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What time frame are the eu books at now and how many

Posted: 2002-08-01 01:00am
by AL
jedi are there in the New Republic, and how many are married and have children?

If jedi mary and have children will they be force sensative?

sorry for all the questions, I'm just wondering the characters ages now and who has what for children.

Posted: 2002-08-01 01:07am
by Master of Ossus
There are many books in the EU universe. They range from thousands of years before TPM, but if you are referring to the NJO, then it takes place beginning around 25 years after the Battle of Yavin.

There are several Jedi who are married, both to other Jedi and non-Jedi.

Luke and Mara Jade are married. They have an infant son, Ben.

Tionne and Kam Sulusar are married. They are in charge of the Jedi Academy, but they have no children.

Corran Horn is married to Mirax Terrik, and they have a son who is training to be a Jedi.

I know I have forgotten some, but I leave it to others to remember for me. I'm drawing a complete blank.

Posted: 2002-08-06 03:40pm
by Kuja
Corran also has a daughter.

Jedi children probably have a greater chance of being force-sensitive than other kids.

Posted: 2002-08-06 03:45pm
by Talon Karrde
Also take the example of Counseller Leia Organa Solo. She has children with Han, all three are force sensitive. So apparently midiclohrions or something is transferred in genetics somehow, or can be at least.