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A grand admiral at the Moff Council in ANH?

Posted: 2005-12-26 03:05am
by Jack Bauer
During the round table discussion among the Moff Council aboard the Death Star in Ep. 4, we distinctly see an officer wearing a white Imperial uniform. The color of the uniform as well as the rankings seem to indicate a grand admiral. He IS missing the golden epaulets of a GA however. Just who is this officer and what is his offical rank?

In retrospect, this officer (sporting grey hair and moustache no less) reminds me of future Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon (if he was ever to be portrayed on screen).

Posted: 2005-12-26 03:09am
by Jack Bauer
On further analysis (I can't provide a screen cap at the moment), the officer's insignia is a singular horizontal bar composing of 6 blocks. These blocks are evenly divided with three red blocks and three blue ones, going from left to right.

Does anyone know what this means ranking-wise?

Posted: 2005-12-26 04:02am
by Vympel
He's not a Grand Admiral, this was debunked on SWTC IIRC.

Posted: 2005-12-26 07:44am
by Lord Revan
He's a ISB colonel, not a Grand Admiral (or equilevant).

EDIT:not my idea, it's from SWTC.

Posted: 2005-12-26 08:45am
by NecronLord
His uniform is 'off white' or 'cream' really. He is of course, not intended as a grand admiral (invented long after ANH was filmed), and the ISB colonel is a good an explanation as any.

Posted: 2005-12-26 02:25pm
by Drooling Iguana
NecronLord wrote:His uniform is 'off white' or 'cream' really. He is of course, not intended as a grand admiral (invented long after ANH was filmed), and the ISB colonel is a good an explanation as any.
His name didn't happen to be phoenetically similar to Sanders, did it?

'Cause that's what I always called him.

Posted: 2005-12-26 02:38pm
by Archon
Isn't it ISB Colonel Wullf Yularen?

Posted: 2005-12-31 03:20am
by Tychu
i dont know if we discussed this before or Insider

It was eitehr us, Insider or the commentary on the DVD's

Your talking about that old looking guy who dosent say anthing he just has his hand to his chin. Yeah hes not a grand moff

oh god i wish i can figure out where the hell they explain that

I do have a question/statement though. Ive always been under the impression that the Grand Moffs answer to Palpatine. The Death Star was commanded by Grand Moff Tarkin. It was his, there really is no reason to have 2 grand moffs on station. could start up a bit trouble

Posted: 2005-12-31 03:26am
by Adrian Laguna
Tychu wrote:I do have a question/statement though. Ive always been under the impression that the Grand Moffs answer to Palpatine. The Death Star was commanded by Grand Moff Tarkin. It was his, there really is no reason to have 2 grand moffs on station. could start up a bit trouble
That's kind of the whole point, I think. The Death Star is a powerful super-weapon and Palpatine would want to make sure that there are various high-ranking officers aboard who are very unlikely to get toguether and try anything funny. That's why there are two Moffs plus Palpy's favorite attack dog and right-hand man Vader all aboard the DS.

Posted: 2005-12-31 03:45am
by Publius
The character in question was identified by the Decipher CCG as ISB Colonel Wulff Yularen, political attaché to Grand Moff Tarkin. Presumably he was a sort of political officer or commissar; the card does specifically make a note of his ruthlessness and fanatical loyalty to the Galactic Emperor, meaning that he may have been a royal watchdog kept in plain sight to help draw attention away from whatever other spies the Emperor may have kept on the Death Star (such as the RA-7 'Death Star droids').