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Updates at the Domus Publica
Posted: 2005-12-12 05:38pm
by Publius
Once again, there have been a number of updates to the Domus Publica site, including biographies of
High General Cassio Tagge,
Admiral Terrinald Screed,
Mahd Windcaller,
Grand Inquisitor Laddinare, Lord Torbin,
"Supreme Warlord" Harrsk,
"Superior General" Delvardus, and
"High Admiral" Teradoc, and also an entry on
Rendili StarDrive (RSD) in "A Billion Here, a Billion There..." Part three – the hunt for Harkov and the 'mag pulse' affair – has been added to the biography of
Tan Maarek Stele, ace of aces. This last biography should be finished soon, hopefully to be followed by updates to "Something Wicked This Way Comes."
In the Invention section,
Chapter Nine and
Chapter Ten have been added to part three ("The Emperor's New Clones") of
The Test of Wills, bringing that project to a close. A series of notes may eventually be appended to document the various canonical elements of the story (so as to distinguish them from the author's own inventions). Also, work is underway on another Silver Fox story.
As always, any questions, comments, suggestions, or observations are welcome and much appreciated.
Posted: 2005-12-13 12:00am
by President Sharky
I must applaud you on all your articles for their meticulous attention to detail. I also must congratulate you for completing The Test of Wills, which I now consider the single greatest fanfic I have ever read. It has been an ongoing dream of mine to read a novelization of Dark Empire (particularly the first one), a story whose deep psychological angles were sacrificed for the brevity required of the comic medium. The Test of Wills explored the inner thoughts of the characters and gave me an extremely detailed character study of both Luke and the Emperor. Marvelous work, Publius.
Posted: 2005-12-13 08:00am
by Mange
Extensive and interesting articles as usual (I particulary like the articles about the various companies and I'm really looking forward to an article about Sienar Fleet Systems)! Great job, Publius!
Posted: 2005-12-14 04:47am
by FTeik
Wow, an excellent read articles like story. Ever thought about becoming a professional author?
Would you consider posting your stories at other boards/sites? The fanfiction-archive of TFN for example? Might help support the cause, if you know what i mean.
Posted: 2005-12-14 08:03am
by Ford Prefect
I have to say Pubilus that your work on the Domus Publica is admirable. Such detail and the extent of your research is amazing. As a Star Wars reference site, it is excellent.
Posted: 2005-12-15 09:09pm
by Publius
And on that happy note, the biography of Tan Maarek Stele has been finished, complete with his most outrageous feats of godlike piloting. Hopefully, Zaarin will be added before this author leaves on holiday.
Posted: 2005-12-16 07:53am
by Admiral Felire
Great job as usual. I was wondering if you were planning on doing a biography on Thawn, Pellaeon, or Daala. While I hate Daala I think your biography of her would be quite entertaining to read. The other two are great characters and it would be quite nice to be able to read your awesome biographies of them.
Keep of the good work and enjoy the holidays.
Posted: 2005-12-16 08:18am
by Ghost Rider
Fantastic work, and honestly I have enjoyed both Test of Wills and the bio of Maarek Stele and his insane accomplishments that you have done very well to try to make sense of.
Posted: 2005-12-16 04:18pm
by Publius
Demetrius Zaarin has been added to "Who's Who: Selected Biographies from a Galaxy Far, Far Away."
Posted: 2005-12-16 04:24pm
by Darth Wong
Dammit, I've got to remember to add this to my site links the next time I update.
Posted: 2005-12-17 05:22am
by Robert Treder
Great work as always. I'm a bit surprised that in Tan Stele's bio, you give no mention of Hamo Blastwell's connection to Keyan Farlander. Not that it's super-significant, but since that's just about all Mr. Blastwell is noteable for (as far as I know), I thought it'd be worth a mention.
Posted: 2005-12-17 09:45am
by Publius
Robert Treder wrote:Great work as always. I'm a bit surprised that in Tan Stele's bio, you give no mention of Hamo Blastwell's connection to Keyan Farlander. Not that it's super-significant, but since that's just about all Mr. Blastwell is noteable for (as far as I know), I thought it'd be worth a mention.
That's because this author hasn't got a copy of
X-Wing or
The Farlander Papers. Although, now that you mention it, a connection between Tan Maarek Stele and Keyan Farlander -- a similarly outrageous pilot, in the mold of Luke Skywalker -- is indeed interesting.
Posted: 2005-12-17 09:47am
by Vympel
Who's Keyan Farlander? Wouldn't happen to be the guy we play as in X-Wing, would it?
Posted: 2005-12-17 09:56am
by Ender
Vympel wrote:Who's Keyan Farlander? Wouldn't happen to be the guy we play as in X-Wing, would it?
He's mentioned in the NJO as a Jedi General.
Posted: 2005-12-17 09:58am
by Ender
Publius wrote:Robert Treder wrote:Great work as always. I'm a bit surprised that in Tan Stele's bio, you give no mention of Hamo Blastwell's connection to Keyan Farlander. Not that it's super-significant, but since that's just about all Mr. Blastwell is noteable for (as far as I know), I thought it'd be worth a mention.
That's because this author hasn't got a copy of
X-Wing or
The Farlander Papers. Although, now that you mention it, a connection between Tan Maarek Stele and Keyan Farlander -- a similarly outrageous pilot, in the mold of Luke Skywalker -- is indeed interesting.
