like Kuat that made a lot of money from military contracts. They won't want to give that up too easily. No I see the GAR being a permanent part of the Republic from now on. Whether it grows any larger is another matter.