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Ssi'Ruuvi ships

Posted: 2005-12-09 09:54pm
by Norade
I'm wondering how Ssi'Ruuvi ships stack up to Imperial carft in terms of weapons power, targeting, shields and overall combat ability.

Posted: 2005-12-09 10:24pm
by Ender
Poorly - in Force heretic its said that the tech gap is what let the Rebel force spank them and snet them into isolation for decades trying to overcome it by back engineering what they had captured.

Posted: 2005-12-09 10:37pm
by Norade
Could I get a quote from that book? I don't dobut you I just need to show people on another site this quote.

Posted: 2005-12-09 11:44pm
by Ender
Force heretic II: Refugee, page 55 wrote: "Clearly the Rebel Alliance beat our former masters for more reasons then different technology, but that was one aspect they could focus on. They had seen Imperial and Rebel Alliance vessels in action above and around Bakura. Thry knew enough materiaql physics to back engineer the technology and re-create it in their laboratories. within ten standard years, they possessed prototyope hybrid vessels that employed your technology for shields and engines but employed enteched minds"

Posted: 2005-12-10 06:18am
by FTeik
Of what use is improved material-technology for shields and engines, if they don't have the power-sources necessary to match mainstream SW-technology.

Wait, don't tell me: The energy is provided by the entech-technology. :roll:

Posted: 2005-12-10 12:17pm
by Cykeisme
Indeed, I should think there that mastery of many, many more disciplines of science- and the facilities to apply that science- would be necessary to reverse engineer insanely advanced Star Wars tech, than just material physics!