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Two Hypotheticals (Rarr Rarr!)

Posted: 2005-11-27 11:23am
by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
I've had a couple of hypothetical scenarios spinning around in my head for awhile and firgured it would save space to put them in the same thread, thus:

RoTS Scenario: Reinforcements ahoy!

During the Battle of Coruscant, after Anakin and Obi Wan hack their way onto the Invisible Hand, just before a Venator begins to trade fire with the CIS flagship, a group of Seperatist reinforcements appear (going through Coruscant's shield by magic) around the Invisible Hand to defend it. These consist of:
2 Invisible Hand-class ships (remember, the Invisible Hand, Colicoid Swarm, and the third one I forget were modified heavily)
12 Providence-class ships
20 Lucrehulk-class ships (Those TF control ships)
25 Munificent-class ships
40 Recusant-class ships

These, of course, are not to win the battlke for the Seperatists, but to keep the Invisible Hand from being blown apart by Republic forces andsteered into Coruscant.

ANH Scenario: An old friend...

First, the Devestator never ambushes the Tantive IV. It arrives over Tatooine safely and Obi Wan comes aboard after grabbing Luke since he knows the boy is strong in the force and they'll need a new Jedi. But he also decides that the Rebels might need an even greater teacher than himself to win and to train the twins. Thus, the Tantive makes a short trip to Dagobah to pick up a very willing Yoda. This all means that they will arrive at Yavin base before the Death Star destroys Alderaan, and they will have both Obi Wan and Yoda, rather than neither to help train the Skywalkers, and they will never find Han Solo so he wouldn't be able to save Luke's skin if it came to that.

Discuss and resolve.

Posted: 2005-11-27 11:28am
by The Original Nex
As per the ANH scenario: The Empire wouldn't have found the Yavin Base without Han Solo. They only discovered it after placing a beacon on the Millenium Falcon and tracking it to the Rebel base. So the Battle of Yavin as we know it would have never taken place.

Regarding the battle over Coruscant: The IH never has its fateful encounter with the RSS Guarlara so the gravity shear and irreparable damage to the ship never occurs. The IH likely escapes to hyperspace, however, Dooku is still dead, and Anakin, Obi-wan (still unconcious?) and Palpatine are still running loose in the ship.

How Grievous would react to this realization once safely out of the Coruscant System, I don't know.
Anakin may try and fight his way to the hangar and steal a ship to attempt an escape once they revert from Hyperspace. Whether they are successful or not is up for interpretation. . .

Posted: 2005-11-27 07:25pm
by Hedgehog's Roommate
I agree with Nex on the ANH scenario. The ROTS though I see going much the same as the movie. Except the IH jumps before Obi and Ani get captured so now Greivous has to stand and fight. Thus I see a very ginsued future for Greivous. After that they take control of the IH and jump back to Coruscant. What happens after that is anyones guess, but I would expect that Palps would be under a lot more pressure to give up his power. Obi also wouldn't need to go to Utapau, so he'd be there when Ani should fall and might prevent it.

Re: Two Hypotheticals (Rarr Rarr!)

Posted: 2005-11-27 11:29pm
by Srynerson
Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba wrote:ANH Scenario: An old friend...

First, the Devestator never ambushes the Tantive IV. It arrives over Tatooine safely and Obi Wan comes aboard after grabbing Luke since he knows the boy is strong in the force and they'll need a new Jedi. But he also decides that the Rebels might need an even greater teacher than himself to win and to train the twins. Thus, the Tantive makes a short trip to Dagobah to pick up a very willing Yoda. This all means that they will arrive at Yavin base before the Death Star destroys Alderaan, and they will have both Obi Wan and Yoda, rather than neither to help train the Skywalkers, and they will never find Han Solo so he wouldn't be able to save Luke's skin if it came to that.
One question that immediately comes to my mind is if Tarkin was already planning on targeting Alderaan as an "effective demonstration" regardless of whether Leia was present. If so, then I could see a dilemma arising in which Yoda and Ben demand that Luke and Leia begin training rather than assist the Rebel forces in attacking the Death Star before it reaches Alderaan.

Posted: 2005-11-28 05:20pm
by The Original Nex
How would the Rebels know the Death Star was going to attack Alderaan? How would they even knoe where the battlestation is?

Posted: 2005-11-28 11:53pm
by Srynerson
The Original Nex wrote:How would the Rebels know the Death Star was going to attack Alderaan? How would they even know where the battlestation is?
True, we don't know if the Rebels had any means of locating the Death Star absent Luke et al's running across it by chance.

Posted: 2005-11-29 04:45pm
by Darth Yoshi
The only reliable way would be to reverse the Endor gambit on the Imps.

Posted: 2005-11-29 10:18pm
by avatarxprime
Regarding the ANH scenario, I know I'm reaching, but if while under training Leia has a premonition of the destruction of Alderaan, it is possible that they can locate it and destroy it. However, I don't see them training Leia considering the entire reason Obi Wan never told him earlier was to keep Leia a secret in case something happened to Luke. However, Luke would probably be quite well trained and might not even need Solo when it comes down to it.

Posted: 2005-11-29 11:43pm
by Comando293
But if there is no Han Solo, then there is no Leia Solo. And no Chewbacca. :(
Luke and Leia are married instead.

Posted: 2005-11-29 11:46pm
by Noble Ire
Comando293 wrote:But if there is no Han Solo, then there is no Leia Solo. And no Chewbacca. :(
Luke and Leia are married instead.
Yes, I'm quite sure Obi-Wan and Yoda would let them do that.
Perverted bastards...
