SWIII questions
Posted: 2005-12-10 09:46pm
Ok was watching the DVD for the first time and noticed a few things I have questions or comments on.
1. The fighter pilots have space suits on and managed to survive his ship exploding yet the Jedi have no suits. Do they explain anywhere why or are they just over confindent?
2. When the buzz droids are tearing up the ships neither jedi uses their TK ability to remove them.
3. When Anakin uses his blasters on the hanger shields it seems rather easy for a fighter to access the hanger, are the hanger shield emitters unprotected.
4. Do they not belive in computer security after all Artoo has no problem jacking into computer systems.
5. During the broadside exchange at about 15:39 a shot comes though the opening of a gun port and explodes inside the room doing very little damage only taking out one gun mount. Seems a little low powered.
6. Gen. Greivious is always coughing and wheezing like he can't breath yet he cacn existed outside his ship in a vacuum with out to much problems.
7. When Kenobi is fighting Greivious he uses no TK attacks even when he had a clear advantage. I assume he was delaying into reinforcements arrived. However the second time when Kenobi lost his light saber he had no reason and several good ones to use TK to throw Grevious off the platform yet he doesn't.
8. Why didn't Kenobi use his TK to pull his light saber back into his hand after he drops it.
9. Why were there no alarms when the clones attacked the planent where Kenobi and Grevious were fighting. Even if they didn't have active sensors they should have at least some look outs.
10. Yoda mention the netherworld of the force. Do they ever mention it inany of the books about what it is like
11. Not so much in the movie but Jedi are not supposed to have famillies. It seems like they would incourage famillies as it would provide an extra anchor holding them to the light side. Also since the force is partly herdity it would allow them to increase their numbers. Plus if you forbide attachements they will usally form anyways and then the they will try to hide and put them even closer to the dark side.
There were many other parts in the movie that seems a little iffy but these are enough to start.
1. The fighter pilots have space suits on and managed to survive his ship exploding yet the Jedi have no suits. Do they explain anywhere why or are they just over confindent?
2. When the buzz droids are tearing up the ships neither jedi uses their TK ability to remove them.
3. When Anakin uses his blasters on the hanger shields it seems rather easy for a fighter to access the hanger, are the hanger shield emitters unprotected.
4. Do they not belive in computer security after all Artoo has no problem jacking into computer systems.
5. During the broadside exchange at about 15:39 a shot comes though the opening of a gun port and explodes inside the room doing very little damage only taking out one gun mount. Seems a little low powered.
6. Gen. Greivious is always coughing and wheezing like he can't breath yet he cacn existed outside his ship in a vacuum with out to much problems.
7. When Kenobi is fighting Greivious he uses no TK attacks even when he had a clear advantage. I assume he was delaying into reinforcements arrived. However the second time when Kenobi lost his light saber he had no reason and several good ones to use TK to throw Grevious off the platform yet he doesn't.
8. Why didn't Kenobi use his TK to pull his light saber back into his hand after he drops it.
9. Why were there no alarms when the clones attacked the planent where Kenobi and Grevious were fighting. Even if they didn't have active sensors they should have at least some look outs.
10. Yoda mention the netherworld of the force. Do they ever mention it inany of the books about what it is like
11. Not so much in the movie but Jedi are not supposed to have famillies. It seems like they would incourage famillies as it would provide an extra anchor holding them to the light side. Also since the force is partly herdity it would allow them to increase their numbers. Plus if you forbide attachements they will usally form anyways and then the they will try to hide and put them even closer to the dark side.
There were many other parts in the movie that seems a little iffy but these are enough to start.