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Rise Of Vader

Posted: 2005-12-16 08:20pm
by Waddles McGee
A friend and I have been debating for quite some time when Annakin ceased to exsist.

He says that the moment the suit was put on, Annakin became Darth Vader. I however, quoted the OT and what obiwan said, which was along the lines of:
"The moment your father betrayed the republic, He ceased to be Annakin Skywalker and became Darth Vader."

I then said that according to most sources, Annakin was killed the moment he pledged alliegence to the Emperor.

What do you think? Did he truly die when he lost his looks, his morality, or other?

Posted: 2005-12-16 08:32pm
by Stuart Mackey
I think you need to redo the poll, it too much of a black and white question. I would say the 'death' is a series of events from the temple massacre to the events on Mustafar. The suit and the allegiance are symptoms of what is happening to Anakin, not the problem itself..

Posted: 2005-12-16 08:34pm
by Elheru Aran
You know that scene where Anakin's sitting in the Council chambers, looking outwards to Padme's building? And a tear rolls down his cheek eventually? Lucas has said, IIRC, that that's the moment when he made his decision, to turn upon his Jedi upbringing and vows and become Palpatine's apprentice.

EDIT: As Stuart says, however, it doesn't entirely happen at one point. He initially went into it merely to save Padme; then, after rescuing Palpatine from Windu, the Republic and saving thereof became a major motivation. On Mustafar, apparently he became ambitious (ref his lines to Padme about overthrowing the Emperor), but after his defeat and en-armouring, supporting the Empire became his primary motivation.

Posted: 2005-12-16 08:38pm
by Waddles McGee
Thanks, I needed some help. What does IIRC mean BTW?

As for you stuart, you're right, I should redo the poll. It is a bit black and white right or wrong answer. Sorry.

Thanks for your help.

Emperor Brandon

Posted: 2005-12-16 08:39pm
by Elheru Aran
IIRC=If I Recall Correctly. There's a list of commonly used acronymns in Announcements.

Posted: 2005-12-16 09:00pm
by Noble Ire
While I think Anakin really became Vader with naming, there were elements of Anakin strongly manifested in him until his near death and reconstruction, at which point what he once was would be all but gone for decades.

Posted: 2005-12-17 12:43pm
by Cykeisme
The topic is waaaay too subjective. There's no point trying to find a hard and fast answer.

Perhaps he ceased to exist when he made the decision to save Padme at all costs. From a certain point of view, it was when Darth Sidious named him Darth Vader. From another, it was when he was encased in the black armor. Maybe it was sometime during the twenty interceding years.
Of course, for practical, real, medical (legal?) purposes, Anakin only ceased to exist in the second Death Star's hangar bay, when his biological functions stopped.

Then again, thanks to Qui-Gon's technique (most likely taught to Anakin post-mortem) his identity persists in perpetuity in the Force, so one might say that he never did cease to exist, and possibly never will.

Btw, shouldn't a "Sci-Fi Fan of the Earth" know how to spell "Anakin"?
Just kiddin' :P