I'd say the fact that they lazily went and copied the old "all great pilots must be force sensitive!111" is anything but interesting myself. But that's just a criticism of shitty writers and LFL.
You might want to reference what the TPM novel has to say about precog and podracing some in addition to the Gambler's world quote in Steele's bio.
Posted: 2005-12-17 10:03am
by Vympel
Ugh- a Jedi general? But of course, that explains my victories. I would fail the mission, then do it again, and I could see things before they happened ...
Posted: 2005-12-17 10:29am
by Ghost Rider
Vympel wrote:Ugh- a Jedi general? But of course, that explains my victories. I would fail the mission, then do it again, and I could see things before they happened ...
How else would you explain that you can take down capital ships
Nonetheless that they made Keyan a force sensitive was pointless, Stele as well in the regards that Fel wasn't, and nor was Wedge. It is interesting to note and I wonder myself, is there any further tales of Stele, because I know Farlander appears in the NJO.
Posted: 2005-12-17 10:47am
by Ender
You know, it occurs to me -
Publis wrote a short about Screed taking personal interest in the "Victory" project.
The NEC has Screed taking (in part) command of the "Victor Initiative Project"
Posted: 2005-12-17 02:31pm
by Publius
Ghost Rider wrote:Nonetheless that they made Keyan a force sensitive was pointless, Stele as well in the regards that Fel wasn't, and nor was Wedge. It is interesting to note and I wonder myself, is there any further tales of Stele, because I know Farlander appears in the NJO.
The adventure seed in "The Emperor's Pawns" indicates that Stele was still a Naval Aviator as the beginning of the Vong invasion, and was involved in patrols of restricted space near the Imperial border. Unfortunately, although he is known to have at least stopped one spacecraft near the border, it isn't known what he was looking for, or if it were found. It's only an adventure seed, however, and very brief.
Posted: 2005-12-17 05:25pm
by President Sharky
Publius, I was wondering: now that The Test of Wills is complete, what are you planning as your next major undertaking in the "Invention" section? Will you go ahead with a "novelization" of DEII, or will you perhaps create a Clone Wars era story?
Posted: 2005-12-18 12:16pm
by Publius
President Sharky wrote:Publius, I was wondering: now that The Test of Wills is complete, what are you planning as your next major undertaking in the "Invention" section? Will you go ahead with a "novelization" of DEII, or will you perhaps create a Clone Wars era story?
The next 'big project' is an original story called
The Dance of Illusions, set some time before the Naboo Crisis that propelled Senator Palpatine to the Chancellor's podium, when Mace Windu is still a Padawan Apprentice (only a brief cameo by freshman Senator Palpatine, in fact). Unfortunately, the story is undergoing a major revision, and probably won't be ready for quite some time. There are already references to the story in
The Test of Wills, inspired by the
Dark Empire Sourcebook's mention of the Krath and the Heresiarchs.
Other projects in the works (in varying degrees of completion) include "A Picturesque Uniform," a treatment of piracy, the merchant marine, and other navies in the Empire, "Pass in Review," an article about various aspects of Imperial uniforms, "All Stars Lead to Coruscant," a general article about the size and scale of the Empire, "Morning Star," a biography of Ulic Qel-Droma, and then eventually (someday!) articles on
Starship Troopers,
The Forever War,
Nineteen Eighty-Four,
Equilibrium, and Admiral of the Fleet The Rt. Hon. The Lord Hornblower of Smallbridge KB. This is to say nothing of "Something Wicked This Way Comes," "Who's Who," and "A Billion Here, a Billion There..."; it goes without saying that this site will be under progress for years to come, very likely.
As for biographies, Bevel Lemelisk, Umak Leth, the Lady Santhe, Zsinj, Harkov, Teren Rogriss, Turr Phennir, the Lord Tion, and others are currently planned. Grand Admiral Thrawn and Captain Pellaeon are more than adequately treated elsewhere, so there is no real need for biographies of them (or Ysanne Isard and Darth Vader, for that matter -- one might note that "Who's Who" tends to focus on lesser known and neglected characters), and "Fleet Admiral" Daala is far too likely to aggravate the author's blood pressure. She's already received all the attention she deserves in the biographies of Harrsk, Delvardus, Teradoc, and Getelles.
Posted: 2005-12-18 12:28pm
by Ender
Publius wrote: "All Stars Lead to Coruscant," a general article about the size and scale of the Empire, "
Awesome, I was gonna ask you if you were ever going to do somethig like that. Will it simply look at the holdings of the Empire, or also consider the changes in territory between the Republic, Confederacy, Empire, warlords, New republic, and Galactic Alliance? Because the bits about the OR get strange from time to time and I for one would like to see it hashed out.
Posted: 2005-12-23 09:42pm
by Publius
One last update before the year is out: A short story, "
The Chase," has been added to the Invention section (due to the vagaries of taking leave, the link does not actually appear on the main page). Needless to say -- like
The Test of Wills -- this story contains an homage to a horror film series.
Also, Yasir `Arafat is still dead.
Posted: 2005-12-24 04:12pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Who are the rogue Inquisitors' employer?
Posted: 2005-12-25 01:38am
by Robert Treder
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Who are the rogue Inquisitors' employer?
Isn't it Jerec?